Meeting a Plein Air Artist Daniel Marshall

Meeting Daniel Marshall, one of Colorado’s most decorated watercolor artist was pure luck. Driving the quiet backroads of Route 6 parallel to the east bound highway I could not help but notice a painter facing the iconic red barn and stable in Wolcott, Colorado.

Instantly I knew I was about to miss something, had I not stopped. It would have been a distinctive structure right in our backyard, painted as a work of art that I would never see? An accomplished artist I came close proximity with, but will never know?

I did not get far with the rumbling regrets churning in my head and quickly turned around at the next bend. Approaching him unassumingly, I quickly struck a friendly conversation. Before long I asked permission to grab my camera from my car to shoot him while he paints.

Dan Marshall is a plein air artist, someone who would rather abandon the four walls of his studio to capture the moments he intuitively experience, painting and drawing out in the open.

The morning light was starting to get little harsh, nevertheless I took many shots of his effortless tonal and impressionist strokes on watercolor. Watching him work makes you wonder if ink runs in his veins.

The quotes in larger font used here from Dan’s website as ‘Artist Statement’.

"I strive to bring a sense of space and atmosphere, with an elegance and quiet sophistication to all my work".

Dan is also a successful world-travelled tattoo artist with a studio gallery and private tattoo space in Pennsylvania Avenue in Denver.

TUBE type watercolors used (Windsor Newton, Holbein, Daniel Smith)
Dan Marshalls’ work is a poetic narrative, each piece tells a unique story.
“I like to think that I chose to work in watercolor but in many ways watercolor chose me.”
“We have an agreement, it goes where it wants with little direction from me. Watercolor is not a medium that is "pushed" around.”
“Instead you have to adapt and abandon rigidity as it flows and runs across the paper creating hypnotic washes.”
“I’m just trying to present myself to nature, and the joy of that, and look at everyday life … and get out of the studio.”
“I strive to bring a sense of space and atmosphere, with a cinematic elegance and quiet sophistication to my work.”
The final artwork - Stable at Wolcott in watercolor.

This is a tripod mounted Painting Box 100% handmade by Dan, field and ergonomically tested. This all in one box allows the painter to work with direct access to field painting.


Daniel Marshall works in his own studio gallery and private tattoo space, Atelier 71.

Atelier 71

86 Pennsylvania St Denver, CO 80203


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