Deep Dive Sicily 2025 14th - 19th May 2025

Deep Dive into Self

14th to 19th May 2025 Near Taormina, Sicily, Italy

What? Learn to dive in the ocean and into yourself to reveal what you are called to do next

How? Combine learning to dive with finding the unique combination to unlock your mind and live from your highest potential

Why? As change appears to accelerate, each of us is being called to breathe deeper, to dive deeper into ourselves and climb higher. Are you ready?

Why Deep Dive?

hi, I'm Jack Mazzola and I'm a PADI Instructor based in Belize and Florida

From childhood, many of us have been bound by illusions - false beliefs about who we are, inherited traumas, and fear-based thinking. This conditioning keeps us trapped in a 3D world where disconnection from our true nature is often labeled as “normal.” It pulls us further away from the essence of who we are, the source that created us, and the Divine connection to Mother Nature.

Over the past few years, scuba diving has offered me a profound sense of connection- to nature, to myself, and to life itself. The act of breathing underwater, finding the rhythm of my breath, and achieving perfect buoyancy has become a metaphor for freedom. Diving has allowed me to create spaciousness between my limiting beliefs and my true self. It’s been an entry point to rediscover who I truly am- a journey back to pure consciousness, back home.

Find out more: book a call with Jack Mazzola -

Scuba diving and parallels to life

Conquering my fears, especially the fear of dying- like running out of air- was transformational.

How often in life do we feel like we’re “running out of air”? Moments when we drop to our knees, hands thrown up, saying: “What is life all about? I can’t do this anymore. There has to be more. Why can’t I find peace? I just wish the voices in my head would stop.”

Good news- you’re not alone.

Let’s rediscover the oneness that connects us all, to nature and to each other. Join me, along with Alexander, Source and Founder of the Masterpiece Movement, and Karen, Source and Founder of Ellev8 and Unique & Exquisite Journeys, for an unforgettable week designed to help dismantle fear-based conditioning and uncover your life’s purpose.

What is calling you in 2025?

More impact, more intimacy, more income, more being well, more you…?

As change around the world appears to accelerate, each of us is called to dive beyond the mind and surrender to a greater purpose.

Our mind is incredibly powerful. By the age of 7, it has learned to eat, walk and talk. By the age of 21, it has learned to drive, get a degree, drink and make love!

However, it also learns to keep us in our comfort zone and avoid repeating whatever trauma we have experienced no matter how big or small it turns out to be: from being told we’re not musical, attractive or creative enough, to being scolded by our parents, or accidentally locked in the bathroom, to feeling like we don’t quite fit it, we’re not doing it right, our parents divorce, bankruptcy or some form of bullying or abuse.

There is immense wisdom in whatever trauma you have experienced. It is a key to unlock the unique combination of your mind so you can hear what the greater divine mind has in store for you. The deeper we dive, the clearer the message.

During the Deep Dive retreat, you will discover the unique combination to your mind, unlock one or two keys and hear what you are called to do next.

You will leave knowing what you are called to do to create more impact, experience more intimacy, get more money flowing and be more you.

Deep Dive is one of the fastest ways we know to change your world for good.

Find out more: book a call with Jack Mazzola -

Learn to scuba dive with guidance from me and expert Italian Dive Masters. Together, we’ll help you overcome any fear of diving (if there is one) so you can experience the beauty of the underwater world without the goggles of fear.

You’ll see how the lessons of scuba diving- breath, balance, and trust- apply profoundly to everyday life.

Submerge yourself in the stunning Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Taormina, Sicily. Dive among ancient Roman ruins, reconnect to the gods who once walked this land, and rediscover the vibrant energy that is your true essence.

Join us to dive deep into yourself and discover what is calling you from deep inside. The scuba starts the journey and we continue being guided by Alexander Inchbald, Source of the #Masterpiece Methodology and supported by Karen Kennaby, Source of Ellev8 and Unique & Exquisite Events

Let’s take this transformative journey together.

A few snapshots from the last Deep Dive, in Belize

Jack Mazzola, Founder Blue Dive Tours, Source of Deep Dive

PADI Instructor based in Belize and Florida, entrepreneur, visionary, coach

Find out more about Deep Dive: book a call with Jack - or WhatsApp: +1 (917) 686-7747

Karen Kennaby, Source & Founder: Ellev8 and Unique & Exquisite Journeys

Journey creator extraordinaire, entrepreneur, coach, your unwavering guide and muse throughout this exquisite journey will be by your side, believing in you, supporting you, and helping you reveal and radiate your light

Alexander Inchbald, Founder & Source #masterpiece agency

The visionary behind the #masterpiece agency, an author and mystical artist, will guide you to deep dive to unlock your mind, reclaim the artist inside and bring your purpose to life

You do not need to be able to Scuba dive for this, or... you may be an experienced diver, this unique retreat is designed for all levels of abilities - and fear

Stay in a wonderful traditional villa overlooking the bay of Taormina with delicious meals prepared by a private chef

Venture further afield on this wonderful ancient island full of the wonder of the Gods

Enjoy Sicily's finest food! Such as delicious cannolli!

To explore whether this is for you book a call now with Jack Mazzola


Created with images by Jukka - "Scuba diver on coral reef" • top images - "Conceptual abstraction of brain neurons. Insight concept. Portrait with selective focus and copy space" • jordi2r - "Fishing port with old wooden fishing boats in Sicily, Italy" • Marco - "Street food in sicilia" • Anna_Anny - "fresh sicilian cannoli dish"