Read until the end to see Caseobysseus' SICK ride!

The stoic Caseobysseus gazes at the menacing red blinking coming from the dashboard of his cybertruck as he pulls into the intergalactic charging station. He had been on the road for days, and he knew that if he was caught outside of the boundaries of his district, he would be arrested, or worse. Cradling the fake ID he stole from a night watcher in one hand, and tugging urgently on the CleanAir™️ face mask supplied to humans needing to exceed the threshold of recommended natural oxygen intake for his age; roughly three times a day being the only safe dosage for a middle age man to come in contact with the grossly polluted air. For him however, it also acted as a last resort disguise, fooling any robotic officer, the roughly seven to six security cameras serveiling every inch of his district, and bounty hunters intended to win the $500,000 promised for his capture, dead or alive. Caseobysseus, although cunning and sneaky, only manages to charge his car to 10% before trouble starts to break loose. A distinctive branding on his forearm, slightly above his wrist, gets noticed by the robot overlookers at the station. Casobysseus realizes his cover is blown and tries to slyly pull the sleeves of his torn and filthy shirt once the bot starts marching over. As soon as he looks up, he is face to face with over 200lbs of angry and militant code. Immediately, the entire zone is put on an urgent lock down as Caseobysseus runs for dear life. He knew very well, of course, that his human body was of no match to the impeccable ability of the robot, which was now sprinting at full speed towards him. Fumbling in his pants pocket, he grasps at an odd looking contraption, built by himself for the robots before humanity was overthrown, only, he could have never imagined such tyranny coming from creations meant to help and serve humankind. With all the strength and stamina he could muster, the brave Caseobysseus pointed the device at the charging robot with only seconds to spare, aimed, and then fired. The taser-like device sent electric shocks through the animatronic, and with a loud thud it hit the ground. Successfully, it had been disabled, and could no longer operate on its own. The sight of what the situation had come to made Caseobysseus' eyes fill with tears, and a pit of regret formed in his mind. Never, since the design of the first super robot, had Caseobysseus ever thought to have to put an end to real or artificial life, especially that of his own creation. The love he first felt gazing upon his prototype, and memories of how life was before he slowly lost control of the mechanical beings he had made flooded his mind “What have I done?” Caseobysseus asks himself, as he sulks back to his vehicle. It has now reached 100%.

It took 7 weeks and 2 days for him to make it from that gloomy charging station to the capital of the metaverse, L.SCAV. There was no definitive answer as to what the mysterious acronym meant, aside from one widely agreed upon meaning: Life Scavenge, possibly referencing the 1.7 billion lives lost after the first RWW (Robot World War), which left humankind scraping for any resources it could find and forced 2.3 billion civilians into poverty. Caseobysseus was one of the fortunate few who managed to hold it out much better than most, thanks to his high-ranking job at WaffleHouseIncorporated, one of the only surviving entirely human-based organizations after the war that specializes not only in cybersecurity but also in defending the little remaining rights and freedoms of human beings. Well, that was before he resigned after figuring out his true purpose: to put an end to his abomination. He was the one who started this uprising, and now he’d be the one to end it.


As the sleek, turbocharged vehicle effortlessly glided through the cityscape, its advanced aerodynamics and hybrid drivetrain seamlessly blended, delivering an exhilarating fusion of horsepower and torque. The cutting-edge chassis and all-wheel-drive system ensured a ride that felt like a dance with the future, while the smartly integrated anti-lock braking system and catalytic converter showcased a harmonious balance between performance and eco-friendliness. This was his ride, designed for battle, as you can clearly see, which he liked to call the PattyWagon, unironically. But this wasn't just a car; it was a symphony of technology, where RPM met innovation, and every curve of the road became a canvas for the artistically engineered masterpiece on wheels. Not only was Caseobysseus equipped with this marvel of technology, which, dare I say, was a glory to behold in and of itself, he was also equipped with his robot-neutralizing RayGunTM. He felt almost sad to have to use such violence, but when push comes to shove, love will never be enough. After some significant time driving, the unyielding Caseobysseus had finally made his arrival in L.SCAV, and the repulsive sight of robot tyranny oozed from the city so much that it almost made him shiver. He put his battle mobile into action mode and, wielding the weapon that decided humanity's fate, announced on his intercom, "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick [REDACTED]... and I'm all out of bubblegum.”

This is his car by the way.

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