
Young Life Expeditions Vida Joven Nicaragua

Young Life (Vida Joven) Nicaragua started in 1988 at the end of the Contra War in the city of Matagalpa in the north part of the country. The ministry grew as our Nicaraguan leaders accepted the call of God to go and reach kids in new neighborhoods and new cities. Now, Vida Joven is present in the majority of the departments, with more than 200 clubs nationwide. Our dream is to reach every department by 2025. La Finca (which means the farm in Spanish) is our Vida Joven camp. It started in 1994 and receives more than 4,000 kids with their leaders each year.

Come! See! Engage! Booking Now for 2024. 8 Day Trip $850* includes:

  • Work along side staff and leaders for the week
  • 2 days/1 night spent in a local YL area
  • 4 service days at La Finca: a coffee farm & YL camp
  • 1 night debrief experience

*Includes: all ground transportation, meals, accommodations, project supplies, travel medical insurance, and a local ministry donation. **Airfare, and $10 tourist visa not included

North American visitors will have the opportunity to serve shoulder to shoulder with Nicaraguan Vida Joven leaders on significant projects at camp or in the communities. They may arrive as strangers but they will leave as friends, having a chance to experience the beauty of Nicaraguan hospitality and culture. Our camp, La Finca, is not only a great place for kids to meet Jesus, it’s also a farm where the best coffee in the world is produced under our brand, 41&Change. While at camp, enjoy your own private tour of the coffee making process!