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Our Manor 16-20 September 2024

Welcome to this week's newsletter

It has been another great week here at Manor School. I have enjoyed speaking to students about what they are learning in lessons and how they have settled in after the summer break. Our students are really positive about the new changes that have been made since the summer.

It was really positive going to our Sixth Form Welcome Evening on Thursday. Our Year 12s have settled in well and are appreciative of the opportunities the sixth form provides. We will see more interaction with our lower school students as sixth formers support around school. They really are a great example for our younger students.

The big news of the week is that we have once again been recognised as a Music Mark school. This is a huge achievement but reflects the hard work and that Mrs Jarvis and her team have made at Manor. I am looking forward to seeing what productions they put on in our run up to Christmas, showing off the talent we have here at Manor.

I wish our community a great weekend - see you all next week.

Adam Crawte, Interim Principal

Why attendance matters

Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways we can prepare our students for success - both in school and in life. By making school attendance a priority, we are developing healthy life habits and enabling our students to have a better chance of academic success.

A key factor in raising levels of achievement in our school is establishing a regular pattern of attendance and punctuality. Students cannot achieve if they are absent from school. Positive attitudes towards attendance enable students to maximise their opportunities both in school and in later life.

When students are absent for fewer days, their progress and reading skills often improve - even among those students who are struggling in school. Students who attend school regularly also feel more connected to their community, develop important social skills and friendships, and are significantly more likely to achieve academic success, setting them up for a strong future.

Our school attendance expectation is 97%.

Achievement research has shown that achievement is directly linked to attendance. Students with a high level of attendance invariably perform better in class and in examinations. The following facts and statistics underline the importance of regular attendance:

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Name tags and lost property

Please can parents/carers ensure that full names are in all uniform items to allow for a quick return to students.

If a student has lost/mislaid any of their personal belongings, they should check our lost property collection in the LRC.

Duke of Edinburgh Award applications

We are offering the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) to students in Year 9.

The DofE is a great chance for your child to broaden their horizons, discover new interests and talents, have fun with friends, develop essential skills for their future and achieve an internationally renowned award.

For full details and the enrolment form, please download the letter below. Please note that the completed form must be returned to Miss Pell and the payment made on Arbor by Monday 7 October.

Music Mark

We are delighted to be recognised as a Music Mark School for our music department's commitment to providing a high-quality music education for all children and young people.

A huge well done goes out to our fantastic music staff for this achievement.

LRC opening hours

A reminder that our LRC is open after school until 4:15pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for students to complete homework or read a book in a quiet, calm environment. It will be supervised by Mrs Scattergood. Everyone is welcome!

Please note that the LRC will close at 3:15pm on Tuesdays.

Book donations wanted

Do you have any unwanted books that you would be happy to donate to our library? We are looking for books to add to our shelves for students to read. If you are happy to donate books to the cause, please send them in with your child to be handed in to the librarian.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

PE news and notices

Sports clubs

A huge thank you to students who came to one of the PE after-school clubs this week. Remember that everyone is welcome and they just need to turn up on the day. There is no need to be put off if there are older students there or people they don't know as everyone is there for the same thing - to enjoy the sports activity!

This week we have our first U13 girls football game on Thursday, plus we have a number of the boys football teams in county cup action. Year 9 and KS4 netball games start the week after, and the U15 boys district league games will start too.

Sports leaders

Another thank you to students who wrote to Miss Hustwait to express their interest in the sports leaders programme for this year. There were some excellent letters and emails sent in and some of the leaders will have their first chance to lead this coming Wednesday for a KS1 multiskills festival at the Pemberton Centre.

There will be lots of opportunities for all the leaders throughout the year, but some dates for the diary include Thursday 3 October where they are invited to represent PE for the Year 6 into 7 Open Evening, and Wednesday 6 November to complete some training for the upcoming Sports Hall athletics competitions.

Fixtures results

Our U14 boys county KO fixture at home versus Abbeyfield School took place on Wednesday. We are proud to announce that they won 5-4, with goals scored from Charlie B, Bobby L, Locke A & Jack M. This win will see them play the winners of the game between Huxlow and Lodge Park, with the fixture to be arranged before October half-term.

Extra-curricular timetable

Two languages clubs have been added to our extra-curricular offer. Students are welcome to come along on Monday lunchtimes for support with their German, or why not try learning a completely new language with our Japanese club on Thursday lunchtimes.

We also have a new street dance club taking place after school on Fridays. This club is led by one of our sixth form students with supervision from a teacher.

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2025 admissions

Applications are now open for admissions into Year 7 for September 2025. For further information and to apply, please click here.

Applications received after the deadline (31 Oct) will only be considered after the on-time applications have been dealt with.

Community events

Upcoming Raunds events

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Freedom Leisure open weekend

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Silhouette Youth Theatre

SEND Youth Club

Dates for your diary

House points