Free event for any educator & pre-service teacher
Venue - RMIT Storey Hall
342–344 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Monday 30th September
Subject to some changes
8:30 AM - Arrive at the Storey Hall Foyer (016.05.004)
9:00 AM - Official welcome by Professor Simone White (RMIT Dean, Education Faculty) introduction by Adobe Edu Team in Lecture Theatre (016.01.001)
9:30 AM - Breakout session 1 (various rooms and online)
10:30 AM - Morning Tea (Auditorium Foyer)
11:00 AM - Breakout session 2 (various rooms and online)
12:30 PM - Lunch (find a local provider or BYO)
1:25 PM - (Make your way to the Storey Hall Auditorium for the main plenary and live stream )
1:30 PM - Welcome by Professor Sherman Young ( RMIT, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Vice-President) & the Adobe Edu Team
1:35 PM - Adobe Express School Scenarios Part 1
2:00 PM - Creative Catalyst Talk - Juliette Bentley
Digital Literacy Superheroes: Empowering Students with Adobe Express
2:15 PM - Adobe Express School Scenarios Part 2
2:45 PM - Keynote (Pip Cleaves)
AI in Education - How I see it. How I use it.
3:05 PM - Refection & Q&A
3:15 PM - Break (Not catered)
3:45 PM - Creative Catalyst Talk - Mark Christie
Fair Smoothies
4:00 PM - Curly Questions- Panel Session (moderated by Al Briggs)
4:30 PM - End of livestream, prizes and feedback
5:00 PM - Conclude