
3rd May 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 14th May – Tea & Talk: Nursery to Reception Transition 8.50am

Monday 20th May – Tea & Talk: Year 1 phonics screening 8.50am

Tuesday 21st May – Tea & Talk: Year 4 Multiplication Checks 8.50am

Friday 24th May – Year 6 cake sale

Friday 24th May – Break up for half term – 3.10pm pick up

Monday 3rd June – Return to the Academy

Tuesday 18th June – Sports Day – EYFS & KS1- times to be confirmed shortly

Wednesday 19th June – Sports Day – KS2 – times to be confirmed shortly

Monday 24th June – Wednesday 26th June – Year 6 PGL

Friday 19th July – Summer Fete – 3.30pm – 6pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Disco

Wednesday 24th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Wednesday 24th July - Meet your child’s new teacher – from 1.15pm

Wednesday 24th July - Last day of term – 1.15pm collection


Dear parents /carers,

This week we were able to start welcoming our future Reception families to the academy. Parents will start to receive information on their school placements and now we can start preparing for settling and transition from nursery. We cannot wait to see them cross over the Rockpool garden and join Reception as a ‘Starfish’ or ‘Jellyfish’. They are already familiar with the adults as they play in the Rockpool garden. Mrs Lowe and Miss Wise will be in communication as part of our induction process. We need that is a significant milestone. Our website has some helpful information on the Early Years including induction and school skills should you wish to take a look.

We also hosted our nursery open evening and enjoyed meeting new families and seeing some of our Tiny Tiddlers from our preschool group come along in readiness for nursery. We had parents sign up and even have some young babies on the books. It is never too early to think about Nursery!

Did you know, our nursery has been here for a ¼ of a century. It is wonderful to have so many families and generations come through our doors.

Miss Davis was a nursery child in the first class and now she is the nursery Admissions officer!

Here is a picture of her then and now along with some of our children.

I know parents enjoyed looking at old photographs. Maybe this weekend share pictures from old albums of your first day at school or look back at the years gone by. I love a nostalgic journey through photos. It is good for the soul.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


Nursery in the spotlight

Starting Nursery is a significant milestone in our children’s lives. It can be exciting but also a little daunting which is why we spend time focused on those first steps to prepare and settle families for that big day and beyond. We have Tiny Tiddlers that provides early interaction and engagement for pre-schoolers and families. A session is held each week allowing relationships to blossom and familiarity to grow. This session is led by the Early Years lead which builds relationship and opportunity to know the needs and interests of the children. Tiny Tiddlers start Tiddlers, our Nursery with confidence and security. Security and growth is priority for all children who join Tiddlers and the team ensure that settling sessions and the first weeks are all about ‘building relationships’. The team are vibrant and full of energy. Together they provide a nurturing environment with Tiddlers and the wider Rockpool. The Rockpool is the space where all the Early Years are situated.

Nurture helps our young children form positive relationships, build resilience and improve their social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally

We know that children are at different stages of development – socially, emotionally, physically and academically – and need to be responded to at their developmental stage in each of these areas. Our team responds to each child’s individual needs, helping them to feel confident, safe and secure.

2. The Rockpool offers a safe base

The rockpool is an environment that is inviting and nurturing for all. The indoor and outdoor zones offers a balance of educational and social, emotional and mental health experiences aimed at supporting the development of children’s relationships with each other, their key worker and the wider team. All the team are reliable and consistent in their approach to children. They all know our children well.

We know that predictable routines provide clear expectations and positive models. They provide safe boundaries. Academy routines start in nursery. We also provide safe spaces to regulate or relax. Mindfulness is part of our provision.

3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing

Nurture involves listening and responding; tiddlers is a place full of talk. Our children are active in learning. Every child is valued and heard. They are tiny individuals supported in their character development and interests. The team notice and praise every small step and achievement. The welfare and wellbeing of our children is paramount.

4. Language is a vital means of communication

Our children are encouraged to express themselves. The team support them in developing their confidence and ideas; to understand their thoughts and feelings. We support them with the language and tools to manage their feelings. This enables words to be used instead of actions to express feelings, and imaginative play can be used to help children understand the feelings of others. We develop emotional literacy in nursery and beyond. Staff use commentary during play to model language and support development.

5. All behaviour is communication

People communicate through behaviour. It is the role of the team to help children and young people to understand their feelings, express their needs appropriately, and use non-threatening and supportive language to resolve situations.

The outward behaviour is often the ‘tip of the iceberg’ and we look to support the needs of the child through an holistic approach. This helps the team to consider, what are they trying to tell us? All the team use a relational approach to support children in managing their behaviour. Having a quiet area helps our children to calm, and give time to talk.

6. The importance of transitions in children’s lives

Children experience many transitions throughout their lives, and on a daily basis; transitions from home to school, between classes and teachers, from breaktime to lessons, or moving from primary to secondary school. Our staff help the children in transition with carefully managed preparation and support from the outset of starting school. We prepare our children for change and have settling and transition routines. We know that children and young people may feel calmer if time can be made to discuss how they feel when things change, in an open and honest way, to help them put coping strategies in place. Induction processes are in place for starting Tiddlers or Reception.

Nursery open evening

On Tuesday, Tiddlers opened their doors to new families and welcomed them to explore the nursery and show what we have to offer. It was a lovely way to spend an evening showing casing our extensive outdoor space, chatting with parents and children and seeing families leave with big smiles.

Here are just a few of our children who have been with us since nursery and are spending their primary school days with us.

For more information take a look at our website Nursery Admissions – Darlinghurst Academy


On Sunday, it was national superhero day. This was launched by Marvel and celebrates not only the popular fictional characters, but heroes all around the world. We wanted to celebrate our everyday heroes within our community, our children, our staff and our parents.

Art and the community

Eden Rose, a year 6 pupil, alongside a pupil from Chalkwell Hall school have been chosen as winners of St Vincent's Hungry Cupboard Art competition. Mrs Buckley represented our winner and Mr Cauchi presented the award. The winner’s designs will be reproduced and with the aid of a 3D printer and will be placed on a Hungry cupboard to raise awareness for the charity. We have won £250 in Amazon vouchers which will be great for special art supplies.

We were given a tour of St Vincent's which really is a fantastic centre helping homeless people and families that are experiencing hardship in our community.

I am so proud of Eden Rose, congratulations! - Mrs Buckley Art/DT Lead


This week, staff and children across the academy have been excited by the arrival of new story time books. Mrs Richards shared the parcels during assembly and spoke about how the books were chosen from best seller and top 100 children’s book lists. The children were thrilled to see new titles by well known authors, such as The Kindest Red by Ibtihaj Muhammad, People need People by Benjamin Zephaniah and The Little Match Girl Strikes Back by Emma Carroll. They were also eager to hear about some brand new authors, such as Clare Weze (Storm Swimmer), Ian Eagleton (Glitter Boy) and S F Said (Tyger). Reading for pleasure sessions and story times are such an important part of our day and the children cannot wait to start reading the new books.



Jellyfish 96%


Shrimp 97.6%


Coral 99.1%


Good luck to Finlay Dorrell, an ex-Darlinghurst student and Mrs Dorrell son, who is off to Wembley with Romford FC to play in the FA Vase final on the 11th May. We wish you and your team lots of luck!!


Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
