Rose-Hulman women break barriers, innovate industries, and transform technology.

Every day, especially during Women's History Month, we cheer on amazing women making history at and after Rose.

These accomplished leaders, scientists, athletes, and engineers honor the women who are part of their stories and share wisdom for younger women to write theirs.

Allie Fults

Allie Fults has served up leadership and athleticism as the president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committe and as a four-year member of the Rose-Hulman volleyball team. She also served as part of the Executive Committee for the Gamma Pi chapter of Tri Delta.

The senior civil engineering major and environmental engineering minor from Centralia, Illinois, set herself up for success and has accepted a full-time position at Woolpert, Inc. in Indianapolis after graduation.

Fults' advice for women looking to ace their careers in STEM:

"Don't be afraid to ask questions! It is the quickest way to learn and it will save you a lot of frustration in the long run."

My biggest role model is definitely my mom. She is the hardest worker I know and has shown me how to work under pressure. I aspire to be as good of a leader as she is.

Nyomi Morris

Nyomi Morris, a senior computer science major from Maple Heights, Ohio, has spent the year rebuilding the Women Of Like Fields Passionate About Computing (WOLFPAC) organization. The group has about 20 active members and will travel to a conference in March.

Morris is also proud of her undergraduate research experiences. She presented her summer work with Carnegie Mellon University at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems RL-Conform workshop, where she won the Best Poster award.

Morris also has been conducting a robot co-design study with domestic abuse survivors for her senior thesis. She is eager to pursue research exploring how humans interact with technology in graduate school. 

"My role model is my mom. She is the reason I chose a field in science and math - and also how I found out about Rose!" Morris said. "I learned from her that being educated is a combination of working hard and thinking creatively. As a 'mathy' person herself, she also made it important for me to be well-rounded in the arts and humanities, which I believe makes me a better scientist. She is the coolest and smartest person I know."

Sometimes it will feel like you are the only person out of 100 to see a problem a certain way. Be fearless and share your ideas! This is how new discoveries or solutions can be found!

Micki Rodenbush

One of Micki Rodenbush's all-time favorite physicists is Mileva Marić-Einstein, Albert Einstein's first wife, who Rodenbush says does not get enough credit for her work on relativity.

"Mileva was a math genius, and I always try to give her a shoutout when I can!" Rodenbush said.

Like Marić-Einstein, the sophomore Rodenbush hopes to advance knowledge of the field, simultaneously pursuing a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's in engineering management.

Rodenbush is proud to be a Noblitt Scholar, saying, "It has allowed me to challenge myself in so many ways and lead to my Superconducting Electronics internship with Northrop Grumman the summer after my freshman year."

I am so grateful to be part of the PHOE department here at Rose and study as much quantum mechanics as they let me!

"My main advice to young women interested in STEM is to simply go for it!" Rodenbush said. "Explore as many different fields as possible because it will give you a unique set of skills which will stand out to employers. Finally, we could always use more females in quantum computing, but I'm a little biased!"

Columba Rodriguez

For Columba Rodriguez, biomedical engineering is a work of art. The sophomore from Monterrey, Mexico, is an undergraduate research assistant, working with brain-computer interface in Dr. Alan Chiu's neuroscience lab.

Rodriguez's role model is her mother, who inspired her to shoot for her dreams.

"She is living proof that working hard gives results, but working with passion unlocks potential," Rodriguez said. "She was my main supporter when I decided to study abroad, and she inspires me to aim higher every time."

Rodriguez also traveled with Engineers Without Borders - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology chapter to Pastocalle, Ecuador, where the group is building a school for the community.

To all young women that are interested in STEM: Dream big! There is so much potential and opportunities to be the first. But remember to do it for yourself, and because YOU are passionate about it.

Mandy Chick

Mandy Chick is racing toward the checkered flag of her concurrent bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with minors in economics and entrepreneurship and master's degree in engineering management through the R Squared program. The De Soto, Kansas, native will work for General Motors for the second consecutive summer and recently received national recognition as one of Tri Delta's 33 Under 33.

Chick is one of four women to finish in the top five at Daytona in ARCA Menards Series history and has had the opportunity to race at numerous historical tracks, including Talladega.
You can do anything you set your mind to! It takes effort, time, and dedication, but with those and confidence in yourself, you are unstoppable!

Chick admires her mom, Jennifer Chick.

"She is driven and has worked hard to create her own successful business," Chick said of her mother. "She has always supported me and has taught me to never give up on a dream.

Kiana Martin

Kiana Martin, a senior from Portage, Michigan, is scoring a global impact with her concurrent bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in engineering management through the Rose Squared program.

Martin is a Noblitt Scholar and is proud to have interned with Beaty Construction after her freshman year. She is captain of the Rose soccer team and has been named to the Academic All District Team every year.

Kiana served as the fundraising and marketing co-leader for the Engineers Without Borders Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Chapter.

She then became co-president of the organization and helped lead the group's service trip to Ecuador in 2023.

Martin also studied abroad in Germany for over five months and represented Rose-Hulman playing D3 soccer in Brazil.

Martin's role model is her sister, who is also a mechanical engineer and supports diversity in STEM.

"She does her job with high integrity," Martin said. "She makes sure what she is doing is safe, and she is thorough with her work."

Don’t be afraid to do what excites you! STEM is an awesome field where you will find like-minded people and be inspiration for more to follow!

Karmen Kissell

Karmen Kissell admires the character and values of her grandmother.

"She is one of the strongest and most intelligent people I know, while also being kind and giving," Kissell said. "She has always inspired me to be the best possible version of myself."

Part of the current "best version" of Kissell's self is helping others. The senior from Shelbyville, Indiana, is involved with AskRose Homework Help and the Noblitt Scholars program.

Kissell was also the co-chair for the Society of Women Engineers' Women Exploring Rose-Hulman (WERH) event to show high school students everything Rose has to offer.

"My advice for young women interested in pursuing STEM is to just try it," Kissell said. "Take a class, join a club, research something that interests you, or learn a new skill- you may just find something you love. I’ve found that people rarely regret the times they put themselves out there and tried something new."

Courtney Valmore

Senior Courtney Valmore from Indianapolis credits her mother as the reason why she, a first-generation student, is at Rose today.

"She raised me on her own and sacrificed everything for me," Valmore said. "She held me to high standards so that I could one day be successful."

Rose certainly wouldn't be the same without the influence of Valmore and her dog, Chicken Nugget.

Valmore, who is concurrently pursuing a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering with a minor in economics and a master's degree in engineering management, has served as the Student Government Association president since her sophomore year.

She advanced initiatives to advocate for all students, including the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and raising the campus minimum wage for student workers.

Valmore also founded and served as the president of Active Minds, an organization that promotes mental health advocacy and hosts campus events, including bringing humane society animals to campus for a study break.

After graduation, Valmore will work on sustainable packaging in fabric care at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio.

"A message that I wish to share with younger women interested in STEM fields is to not be intimidated just because there are still fewer women in STEM," she said. "Be a part of the change and break glass ceilings. Without this progress we will never reach the goals that we hope to one day see in the field!"

Jessica Xiang

Jessica Xiang, who graduated in 2023 with a degree in computer science and a minor in East Asian studies, followed in her mother's footsteps when she came to Rose-Hulman. Xiang's mother, Mingxia Cheng, immigrated to the United States to earn a master's degree in electrical engineering from Rose.

"What inspires me about her is her grit, determination, and trailblazing path she's set both in her career and life," Xiang said.

"I am so fortunate to not only have her as my mom but also role model as these qualities about her have helped mold me into the engineer I am today. Her dedication, work ethic, and continued learning push me to constantly seek out new knowledge and opportunities, both in and outside the workplace."

"Don't be afraid to pursue STEM and don't give up! I know getting into STEM can be a bit daunting, especially before college since many spaces are still male-dominated. Don't let that stop you from joining in participating in activities like STEM Olympiads and competitions teams," Xiang advises women programming their paths.

"Participating on a FIRST Robotics Competition team is ultimately what solidified my choice to pursue STEM in college, and I wouldn't have it any other way. In addition, pursuing a STEM degree takes a lot of grit but through hard work and making good use of your resources, be it on campus tutoring, study groups, or peers, you can succeed."