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Digital Fabrication A Career Tech Pathway

21st Century Manufacturing Technologies

From laser cutters, 3D printers, and industrial CNC machines, students in the Digital Fabrication Pathway utilize the newest technologies in manufacturing processes.

Workplace Safety

We prioritize safety throughout the pathway. Students receive full training on the safe and appropriate use of all tools available in the DFab workshop. Additionally, Seniors earn their OSHA-10 certification.

Autonomous Learning

Students develop hands-on skills while being provided time to autonomously work on projects. Students are provided time to design and build projects of their own design, creating unique learning opportunities to pursue their own interests.

Creative Collaboration

Students collaborate to design, build, and create innovative projects. They transform ideas into reality through teamwork and construction.

Drafting and CAD Experience

Students learn to translate their ideas to paper and computer before turning their creations into real life items. They learn simple sketching techniques and hand drafting, all the way up to AutoCAD and 3D modeling in Fusion360.

Inclusive Learning Community

DFab students take several classes together where they can collaborate on projects, mentor each other, and build meaningful connections with their peers and staff on campus.

Career Focused

Students are exposed to a multitude of post high school training and career options. Students hear from guest speakers, tour manufacturing facilities, apprenticeship programs. The goal is for all DFab students to be 'next-step' ready, whatever that next step might be.

Unique Build Challenges

Set sail in the SHS Pool during our annual cardboard boat regatta! Can you design and engineer a boat using only cardboard and a handful of other building materials that will ferry you across the pool and to the winners podium, or will you meet your soggy demise!?

"Every year I'm in DFab I grow closer to the people around me. The trust you put into your classmates (and the machines) only grows. You learn to work in a team, which is important for working a trade career."

"We love DFab for giving us the freedom of imagination to design and create!"

"DFab brought us together! We love being able to develop friendships, skills, and goals."

Lucas Reilly - Instructor:

Jason Cook - Counselor:

SHS Digital Fabrication