Manasquan is a gem of a town where a thriving downtown meets a world-class beach. In between are charming tree-lined streets and the heart of Manasquan.
In order to ensure shade for generations to come, the Shade Tree Commission runs this tree buying program to make it as easy as possible for residents to get trees planted.
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
-Warren Buffett
- Trees are roughly 10 - 12' tall (2.5" caliper) - Flowering Trees will be slightly smaller
- Price includes professional delivery & installation anywhere on your property
- Trees are guaranteed for 1 year
- Residents may order as many trees as desired
- See tree descriptions below to help pick the perfect tree(s) for your property
- Planting location(s) will be informed by borough-provided Utility Mark-Outs to ensure nothing is planted by gas or water lines
- Trees are supplied and planted by FERNBROOK NURSERY of Bordentown, NJ
- Participating residents will make payment directly to Fernbrook Nursery on the day of planting(s). Please make checks payable to "FERNBROOK NURSERY"
You will receive an email when we have an exact planting date
- SHADE $385/ea
- Bloodgood London Plane
- Willow Oak
- Princeton Elm
- Sunset Red Maple
- SHADE (only grow to roughly 40 feet) $385/ea
- Allegheny Serviceberry
- Green Gable Tupelo
- Winter King Hawthorn
- Turkish Filbert
- NARROW / UPRIGHT SHADE TREE (for tight spaces) $385/ea
- Armstrong Maple
- Musashino Zelkova
- Rancho Cherry
- Yoshino Cherry
- Stellar Pink Dogwood
- Redbud - Multistem
- Elegantissima Arborvitea 6-7' $270/ea
- Green Giant Arborvitae 5-6' $120/ea
- Blue Girl Holly 4-5' $270/ea
- Hillspire Juniper 5-6' $270/ea
London Plane 'bloodgood'
- Mature Height: 60 Feet
- Mature Spread: 35 - 40 Feet
The unofficial tree of Manasquan
Bloodgood planetree, a selection of the tough London planetree that is widely planted in urban areas, is a large shade tree with a broad open crown and bark that exfoliates to reveal patches that may be creamy white, yellow, or olive-colored. The signature ornamental feature of this huge tree is its brown bark, which exfoliates in irregular pieces to reveal creamy white inner bark. 'Bloodgood' has dark green foliage and is reported to have some resistance to the problematic anthracnose disease of sycamores.
Willow Oak
Mature Height: 30-50 Feet
Mature Spread: 20 - 40 Feet
Often referred to as a “handsome tree,” this member of the mighty oak family comes with a stand-out feature: willow-like leaves. The willow oak is frequently planted along streets and in parks and golf courses because of its size, striking appearance, and relatively fast growth.
Turns shades of yellow bronze-orange, yellow-brown and russet-red in the fall
Tolerates poorly drained soil
Princeton Elm
Mature Height: 50 - 60 Feet
Mature Spread: 30 - 50 Feet
Calling all elm lovers! The Princeton elm is a fast-growing shade tree that has good resistance to the Dutch elm disease that has been attacking the beloved American elm in neighborhoods across the country. Tolerant of many site conditions, this tree is a great choice for urban and suburban planting.
Provide great yellow fall color
Grows quickly for fast shade
Has good resistance to Dutch elm disease
Mature Height: 45-50 Feet
Mature Spread: 35 - 40 Feet
Known as one of the best red maple cultivars, this tree delivers on color. Winter buds, clusters of small winter/spring flowers, leaf stems, twigs, and winged summer fruits all carry a red hue. And of course, the fall show is breathtaking, with red and orange leaves blending to give a sunset effect.
Grow to less than 40'
Allegheny Serviceberry
Mature Height: 15 - 25 feet
Mature Width: 15 - 25 feet
Allegheny serviceberry is a small, native, understory tree with four-season interest. The early white spring flowers, outstanding orange-red fall color, and striking gray bark make it a lovely specimen for any landscape. The edible purplish-black fruit in late summer is attractive to many birds.
Mature Height: 30 - 40 feet
Mature Spread: 20 - 30
The most remarkable feature is the fiery red leaves in autumn. Without a doubt, you'll love your Green Gable Black Gum's vibrant scarlet red leaves that appear in autumn. This tree is famous for its stunning fall colors. Placing a Green Gable in your yard will heighten the nostalgic, fresh and comforting feelings of autumn.
The fall isn't the only time this tree turns heads. In the summer and spring, the Green Gable Black Gum produces extraordinary dark green leaves, highlighting its uniform, pyramid shape that looks incredible as a winter silhouette.
Mature Height: 25 - 35 Feet
Mature Spread: 25 - 35 Feet
The Winter King Hawthorn is cherished for its beauty and resilience, particularly during the winter months. Its branches become adorned with bright red berries that persist through the cold months – offering both a pop of color and a food source for birds. In the spring, clusters of delicate white flowers emerge, attracting other pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Is hardy and adaptable to various soil types
Displays an attractive branching structure and vibrant foliage
Makes an excellent specimen tree
Drought tolerant
Mature Height: 40 feet
Turkish Filbert or sometimes called Turkish Hazelnut is native to Southeastern Europe and Western parts of Asia. Turkish Filbert is a unique landscape specimen with its’ symmetrical pyramid form, boldly textured dark green, semi-glossy foliage that turns a mild yellow in the Fall, and rough, silvery cork-like bark. Ornamental catkins arrive in early Spring. Edible hazelnuts (Filberts) enclosed in a frilly husk attract wildlife.
Mature Height: 40 feet
Mature Width: 12 feet
You'll get great visual impact with the gold-orange foliage and unique, columnar shape. Each leaf has its own pattern of yellow and orange, making it a standout in autumnal landscaping.
Because of its slim shape, the Armstrong Maple is a smart choice for small spaces or narrow plots. Plant one as a focal point, or several in a row to create a privacy screen.
Mature Height: 30 - 40 Feet
Mature Spread: 10 - 15 Feet
‘Musashino’ is the narrowest cultivar of the Japanese Zelkova and is perfect for planting as a street tree along narrow boulevards, with the canopy growing high enough to clear pedestrians walking underneath. The Musashino Japanese Zelkova is also a useful tree to use as a screen in small landscapes.
Its leaves are mid-green, narrow, and elliptical in shape with attractive serrated margins. In the fall, the foliage turns various shades of glowing yellow, orange, and red.
The Musashino Columnar Zelkova is a tough and adaptable specimen that is tolerant of road salt, urban pollution, and heat. It is more drought tolerant than other varieties of Japanese Zelkova.
Mature Height: 40 feet
Mature Width: 25 feet
The Yoshino cherry (also known as the Japanese flowering cherry) is the darling of the flowering tree world and the star of such renowned events as the National and International Cherry Blossom Festivals. This stand-out tree is, of course, known for its vibrant display of white-pink blossoms and faint almond fragrance in the springtime. In the summer, this tree will be a highlight in the yard with its beautiful branching pattern, glossy bark and dark green leaves.
Blooms March through April in a profusion of fragrant white-pink flowers
Is deer-resistant
Mature Height: 20 - 25 feet
Mature Width: 15 - 20 feet
Profuse, large, overlapping, blush pink, flower-like bracts cover this small but vigorous tree in early spring. The fully branched habit provides layers of lush green foliage from bottom to top. A magnificent landscape specimen for small gardens or woodland settings
Mature Height: 25 Feet
Mature Spread: 20 Feet
Redbuds are frequently multi-stemmed resulting in mature trees having a vase shape with graceful arched branches and a rounded crown. This highly ornamental tree is attractive all year long as the showy spring flowers give way to emerging reddish heart-shaped leaves that turn green in summer and brown pods that remain on the tree after the bronzed leaves fall. Redbuds compact size and resilient nature make it a popular choice for residential properties and will compliment any space it is planted. It is a great understory option if you have large trees in your yard, and also stands on its own in full sun
Elegantissima Arborvitea
Mature Height: 10 - 15 feet
Mature Width: 10 feet
Arborvitae ‘Elegantissima’ (Thuja occidentalis) is a dense and cylindrical evergreen that typically reaches 15′ tall. Its tall, shrub-like form makes it perfect for hedging or natural fencing in areas where space is a concern but green elements are desired.
The flat, soft needs are very tightly packed making this a perfect plant for privacy between yards or small spaces. They require moist, well drained soils.
Pruning is not required for the health of the tree as they are cylindrical by nature. If pruning is desired, limit to once per year and do not take too much of the top and new growth.
Mature Height: 35 - 40 feet
Mature Spread: 12 - 15 feet
The green giant arborvitae is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen. Its natural pyramidal to conical form boasts dense, rich green foliage that darkens or bronzes slightly in the winter. This is an exceptional landscape tree for use as a screen, hedge or single specimen. It is also resistant to wind once established and can withstand heavy ice or snow, making it a good choice for a natural windbreak.
Grows quickly, up to 3' per year
Works well as a screen, hedge, or windbreak
Is resistant to deer
Mature Height: 12 Feet
Mature Width: 6-10 Feet
Juniperus virginiana, commonly called Eastern red cedar. It is a broadly conical, sometimes columnar, dense, evergreen conifer. Gray to reddish-brown bark exfoliates in thin shreddy strips on mature trees. Trunks are often fluted at the base. Heartwood is reddish-brown and aromatic, and is commonly used for cedar chests. Dark blue green scale-like foliage. Foliage may turn brown-green in winter. Cultivars of this species often retain better foliage color in winter. Berry-like cones are attractive to many birds.