Welcome to this week's newsletter
Another busy week has flown by at Manor. I have seen most students in assembly this week, with the exception of Year 11, who have completed their trial exams. Talking with our Year 11 students, they have used this as constructive exercise, learning how they feel when under pressure and developing their coping mechanisms. The final exams in Year 11 are a reality that they will have to endure. The more we can do to support them in this challenging year, the more resilient they will become. They have been incredibly mature in exams, and it has been great to hear positive feedback about the students from the staff involved. The excellent example set by Year 13, who have also completed trial exams this week, is surely an inspiration for our lower school students. Trial exams are an opportunity to reflect on what students know, but more importantly, what they don't know. They still have plenty of time to fill the gaps and build their confidence. Their teachers are available for them to speak to, but if they do not know where to turn, I am always available as a first point of contact. It is important to help our students see the wood for the trees, so they can be successful. The qualifications they get at the end of the year provide them with choices. The better the qualifications, the wider and higher quality choices they have available.
Our students have been representing the school far and wide this week. The PE department hosted some of our local partner primary schools for a sports event on Thursday. The PE team we were ably assisted by a group of student Sports Leaders, who represented our community with enthusiasm and big smiles. Speaking to some of them in reception whilst they waited for our guests to arrive they were nervous, but overcame that and rose to the occasion. On Wednesday, Mrs Jarvis and Miss Bishop took a group of students to the Royal Albert Hall to take part in the Music for Youth Proms. Along with over 1000 students from across the country, they performed a world premiere of "The colour of all things constant" by composer Cassie Kinoshi. They represented the school amazingly on what was a long day. The staff feedback was so positive about spending the day with great students.
My assemblies this week have been about developing high performing teams and how small things add up to big changes. The students who have gone above and beyond are what makes this school amazing and I am proud of what they contribute to our wider community.
As we near the end of term, we will be announcing some great opportunities to reward our best and most consistent students. I see so many great individuals in our community and moving forward I want to shout more about those great students. We will also be announcing some new initiatives that will start in January to enhance the education and experience of students at Manor.
Finally, if you drop your child off or pick your child up from Manor in a car, please consider our local residents when parking or dropping off. I have spoken to a number of local residents this week who have had their driveways blocked or cars blocked in by double parking. We are based in a residential area and although you may only be there for a few minutes, they have to put up with it every day for large chunks of the day. As the only secondary school in Raunds, we have a vital responsibility to play in our community and I thank you for supporting me in this. Please drive responsibly and park considerately.
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.
Adam Crawte, Interim Principal
Year 13 theatre trip
Some of our Year 13 students recently visited Stratford-upon-Avon to see a stage production of Othello. Phoebe M has shared the following review with us.
On 19 November, our Year 13 English Literature class, accompanied by Ms Holtman, Ms Dicker and Mrs Williams, had the pleasure of seeing a performance of Othello at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon. Wandering through the snowy streets of Stratford - and attempting not to fall over - we quickly arrived at the theatre and found our seats in the center of the upper circle. As a collective, we were all encapsulated in the acting, taking in every word the actors spoke; seeing a portrayal of the characters that differed from our own perceptions was really valuable for our learning. After the show, our drive home was filled with discussions about the play and how this will enhance our A-Level study of the text.
Year 10 Consultation Evening
Thursday 12 December, from 4pm
Bookings for meetings with teaching staff must be made using the Arbor app or online portal by following the link to the Consultation Evening on the dashboard.
You will be able to start making the appointments at 9:00am on Tuesday 3 December and the system will close to new appointments at 12:00pm on Wednesday 11 December.
If you have not already done so, the simplest way to register is to sign into the parent portal - please visit https://login.arbor.sc/ and select 'Forgotten password'. You will then be sent an email containing further instructions.
Once you have registered, you can download the app from Google Play or the App Store and log in with your details.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding this event, please contact M. du Pille on mdupille@manor.school
KS3 PE student voice
Please can parents/carers of students in Years 7-9 encourage their child(ren) to complete the following survey about their thoughts and feelings towards PE at Manor. The feedback received will help shape how PE lessons are delivered, as well as the extra-curricular opportunities we offer.
Christmas hamper appeal
Sixth Form applications
Extra-curricular timetable
PE clubs will not be running for the final weeks of this term, other than basketball clubs on Monday and Friday (except the last Friday of term). We will update the extra-curricular timetable for next term with clubs looking to start again week beginning 13 January 2025. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
The U14 girls football team will be playing in the county cup quarter final on Monday 2 December at Manor School so please wish them good luck and if you feel like supporting them, please come along!
Created with images by .shock - "stage" • vegefox.com - "communication speak bubble" • Tierney - "Survey with person using a laptop on a white table"