Keep Your Major TEACH! Implemented by Dr. Patricia A. Young at the University of Maryland Baltimore County as part of the Emerging Leaders Program

Dr. Patricia A, Young was part of the 2023 Cohort of the Emerging Leaders Program. ELP is designed for emerging academic and administrative leaders to gain a greater appreciation of the Academy and build the skillset and mindset to lead campus initiatives and advance to more senior leadership roles. Participants graduate with skills, connections, and support necessary to navigate the transition to administrative roles.

ELP is designed to prepare the next generation of higher education administrators to be effective leaders; to view every decision through a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens; and to further their institutions’ path to equitable student success. As part of this program, Dr. Young implemented the project Keep Your Major TEACH.

Keep Your Major TEACH! campaign aimed to offer a Call To Action to recruit undergraduate students to become teachers. Youth are drawn to professions and businesses that take on social responsibility. Teaching, in Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade classrooms, is an opportunity to take on a social responsibility.

Teach Education Week, November 13-17
Teach Education Week, November 13-17
Teach Education Week, November 13-17

Participating in this Call To Action allowed UMBC to respond to the critical shortage of teachers in the state of Maryland. 5,500 teachers left the profession in 2022 due to voluntary resignations, retirements, finding other professions and leaves of absence.