Aldavilla Primary School Together We Learn and Achieve

Principal's Message

Welcome back to 2024!

You are returning to the top performing primary school in the Macleay for NAPLAN as published by the Daily Telegraph in December. We are all looking forward to working with our wonderful families and continuing with students on their educational journey.

We welcome new staff members for 2024 Marc Rosenstein (HB 2), Kristina Clarke (HB3), Heidi Young (HB 7), Kara Scullion (RFF) and Ashleigh Field (RFF). Our new staff are excited to be part of our Aldavilla team. We also have a new school counsellor Leesa Field who works between Kempsey High School and Aldavilla. We are pleased to have her expertise.

We also have a furry new staff member Murphy, who will be our school support dog. He has already visited the school and loves the pats from students. Murphy will visit Aldavilla three days a week.

We are launching a new communication platform, Sentral Parent Portal. Parents can download the app and enjoy many new features of communication including a calendar, online payments, attendance updates, messaging, notes and communication. Notes have been sent home to provide access.

APS and Macleay Swimming Carnivals are always a favourite event at the start of the year. This year 22 students progressed to the Macleay Carnival.

Congratulations to Thomas who was selected in the Lower North Coast team for cricket. This is an outstanding achievement.

Our Parliamentarians will receive their badges at the Badging Ceremony on Friday and have already engaged in their roles with pride. We look forward to the initiatives and projects they will work on over the year.

Our Speech and Occupational Therapists Roz and Sam will return this year. Their work is invaluable, and students make substantial gains in their development.

The canteen will be open 5 days a week this year. We thank Hanna and Madonna for making this a reality. Lunch orders can be ordered online through Quickcliq.

Kathryn McNee


Upcoming Events

Wedneday, 21 February - Lower North Coast Swimming Carnival

Friday, 23 February - HB12 Assembly and Parliament/Enviro Team Badging - 12.15pm

Monday, 26 February to Friday 8 March - Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday, 7 March - School Photos

Friday, 8 March - HB11 Assembly - 12.15pm

Swimming Carnival

On Wednesday, 8 February, students from Aldavilla Primary School participated in the 2024 Swimming Carnival. Although it sprinkled throughout the day, the competition was not dampened. Our spirited competitors fought valiantly to gain points for their houses and secure a spot in the Macleay Swimming Carnival held on Wednesday, 14 February.

A special congratulations to our Age Champions:

Junior girls - Ciarra T

Junior boys - Kitai D

11s girls - Sierra S

11s boys - Riley F

Senior girls - Gemma P

Senior boys - Mason S

A huge congratulations to our house champions: Yarzi


On Monday, 12 February Sonny S, Jack S, Thomas O, Declan B and Thomas W represented Aldavilla PS at the LNC Boys Cricket Trials in Port Macquarie. 🏏


Kindy 2024

We made friends, made smiles and we made memories! Happy first day of school, Kindergarten 2024!

Week 1 Term 1 Photos

P&C News

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to 2024! We are excited to share that the Fete will be held on Thursday the 19th of September. The Fete is a major Fundraiser for the P&C as well as being a wonderful community event for our School and community.

To assist us with preparing for the Fete, throughout the year we will be having dedicated Fete meetings. Our next one will be held on the 11th of March 2024 at 5pm in the Staff room of the school. Everyone is welcome to attend, if you have ideas or can help with the Fete we would love to hear from you!

Throughout the year, we will be communicating around different things we are organising for the Fete and how you can help! Firstly, we are looking for donations of Jars. Jars of all sizes from Salsa Jars, Spaghetti Jars, Coffee Jars can be saved and handed into the school. We ask that when you bring them in you ensure that they are clean and where possible that the labels have been removed.

AGM – The Aldavilla P&C Annual General Meeting will be held in the School Staff room from 5:30pm on the 11th of March 2024. All positions will be declared vacant at this meeting. If you would like any information on the role the P&C plays within the school, or what some of the executive positions entail, please get in touch with one of the current committee executives, Roz Deaton, Veronica Wynan, Kristy Wills, Kay McElwaine. The school can share our contact details if you reach out to them. If you aren’t interested in an executive position but would like to attend, we would love to see you at the AGM.

Community News

Kempsey Basketball is conducting an Aussie Hoops program at Melville High School on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4-4:45pm for primary age children.

For information and registration, go to our new website- kempseybasketball.

If you need more info or have problems registering online. Call Ev Jacobs 0418463278

We will be accepting Active Kid vouchers, but it will need to be given to us, until the new system is sorted.