Pizzeria •Family- Kitchen•


Pizzeria Family Kitchen is the creation of a group of friends who shared a desire to promote collective well-being and economic sustainability through collaboration. Established in 2012 offering delicious Pizzas at Festivals and events around the world. Wherever we go we look for the best fresh ingredients to match the traditional flavours of our recipes. We know how to serve large numbers of customers, avoiding long queues while still guaranteeing high quality pizzas! However we are a close knit group of fun loving and international friends that are sure to entertain you as you wait. Bringing quality food and positive energy is what we do best!


Water, flour, tomato....PIZZA!

Expert hands combine the ingredients, the dough grows and ferments naturally, the bases of the Pizzas are opened by hand. Special recipes for toppings make original Pizzas with authentic flavours. Our Pizzayolo's completes the process by cooking the Pizzas in a wood-fired oven. these moves guarantee an express meal with an unmistakable delicious taste

We have great pleasure to buy all the ingredients from local producers and organic as much as possible. Pizzas are 33 cm diameter and we serve it on Biodegradabile material. All the ingredients are cooked and processed on the spot, day after day, to guarantee freshness.



We want to create an inclusive and solidarity-based economy, where profit is not the only goal, but a tool to improve the quality of life for all. Our common vision is based on love, respect, PEACE, and ecology; Hoping to create an environment where all individuals, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, can grow together through endless experiences.

The Family Kitchen is not just pizzas! It is engaged in many parallel projects, from organising events, workshops, arts and social projects. Thanks for reading and we hope to meet you at the next festival!



Pete The Monkey Festival (FR) —Millesime (Fr) — Out Door Selection (CH) — Dox Art (Fr) — Grin festival (Ch) — Landjuwell (NL) —Aurillac collective Vertigo (FR) — Boom Festival (PT) — Free Heart Festival (GR)— Xperience Yoga festival (DE)—LAS festival (PL)—Summer Jam (DE) — OneTribe (FR)— Insane Festival (FR) — Gardens of Babylon-The Monastery Festival (DE) — Gens Anders Festival (A) —Wakana Reunion (SP) —AlunaRitual (CO)— Wao Festival (I) — Atman Festival (SRI LANKA) — Flow Festival (AT) —Element Mountain Festival (FR) — Modem Festival (HR) — Crack! Comics Festival (IT) — 7 Chakra Festival (IT) — Enotica WineFest (IT) — 1 Maggio Forte Prenestino — Fora de Tempo Festival (PT) — Psy Safari (BE) — Lost Theory festival (SP) — VooV Festival (DE) — Shankra Festival (CH) -- Freekuency Festival (PT) — and many more since 2012

For additional information please do not esitate to contact us


Thank you Family-Kitchen Crew