AI Software BY

Generative AI tools can help you before you code, because they collect data for your pitch

Now that AI can generate a website for your startup idea in 1 minute, why not run a "demand test" proving users will sign up with their email?

These demand tests are more accurate than user research (not hypothetical nor misleading)


1. Learn


  1. ALL AI TOOLS = TheresAnAIForThat
  2. AI VALUE DEFINITION = VenturusAI, DimeADozen
  3. AI USER RESEARCH = LoopPanel
  4. AI DESIGN THINKING = 33a, What Could Be
  5. PODCASTING users to understand them = Streamyard, PodcastMyNextHiringManager, PodcastCalendarPodcastTemplate
  6. NETWORKING with users to understand them = ReferTemplate
  7. CANVAS = Machine learning business model canvas
  8. AI COMMUNITIES = NoCode AIProduct Led Alliance, Cerebral Valley, Intelligen
  9. NOTE TAKING TOOL = PlainNote

2. Pitch

  1. BUSINESS SIZING TOOL = FounderCanvas
  2. AI WEBSITES for demand tests = PineappleNoCodyFramer
  3. AI GENERATIVE ART = MidJourney, AdobeExpress, Logo generators
  4. AI VIDEO EDITING = discount code CALLMEJZ, Vidyo, DrawingVideo
  5. AI PITCH DECK = Lumen5
  6. AI PODCAST voice to text = VoicePen
  7. CREATIVITY TOOL = ColorCalendar
  8. LINKEDIN AUTOMATION = LinkedIn Helper

3. Code

  1. AUTOMATION = Zapier
  2. NO CODE = Bubble
  4. PHOTO API = UnSplash

4. JZ's tools

Beta test JZ's live tools


1. "I love podcasting for deep discussions. But I hate planning and video editing takes too much time"

2. "Its like a Pinterest calendar for my week"

3. "It made networking much less scary, to the point, and faster so that even I want to network more"

4. "Demand tests add real validation, instead of hype"

5. "I don't have to remove the format of my text notes anymore"



What tool do you recommend I start with? Can you show me?

AND SHARE your feedback on these Founder Design Thinking Betas and this website


#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #MLAI #MachineLearning #BigData #Automation