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The Eagle Weekly November 10, 2024

November 10, 2024

The Week Ahead!!

PCC Bingo Night

Bring the WHOLE Family for 5 games of BINGO Nov. 14th at MSE. Purchase your cards and pre-order dinner using the link below:

AWESOME PRIZES for everyone! *Urban Air *Skyzone *White Water Basket *St.Clair Derma Basket and MORE!!! 50/50 Drawing, Free Math and Reading Grab bags for each family!

MSE Turkey Trot!

Our 1st Annual Turkey Trot is in full swing!! We are still accepting donations using all the information below. Located below is also a schedule for the actual Turkey Trot on Friday 11/15, fundraising donations will continue through 11/26. Parents are welcome to join us Friday Nov 15 to watch their Turkey's trot. See grade level times below:

Eagle of the Week!

This week's Eagle of the Week is Caleb M. who was nominated by Mrs. French who wrote "Caleb McMahon has been a central part of Campus Life club these last three years. He is a student who works hard, does his best, and more importantly prioritizes drawing others in to a place of belonging. He isn't afraid to be the only one standing in a crowd doing the right thing, and I just appreciate his commitment to serving others in his faith and time here as a student at East. Way to go Caleb!"

Be the Change Award Winner

This week's "Be the Change" Positive Office Referral winner is Noah T! Congrats, and thanks for being a positive influence at MSE.

Teacher Tidbits

Each week, Mr. Hauser and Mr. MacIntosh will highlight a teacher, or staff member, and the amazing things they're working on with their classes. We will sit down and ask some important questions about the work they're doing, and then some rapid fire questions to get to know them even better! This week we sat down with Mrs. Meyer, 8th Grade English and 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher!

MSE Food Drive

Homework Club

If your child needs a place to do homework, check out the Homework Club! High School tutors, and Mrs. Hoskisson will be available to help, all you need is a ride for your child!

Attendance Reminders!

We are doing great on attendance at MSE this year, thank you parents! Remember that we want every child at MSE every day so they can learn and interact with their peers and teachers. They learn best when they are in school. If your child is sick, it is always good practice to get doctors notes for those days. In addition, appointments, grab a letter as well!

Student Travel Opportunity!

MSE Ski Club

Ski Club Parent Meeting on Nov. 20th at 5:00pm in the KIVA

School Messenger Text Messages

If you do not receive School Messenger text messages from L'Anse Creuse, or Middle School East, when we send out information, please follow the steps below to OPT IN for text updates from LC and MSE. If you do not opt in, the messages will not come through to your phone.

Boys Basketball

Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools

High School Student Travel Opportunity!

Do you want to travel to Europe in the summer of 2026? We have 2 incredible travel opportunities available for current 8th grade students and parents through LCN. There is currently a travel discount of $200 off for anyone who enrolls on one of these trips by October 22nd. Feel free to reach out to Herr Ekdahl ( or Madame Roggeman ( with any questions! Click on a link below for more information and to enroll on that trip.

2026 German trip to Berlin, Prague, Munich, and Luzerne with Herr Ekdahl:

2026 trip to France, Spain and Monaco with Madame Roggeman:

Please contact James Ekdahl or Susan Roggeman with any questions!

If you are interested in more programs offered by the L'Anse Creuse Community Education Department, please access their brochure below:
