Welcome to Mulberry "The child gives us a beautiful lesson—that in order to form and maintain our intelligence, we must use our hands." Dr. Maria Montessori

Bi-weekly highlights

Happy Earth Day Mulberry families!!!!!!

Over the centuries we have mercilessly utilized and depleted the Earth’s resources. Our sheer ignorance has begun to cause severe problems like depletion of the Ozone layers, death of rivers due to dumping of industrial waste, global warming etc. In our quest for industrialization heavy amount of deforestation took place. This has harmed the Earth’s environment. The ice at the poles has started to melt due to rise in Earth’s temperature. This is an ominous sign of what is to come. We have dug quite a huge pit for ourselves already, but we can still get out of it. So, days like the Earth day remind us to be caring and loving to the Earth. We are planting this seed of awareness at this young age by our actions.

Paper craft/ chain from recycled paper stripes!
Plant a tree. Trees are a big part of our earth, and planting one will just add to the health and wellness of the world that we live in and also an opportunity to learn about life cycle of a tree.

Our hands remembers to turn off lights, recycles cans and bottles, planted a tree, shuts off dripping faucets, picks up garbage, use both sides of the paper. Throughout this week we have been discussing about three R’s. Children pick up and learn quickly from us. Are you practicing and implementing these three R’s?

The Geometry Cabinet is part of the Sensorial area of the Primary Montessori classroom. It is used to further develop the child's visual sense in the discrimination of shape/form. This material is a wooden cabinet with six drawers that contain plane, or two dimensional, geometric shapes.

Direct purpose of the work is discrimination of geometric forms and indirectly it helps prepares hands for writing.

In geography we are visiting South America, which is the fourth largest continent in the world. Did you know that Brazil is larger than China and slightly smaller than the USA? Also it is the home of world’s second longest river Amazon. While South America's rain forests are some of the wettest places on the earth, the Atacama desert in Chile is considered the driest place on earth. The world's longest mountain range in the world is the Andes Mountains, located in South America.

Exploring map and countries...
Flags of the countries in South America..
There are tapirs, piranhas and anacondas and many other animals. South America is also home to many endangered animals such as the jaguar, the giant otter or the Amazonian manatee.

Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) lay eggs and are the only animals with feathers. Although all birds have wings, a few species can't fly.

Feathers are made of keratin. This is the same stuff that fingernails are made of. Birds fly by flapping their wings and using air pressure to create lift under their wings. Just like airplanes do. The peregrine falcon is one of the fastest birds. It can reach speeds of well over 100 miles per hour when diving. Hollow bones also help in flying because they help make the bird light enough to fly.

Feathers are important to birds because they keep them warm, help them to fly, and provide camouflage.
Birds use their beaks to eat food. Beaks help birds in sucking nectar, tearing flesh and in picking up the food grains from the ground.in practical life we are using different tools like syringe and squeezers to get the feel of how birds eat.

Although an important characteristic of most birds is flying, not all birds’ flies. Some birds that don't fly are penguins, kiwis, and ostriches. Penguins spend a good portion of time in the water where they are prolific swimmers. Ostriches on the other hand are very fast runners. An ostrich can outrun a horse!

Parts of the bird and matching puzzle.
There are around 10000 different species and all different sizes of birds worldwide. Hummingbirds are some of the smallest birds; the Ostrich is the largest bird in the world. The Ostrich also lays the largest eggs and has the fastest maximum running speed.
Life cycle of a bird - All bird life cycles begin with an egg. A baby bird grows and develops inside of the egg, which has a hard shell. Most of the time, adult birds keep the eggs warm and protect them while the baby birds develop.
Happy 5th walk around the Sun, Ivan !!!
Happy 5th walk around the Sun, Ariya!!!

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!