Diary Dates
- Monday 20th - Year 3 visiting Focus Point Gallery
- Tuesday 21st - Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Wednesday 22nd - Reception Reading Workshop
- Tuesday 28th - Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Monday 3rd - Year 3 visiting Focus Point Gallery
- Tuesday 4th - Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Tuesday 11th - Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Half Term
- Monday 24th - INSET Day
- Tuesday 25th - Health 4 Life workshop
- Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Tuesday 4th - Health 4 Life Workshop
- Year 1 Gardening at Garons
- Tuesday 11th - Health 4 Life Workshop
- Wednesday 12th - Infant Music Festival
- Year 6 Essex Fire & Rescue visit
- Tuesday 18th - Health 4 Life Workshop
- Monday 7th - Thursday 17th - Easter Break
- Friday 18th - Good Friday
- Monday 21st - Bank Holiday Monday
- Monday 5th - Bank Holiday Monday
- Monday 12th - Thursday 15th - KS2 SATS Week
- Wednesday 21st - Reception Height & Weight, vision & hearing checks
- Monday 26th - Bank Holiday Monday
- Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th - Half Term
- Monday 2nd - INSET Day
- Monday 9th - Friday 13th - Phonics Screening Check
- Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th - Year 6 Residential
Wednesday 23rd - Last day of term
Year 3 and 4 Times Tables Family Event
On Thursday 16th January 2025, Porters Grange once again hosted workshops for parents and carers of children in years 3 and 4. The family event, hosted by mathematics subject lead Mr. Rasor, took a deeper look into why times tables are important, how we teach times tables at Porters Grange, the introduction of ‘precision teaching’ in year 4, as well as information about the upcoming MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) for year 4 pupils. The children then had an opportunity to spend some time exploring the various game modes of Times Tables Rock Stars with their parents and carers – showing off their amazing times tables recall speed and accuracy.
100% of those parents and carers who came along agreed that the workshop was informative. With some saying it was a ‘great session’, ‘very helpful’, ‘interesting’ and ‘really enjoyable’.
A huge thank you to all who attended; we had an excellent number of parents come along - it means a lot to the children and they had a lovely time.
This week we have been very busy settling our new friends into Nursery life. We have been showing them a range of resources and activities that we all enjoy doing at nursery. We have started to build new friendships.
REMINDER: Please remember to put your child’s name on every piece of clothing worn at nursery.
This week we explored the frosty and icy conditions outside and how snow is different. We have been enjoying our core book for this term, which is a selection of ‘Traditional Tales.’ Some of us have used the characters in our story telling. In art we used the work of Matisse to create a collage. We needed to use the scissors carefully cutting paper to fit into an outline.
Music required us to move to the beat and find our singing voices.
REMINDER: Don’t forget our next reading workshop will be on Wednesday 22nd January at either 9.00 or 3.30 pm
Letters sent out this week
Year 1
Year 1 have been busy creating reports about different animals as part of their English work. They have used titles, sub-headings and question marks correctly.
In maths we have introduced maths ‘jotters’ to support and develop their skills. They have done very well so far, and we will continue to support them to use them as expected.
Thank you to those who spent time creating their child’s timeline. They are fabulous! The children loved discussing their important moments from the past.
REMINDER: PE days are Thursday. Ensure your child’s PE kit is in school.
Reading at home is a year 1 expectation. Please ensure that you’re reading as many times as you can.
Letters sent out this week
Year 2
This week the children have adapted the story of The Princess and the Pea to their own version. They have really enjoyed this!
In history, the children have been learning about the timeline of events that took place during the Great Fire of London. This has really encouraged the children to think about historical events and ask their own questions. In D&T the children are using the Sketch app to design their own fire engine.
REMINDER: Please remember to make a note in the children’s reading record when you have heard them read.
Year 3
This week in English we completed our weather poems and used some interesting vocabulary. We have continued to learn about the relationship between multiplication and division in maths. We conducted a fair test in science where we tested different surfaces to find out which one made the car travel the furthest. It was great fun. In geography we became weather reporters and wrote a script for a weather report and identified different weather symbols.
REMINDER: The children need to practise Times Table Rockstars at home regularly. We have recently added the 3- and 4-times tables which they now need to learn.
Most children have now brought their PE kits to school. Pease could the last few children bring them in next week.
Year 4
In English this week we have been trying to write some rhyming poetry, it has been tricky but we have had a great go! In maths we are multiplying by 10 and 100, see if you can test your child on some similar calculations! In science we investigated liquids and did a fun experiment with some different types.
REMINDER: Most children have their PE kits in school now so well done. They need trainers or plimsols to make the most out of their PE lessons.
Reading books are coming into school but not many children are writing about their reading at home, if they read on their own at home they should be writing it into their reading record to show their teachers.
Year 5
In English, the children have been working extremely hard. They have remembered what they have learnt about biomes and put this information into a detailed report.
In geography, the children have learnt about fossil fuels. They researched the three types of fossil fuels and why they are important.
REMINDER: Please ensure the correct footwear is being worn to school. We have seen lots trainers that are multicoloured. They must be black.
Year 6
In English, we have started writing a class story based on an ancient Greek myth. We are focusing on making it interesting with descriptive language, different punctuation and speech. In maths, we are continuing to learn about ratio and scales eg looking at different sized shapes to see if they are enlarged copies or different shapes.
In art, we have started our animation topic. We are using a stop motion app on the ipads to make short films. So far, we have explored the app and started to record. In PSHE, we are thinking about what influences our thoughts and feelings. Plus, the impact of discrimination and prejudice on us and others.
The school nurses visited this week to measure your child's height and weight.
REMINDER: In preparation for your child’s SATS in May, we have started setting revision homework. It will be handed out on Thursdays and we will be going through it in school from Wednesdays. Please encourage your child to talk to their teacher if they would like support.
PE is outdoors so please can your child bring something warm to school eg jogging bottoms and a hat. Thank you
This week year 2 have been extending their sentences about the month of January; year 4 have applied their technical knowledge of vocabulary into descriptive language about where people live; year 5 have done a similar application of the language of independence.
Music lessons have been a hive of activity this week with new songs being learnt and instruments used to create compositions. The children in Year 6 are making great progress learning to play the glockenspiel fluently and really enjoying the Disco Fever unit of work. Choir has resumed this week on a new day – it now takes place on a Thursday after school. We have some exciting events in our diary and would love to welcome some new members. Let the school office know if your child (year 3-6) would be interested in filling one our gaps.
Peripatetic lessons have also started back again this week, along with the band on Tuesdays.
Instrumental Tuition
- Tuesday am Guitar – Mr Brown
- Wednesday am Guitar – Mr Elliot
- Wednesday am Keyboard – Mr Hockey
- Wednesday am Drums – Mr Peters
Keyboard lessons resumed this week, drum and guitar will resume next week. All pupils will receive their 10 lessons before the Easter break.
Online Safety
Among children – and especially teenagers – TikTok boasts approximately 220 million users, providing a near-endless reel of short clips intended to entertain, educate and more. However, along with its enormous userbase comes a significant number of possible risks: Ofcom have dubbed it the most likely app on which teen users would potentially suffer harm.
With the platform reaching astronomical levels of success among the younger generation, it’s vitally important for parents and educators to understand the risks it poses. This free guide lets you know about the most prominent potential dangers associated with TikTok and offers expert advice on how to safeguard youngsters who are navigating the site.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.
We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.30am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.
Thank you
We have had a very positive week with regards to attendance, four classes celebrated having above target attendance for the week and Seahorse Class were noted as being the class to beat in the spring term, having had the highest number of class certificates last term. We all hope Shell and Starfish classes have a more favourable term in the Spring and make it on to the board with their class attendance certificates.
"If your child does not attend, they cannot attain".
Thursday Attendance Meetings/ Attendance Drop In
Thursday morning attendance support meetings have resumed with Mrs Morris. If you are invited to a meeting on a Thursday, please ensure you attend or let us know that you cannot on that day so that it can be rearranged. If you are unable to attend, but you are able to speak to us over the phone, please do let the attendance team know after you have received the invite, and the meeting can be held over the phone.
“When pupils improve their attendance, they improve their academic prospects”
Reminder! – Contact the school with a reason for your child’s absences
Always remember to contact the school when you child is absent. You can do this before they are absent if it is a planned appointment, on the day that they are absent or on the day they come back to school after they have been absent.
It very important that all pupil absences from school are given a reason, we can then potentially authorise the absence. Absences with no reason are always unauthorised. You can leave us a message in several ways
- From 8am call the school on the morning of your child’s absence, to speak to Ms Wyer.
- Email the school to report the absence using the attendance email – this can be done during or out of school hours
- Leave a voice message on our attendance line (this will happen if the line is engaged or if you call out of hours)
- Answer or respond to any calls or messages from the school, if we contact you on the day of your child’s absence.
- You can even hand in a paper note in the day that your child returns to school
“Being here is half the battle won!”
Contact us
If you would like to talk to someone for support or advice on attendance or punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team and ask to speak to, Mrs S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator or Mrs D Morris Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance, you can also pop in to the school office to request to speak to one of us face to face, alternatively you call the school or send us an email to attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk we are here and we are always happy to help!
“Being ready for every day and getting in on time is the challenge you set yourself to achieve greatness!”
Weekly Attendance Report
Dinner Menu
Week 3
- Monday - Homemade Pepperoni Pizza with Baked Wedges
- Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges
- Pasta with Tomato & Vegetable Sauce
- Sweetcorn
- Cinnamon Apple Crumble with Custard
- Chicken Biryani with Vegetable Dhal
- Vegan Aubergine & Courgette Tagine with Cous Cous
- Jacket Potato with Baked Beans
- Broccoli & Cauliflower
- Sultana & Oat Cookie
- Slow Roast Beef & Root Vegetables with Gravy
- Vegan Country Vegetable & Bean Pie
- Pasta with Tomato & Vegetable Sauce
- Roast Potatoes, Seasonal Greens & Carrots
- Fruit Jelly
- Spiced Beef Paprikash with Spaghetti
- Vegan Vegetable Jambalaya
- Jacket Potato with Salmon or Baked Beans
- Cauliflower & Roasted Carrots
- Lemon Drizzle Cake
- Fish Fingers, Chips & Ketchup
- Mexican Roasted Vegetable & Bean Quesadilla
- Wholewheat Pasta with Tomato & Vegetable Sauce
- Baked Beans & Peas
- Chocolate & Courgette Rice Krispie Cake
Cost of Living Advice
Click here to access cost of living advice from Southend City Council. It contains information on housing support, energy cost advice and benefits and support for those with children.
Created with an image by Angelina Zinovieva - "Mother giving healthy lunch for school in the morning"