
12th July 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Tuesday 16th July – Picnic lunch

Tuesday 16th July - Summer art exhibition

Friday 19th July – Summer Fete – 3.30pm – 6pm

Monday 22nd July – Meet your child’s new teacher 3.10pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Disco 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday 24th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Wednesday 24th July - Last day of term – 1.15pm collection - no after school provision on this date


Dear parents/carers,

As we come head towards the end of the academic year, we have many things to celebrate. It has been a successful year all round and this week our year six SATs results were simply superb!

The year six children have shown determination and personal progress – what a great end to their primary education and readiness for secondary.

SATs results are also used to measure school performance and school choice. Our grades have risen year on year with positive progress and children move on successfully to their next stage.


Our reception and nursery are fuller sooner, with waiting lists in place despite the low birth years. Darlinghurst is a school of choice.

A great school is a team effort. It involves everyone, the children first, parents, teachers, wider workforce and agencies. Working together, makes a difference. We know that attendance is an influential factor to education and also school inspections and judgements.

Our attendance has also been rising post pandemic and we have reached 95% with a continued drive for 96% and in line with expectations. This week I received holiday requests, and we have absence that will impact on our final result. Our final day is Wednesday 24th July, and all children are expected to attend. We also have some final traditions and events that are a shame to miss.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

IN THE SPotlight

PE and Sport

What a year it has been in PE and Sport at our academy! An amazing 76% of our children have taken part in 38 competitions and festivals in various sports with success in many of them. These competitions and festivals have included main sports like football, netball and cricket but also fringe sports including boccia, new age curling, seated volleyball and dragonball. As always, dodgeball has been a particular success with our KS1 team being crowned champions and our KS2 teams representing Southend schools in the Essex finals.

Recently we have taken part in Archery, Cricket (Essex finals), Rounders and the Mini Games held at Eastwood, and it was at KS1 Borough Sports that our children really shone. 16 schools in total entered the athletics competition this year in division 1 and so the competition is quite tough. Our children stayed focused and showed an incredible amount of maturity towards the task in hand. Their all team relay was the highlight of the day with all of them sprinting down the track at speeds even we were surprised at! After a nervous wait for the results, our team were declared champions of the 1st division and took their place on the top spot of the podium!

Our aim here at Darlinghurst is to not only teach high quality PE lessons to our children but also introduce them to as many competitive sports, participation festivals and help them to learn the importance of being active and how that can affect their general wellbeing. This certainly seems to be working with so many of our children having success not just in school but out of it too! It is also reflected in our academy being awarded the Gold School Games mark for the 4th year running meaning we can apply for Platinum status next year.

Go team Darlinghurst.

The PE department are already planning for the next academic year and would like to leave a message for our year 6 children who are moving on to their secondary schools.

There is a sport out there for everyone, and if you have not found it yet keep looking! You will encounter hurdles throughout your lives, don’t allow yourself to become one of them. Never ever give up and try every sport you can. Good luck.

The PE Department

Year 4 trip to Mountfitchet Castle

On Thursday, year 4 visited Mountfitchet Castle. They had the best day looking round the world’s only Motte and Bailey castle reconstruction that has been built on its original site. The children enjoyed learning how the soldiers lived in the ‘Bailey’ part of the site and tried on chain mail, explored different workshops they had to make pots, metal work or tools, practised jousting on a wooden horse and seeing how they collected water. Sadly some didn’t behave and ended up in the prison or were put into the stocks – all for fun of course! It was fascinating seeing some of stone remains from the original 12th century castle and you could easily imagine what life must have been like 1000yrs ago. There was also a toy museum on the site, housing the world’s largest collection of toys from the Victorian age to the 1990’s. The children loved this and recognised many older toys they had seen in their homes that belonged to their parents or grandparents. Well done year 4 for enjoying your day and a great way to enhance our learning of the period completed earlier this year.

Picnic lunch

On Tuesday 16th July the children will have a picnic lunch on the field. If they are having a school dinner the menu choices for that day will be:

  • Pizza pitta, sweetcorn and wedges or Tomato pasta and a cookie
  • Please note, there will be no other choices available.

2024-25 Pupil voice

Darlinghurst Academy

Children’s Healthy Lunchbox and Snack Policy


As a Healthy School, Darlinghurst Academy is committed to encouraging and developing positive attitudes towards food and a healthy diet. Promoting a healthy life style is part of our curriculum and we recognise the importance of offering pupils the opportunity to make informed choices about what, when, and where they eat. As an academy we know that food not only provides essential nutrition but also that lunchtime experiences are important in supporting friendships and sharing positive values, attitudes and experiences with each other.

As members of the Junior Governors Team we have been involved in designing this policy, taking ideas and information from the children that we represent. Our ideas recognise how balanced nutrition contributes to our health, happiness and general well-being.

The Junior Governors

What we want to achieve

  • - To improve the health of the whole school community by helping to encourage improved eating habits through better knowledge and awareness of food issues including what makes up a healthy diet.
  • To ensure all pupils eat well in the academy and that they have access to safe, tasty and nutritious food and a safe, easily available water supply during the school day.
  • To ensure that food in the academy acknowledges the ethical and medical needs of our community e.g. religious, vegetarian, medical and allergies. At Darlinghurst we have children who have allergic reactions to nuts, some of which are life threatening, and for this reason we are a NUT FREE school. We know that a list of children with food allergies is available to kitchen staff.
  • To introduce and promote practices within the academy to reinforce these aims and to remove or discourage practices so that unhealthy food is not brought into the academy.

We recognise the importance of Keeping a healthy body and mind, being well and taking a mindful minute. It’s good to be green!

Snack suggestions

We, the Junior Governors have come together and have suggested that the following items are suitable for a healthy snack at play time. This list is not complete and many other things may be appropriate that we have not recorded below but the criteria we have suggested means that the foods are all healthy.

As an Eco-school, we also recognise the importance of snacks in natural wrappers like oranges or bananas but also shared the importance of a reusable, sustainable pot.

• Fruit: bananas, apples, grapes (halved), strawberries, mixed berries, mango slices, satsumas, pineapple sticks, orange quarters, melon slices, pomegranate, plums, peaches, fruit salad etc

  • Cucumber sticks
  • Pepper strips
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweetcorn
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Olives
  • Pickles
  • Carrot sticks
  • Fruit winders
  • Fruit bars
  • Dried fruit (small amount as fresh is better)
  • Banana chips
  • Malt or fruit loaf
  • Rice crackers
  • Plain popcorn
  • Cheese
  • Cream cheese and crackers


We recognise education on healthy eating as a whole-school issue, and we believe that teachers provide opportunities to teach us about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, as well as good physical and mental health; these all form an important part of our academy’s curriculum. They are taught through the Science, PE and RSHE Curriculums and in our Mindful Minute sessions after lunch

Birthdays, special events and school parties in class are also times where food provides a sense of celebration and sharing. On these occasions foods other than fruit or vegetables may be offered, but we are mindful that this is an “occasional” treat and not “every day food”.

Packed Lunches/treats: Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, crisps, and cakes are actively discouraged as everyday snacks in school or as part of lunch boxes. However, we recognise that it is always nice to have treat so we have introduced “Treat Tuesday” when an unhealthy snack is acceptable. However, chewing gum and fizzy and energy drinks are not permitted on the school premises or while the children are representing the academy.

Monitoring and Evaluation a

This policy has been created by children for the whole school community. The effective implementation of this policy will be monitored by the Junior Governors and Inclusion Leader, Principal and Vice Principal. The policy will be evaluated annually taking into account the views of the whole school community, particularly those of pupils.

At Darlinghurst Academy we like to encourage pupils to develop healthy eating habits. By providing a delicious and nutritious snack and packed lunch, or by choosing school dinners for their child, parents will be helping to ensure that they experience a balanced day of learning.

Fizzy and energy drinks are not acceptable while at school.

Please save treat food for home time.


Jellyfish – 97%

KS1 – Puffin 97.9%

KS2 – Stingray 97.8


Summer holiday activities


Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
