NLPS News Thursday, January 11, 2024

Success for All

School Closure Information for Employees

The following is a reminder about the Board’s school closure procedure for students and employees.

If schools are closed due to snow, or any other weather-related problems, announcements will be made on local radio stations (WOLF 106.9 FM, WAVE 102.3 FM, and 91.7 COAST FM) by 6:15 a.m., or earlier, on the day of the closure. Please do not call the radio station – tune in and listen for the announcements, which will be made on a regular basis.

In addition, the district will post the information on the district’s website, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Facebook. Families may also receive a message through the School Messenger notification system via phone, email or text. Please keep in mind, however, that there may be situations where this is not always possible, for example, power outages or technical problems. The most reliable method is to listen to the local radio stations.

FOR STUDENTS - Listen to the radio stations for announcements of school closures, as described above.

FOR TEACHERS - Teachers (NDTA) have a clause in their collective agreement which excuses them from attending on a day when classes are not in session due to inclement weather.

FOR SUPPORT STAFF - CUPE staff have a clause in their collective agreement which excuses them from attending on a day when classes are not in session due to inclement weather (two paid days per school year). Note: There are CUPE positions that have been classified as essential to operations ie: snow removal, where staff are required to work on days when classes are not in session due to inclement weather, staff in these positions have been notified.

FOR EXCLUDED STAFF - Please confirm with your Supervisor the expectations of your position for reporting to work in the event of a school closure.

EXPECTATIONS OF PRINCIPALS - Principals are expected to report to their schools on mornings when schools are closed, in the event that students arrive at school.

RENTALS – All rental agreements will be cancelled on the day of a school closure.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – In the event of a school closure day, all school activities will also be cancelled (eg. School sporting events/excursions, PAC meetings etc.)

Registration 2024-2025

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year began on January 10, 2024. If you have or you know someone who has a child turning five years old on or before December 31, 2024, it's time to register for Kindergarten. There are also options to apply for:

  • Early French Immersion
  • Late French Immersion (Grade 6)
  • Secondary Academies - Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Beach Volleyball, Jazz & Performing Arts

Meet the Team

As we continue to introduce our teams through the Meet the Team initiative, we would like to present Team Library Services. 1. Danielle Friesen (Library Clerk), 2. Elizabeth Urbaniak (Library Clerk), 3. Karen Corrigan (Library Clerk), 4. Angela Gurney (Sr Library Technician), 5. Brenda Johnson (Library Clerk), 6. Joanne Carter (Library Clerk), 7. Deborah Hunter (Library Clerk), 8. Dorrie Roberts (Library Clerk), 9. Hayley Rickaby (District Library Resource Clerk), 10. Adrianna Furlan (Library Clerk). Missing: Fiona Hutton (Library Clerk).

Real Acts of Caring Week (RAC)

RAC Week is February 11-17, 2024 and this year's focus is Mental Health and Wellness. RAC is about doing something caring and kind and not expecting anything back. It was created by Grade 4 and 5 students from the Coquitlam School District in 2005. It's a great student initiative and the team is trying to get as many students in BC to participate in RAC Week. Some benefits include:

  • Help students feel more connected to one another and to their communities
  • Empowers students to be caring and help promote a positive school climate
  • Reduces bullying, decreases depression and helps students lower their stress
  • Is listed as a resource on the ERASE website

Education Committee Meeting

At the Education Committee Meeting on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the committee received an update from the Department of Learning Services about the Integrated Child & Youth Teams (ICY). The committee also received an Alternative Programming Overview from Secretary- Treasurer Mark Walsh, summarizing the programs within the school district as it pertains to the budget and Board's current strategic plan of inclusion and student success.

View the entire agenda here.

Learning with Syeyutsus

Join us for the 2nd session of Season 4 with the Learning with Syeyutsus TRC57 Speaker Series. This Indigenous learning series, featuring Canadian authors and thought leaders, features Author Heather Menzies on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm. This FREE learning series, in collaboration with UBC Press and Vancouver Island Regional Library covers a variety of stories intended to help deepen learning on your own, spark ideas for further exploration and to share with your family and/or work colleagues.

If you are unable to make it, we've got you covered. The entire series will be recorded for viewing and learning afterwards.

Email for a chance to win one of Heather's books!

Family Fun Nights Continue in 2024

Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools and Island Health host family fun gym nights in January and February. The evenings are free for everyone to enjoy unstructured family play time in the school gym. It's fun for all ages. To find out more, please email

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