BASD e-News February 23, 2024


The BASD e-News is designed to inform BASD staff, parents, students, and the Bethlehem Community with updated information bi-weekly. We hope you find it informative. If you would like to nominate a student, staff member, or a BASD graduate to be spotlighted or if there is an activity at your school you would like highlighted, please email, Barbara Clymer at

BASD eNews 2023-2024 - Edition 12

*****BASD Spotlight*****
*****BASD Job Opportunities*****
*****Superintendent's Office*****
*****Educational Programs*****
*****The Foundation for the Bethlehem Area School District*****
*****Equity Initiatives Office*****
*****Health Services*****
*****Facilities and Operations Department*****
*****Business Office*****
*****Pupil Services*****
*****Information Services Department*****
*****Dining Services*****
School and Community Events, Fundraisers, Try-outs and Sign-ups