Whitkirk News! 21ST JUNE 2024

A message from Miss Quarmby

We have been beaming from ear-to-ear this week! Year 2 had a wonderful time at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Year 3 had a wonderful time at Saltburn-by-the-sea, and Year 5 are visiting Houses of Parliament in London as we speak. These extra experiences for our children are magical and you'll be able to read all about them below. Yesterday, was National Thank a Teacher Day. We are so lucky at Whitkirk to have such a committed team of people who put their life and soul into our school. We've grown and progressed so much over the last couple of years and it certainly wouldn't have been possible without the support of our wonderful Whitkirk team - regardless of role in school, they all do an incredible job, and I'm sure you'll join me in saying a big thank you too!

We are very excited for our Sports Day next week! Mr Stout has been busy planning and ordering new equipment (I can't wait for the space-hopper race!). There will be a refreshments station for family members throughout the day, and we're hoping there may also be an ice cream van at the end of the day! We hope that both will be available for a small donation, so we ask that you bring small change along on the day. ...and of course, please cross all of your fingers and toes for sunshine! If anybody would be available to volunteer to support with refreshments when your child is not taking part in Sports Day, we'd really appreciate it! Please drop in or send a message to the office. Have a fantastic weekend, and I'll see you on Monday!


Uniform Exchange:

We know how quickly children grow and every year, lots of school uniform ends up in landfill. Do your bit to help our environment (and your pocket!) by donating and/or taking from our bank of pre-loved school uniform. It's free uniform for anybody who wants it and anybody is welcome to donate, take, or swap. Every little bit helps! Use the link to the Facebook page to find out more: Whitkirk Primary School Uniform Swap, Donate & Recycle | Facebook 

Upcoming dates/ events you may be interested IN:

  • Thursday 27th June 2024 - Sports Day (Reception and KS1 - 9:30am; KS2 - 1:00pm)
  • Saturday 29th June 2024 - PTA Summer Fair


This week, finishing in first place with 98.67% are RLE. In second place are 2KD, with 97.67% and in third place are 6NT, with 97.1%. A shout also goes to RJS who have also finished the week above our school target of 96.5%. The whole school attendance this week is 94.37%. The whole school attendance so far this year is 95.65%.

Let's see what's been happening in our classes this week


This week in reception, the children discovered that their new artist of the term is Sonia Delaunay! The children discussed the different colours, shapes and patterns she uses in her art work and the fact that she is also a textile artist! Reception then carefully traced around 2D shapes using oil pastels, chalks, coloured pencils or pens to create art inspired by Delaunay! We think you would agree that their creations are excellent!

Key Stage 1

The sunshine isn't even as bright as our sparkling stars in Year 1 this week! As historians, we have been learning all about Lord Darcy who built Temple Newsam House. We inferred what kind of knight he was by examining his shield design. We concluded he was powerful, strong and a leader! We then designed our own shields to represent what types of personalities we have! In our Atelier, we've had some superb designers creating the playground area at Temple Newsam park. What another brilliant week!

What an exciting week we have had in Year 2! In English and Maths, we have been completing end of year quizzes. Miss Dougall and Miss Dougan could not be prouder of the progress Year 2 have made across the year! On Tuesday, we had a superb day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park seeing lots of different animals and consolidating our learning about food chains in a workshop. Some of us were brave enough to hold Giant African Snails and cockroaches! Well done for another amazing week Year 2!

Lower Key Stage 2

This week, Year 3's highlight has got to be our seaside trip to Saltburn-by-the-Sea. From building sandcastles to jumping over waves to enjoying a refreshing ice-cream, it certainly was a day to remember. Throughout the day, the children were amazed at the amount of sealife they discovered, e.g. shells and fossils. The children were super representatives of Whitkirk, focusing on our values of respect and safety throughout the day. Well done Year 3!

Year 4 have become angle experts in Maths this week, finding them between tape on the tables and across the classroom. We have learnt what acute, obtuse and right angles are and are great at identifying them! In Science, Year 4 learnt about pollination and how bees affect two thirds of food that is grown! We then acted out the pollination process and it was great to see how many brilliant actors and scientists we have in our year group!

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5

Year 5 are having a fantastic time in London, seeing the sights and getting ready for their tour and workshop at Parliament! It might have been a long coach journey, but it's definitely worthwhile for this opportunity. We've got lots to share with you when we get back!

Year 6

Year 6 have had another fantastic week! The preparations are well underway for our end of year production and we have begun practising for Sport's Day! As Scientists, we have begun learning all about light, how it travels and how shadows are formed. We are excited to start creating our periscopes next week! A huge well done to all the girls who took part in, and won, the football tournament after school on Thursday!


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.