First Friday at PATT December 6, from 6 to 9 pm

Above image: Linda Craighead, untitled, mixed media print

Tannery Art Center, 1060 River Street, Santa Cruz, California 95060

Join us and meet some of the Printmakers of the Tannery artists. This First Friday we will feature the work of PATT members Frank Trueba, Andrée Lebourveau, Sue Gilchrist, Ann Miya, AV Pike, Jane Gregorius, Mary Neater, Cindy Haug, Lu Lee, Bob Rocco, Hedwig Heerschop, and Linda Craighead.

Sue Gilchrist

Sue Gilchrist: Left: untitled, gelli print. Right: untitled, relief print

Mary Neater

Mary Neater: Left to right: "Gelli Leaves", "Gelli Maples", "Gelli Fern", gelli prints

Lu Lee

Lu Lee: Left: untitled, acrylic and cold wax. 5 panels 5 1/2"x 14" mounted on black cradle board 34”x14”. Right: untitled, monoprint, acrylic and cold wax. 10"x8"

Linda Craighead

Linda Craighead: Left: untitled, mixed media. Right: untitled, mixed media
Linda Craighead: untitled, mixed media

Cindy Haug

Cindy Haug: Left: "Falling", gelli print and stencils, 14"x12". Center: "Going Away", gelli print 9.5"x7.5". Right: "Old Dominican", gelli print, 14"x12"

Jane Gregorius

Jane Gregorius: Lft: “Gelli #1”, gelli print with color pencil, 10” x 8". Rght: "Gelli #2", gelli print, 10” x 8"
Jane Gregorius: Left: "Gelli #3”, gelli print, 10” x 8". Right: "Gelli # 6", gelli print, 10" x 8"

Andrée LeBourveau

Andrée LeBourveau: Left: "Ferns", gelli print. Right: "Snowflakes", gelli print

Hedwig Heerschop

Hedwig Heerschop
AV Pike: Clockwise: " Moca". " Gabby, Gabby, Chai, Lizzie, Chai, Moca". "Lizzie", gel transfers with acrylic and cold wax
Created By
Catharina Marlowe
