Canbury School Newsletter 29th November 2024. ISSUE 351

Dear Families, Friends, Students and Staff.

They say a picture can tell a thousand words, and I have to say, that this week I really do agree. We've been working hard, rehearsing for the Christmas show next week, doing mock GCSEs, visiting people and welcoming in visitors. To top it all I had a very hard, but still enjoyable, task judging the Christmas Doors this afternoon. In addition the Christmas tree is up and the Canbury reindeer is back where she should be - in the Hall and festooned with lights. It does feel as if the Canbury Christmas spirit is wafting through the building.

It was also good to welcome into the building parents and carers of our Year 9 students, who, just like that, are about to choose their GCSE options. The cycle of life goes on!

Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes.

Mrs Rich – Head.

Upcoming dates for your diary.

Wednesday 4th December: Yr7 & 8 to The Rose Theatre Christmas Show, out all afternoon. Late return to school.

Thursday 5th December: School Christmas Show. All parents/carers invited. 6pm to 7.30pm.

Monday 9th December: Christmas-themed lunch boxes! Pack a festive lunch.

Tuesday 10th December: Whole School trip to Hampton Court ice skating. All afternoon. Christmas activities in school if your child is not ice skating.

Friday 13th December: Christmas jumpers day in aid of 'Save the Children'. Break up for Christmas, midday finish.

Students of the week.

Year 7

Excellent participation from Miah and Ella in Spanish.

Great contribution to discussion on how the internet works in ICT this week from Noah, Ella and Max.

Congratulations to Arya for achieving the silver “I like points” trophy on Dr Frost this week.

Year 8

Excellent effort from Alex in Spanish this week. He was heard saying “I am going to challenge myself and try the hard one” when offered a choice of tasks. Muy bien, Alex.

Well done for great focus in ICT this week from Alex.

Year 9

Excellent effort from Rosie and Lee in the football tournament.

Congratulations to Theo and Lee for meeting their target and Carl, Nico and Marley for exceeding their target in this week’s Algebra Unit test.

Excellent contribution from Nico in ICT this week. Well done!

Shout out to Benjamin for great work in art/graphics.

Excellent role model attitude from Issy in science lessons. She is always there to help others.

Great effort from Nico and Remi in cross country at the end of last week.

Well done Rosie for getting the highest score in the chemistry test. Keep up the good work.

A massive shout out to Mason who consistently works hard and does his best in English - all with an excellent attitude and a smile!

Year 10

Excellent role plays booking hotel accommodation in Spanish from Lloyd and Mani. What a shame it wasn't for real!

Bethany, Sophie, Layla J, Layla H, Evan and Finn for working hard in Photography. Your portfolio work looks fantastic - very well done all of you! Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to Evan, Lloyd and Sophie for exceeding their Year 10 target grades in the Maths test this week. Great work everyone!

Brilliant effort adding and subtracting algebraic fractions in Maths this week from Lloyd, Sophie, Sam, Bethany, Mani, Evan and Theo.

Year 11

Well done to Judah, Sam and Matt for successfully completing their Spanish mock listening and speaking exams this week

Well done to Reenie, Kit, Eliot, Ethan, Sam, Logan, Brendan and Morgan for completing their Art and Photography mock exams. Excellent effort and creativity shown - that’s the way to do it. Mr B says he has no doubt you will succeed in your upcoming Art and Photography GCSE exams in the summer term!

Great effort from Archie this week to come top of the Dr Frost leaderboard for the school, scoring over 500 points.

Well done to Brendan and William for excellent mock interviews. They were both professional, articulate and had clearly prepared well.

Sixth Form

Well done to Rhiannon for attending all ICT classes this week in preparation for the mocks next week.

Literacy team teamwork - get you Mrs Daggett....

So Christmas Doors is a treasured festive tradition at Canbury which we ALL love. But we also love Literacy lady Mrs Daggett, because she's like a little ray of sunshine at the end of the first floor corridor. Our annual Christmas Doors competition got her all excited, and look what she produced - a door full of Gingerbread boys and girls. You can tell she's a stylist in her other life - so many talented teachers at Canbury!

A beautiful coming together of the young, and the not quite so young.

Some of our Year 9 students took at trip out to a local residential care home yesterday to spend some time during their PSHE lesson socialising with some of the residents. They excelled themselves, joining in with a festive painting session and chatting to residents as they did so.

Mrs Bate and Ms Boggi accompanied the students and said they were really delightful visitors who represented Canbury in the very best light. Our Year 7s are going along in a couple of weeks to sing some carols. After Christmas we will take another group of Year 9s to Sherwood Grange, and we would like to thank the staff and residents for making us so very welcome. We think it's safe to say a very good time was had by all.

Sporting round-up

The first netball club this Tuesday was a great success. We had some fantastic shooting from our Y7 netball star (and club founder) Ella but also some great efforts and team play from Sofia M, Josef, Tristan and Oliver. Mrs Eynon and Miss Buchanan are looking forward to next week already!

Canbury footballers made the most of using a Premier League team’s facilities this week, as well as showcasing our new Canbury football kits - it’s been a rather exciting one!

Our female football team looks a lot more friendly than our male one....

Monday saw the first round of the Surrey Schools Inclusive Football League, hosted at Fulham’s training ground, writes Mr Barnes.

On the pitch, there was a great deal of success for our Mixed Girls and our KS4 Boys teams. The girls won five of the seven matches and came 4th overall, with our boys taking on all comers, and ending up unbeaten on the day.

That's gratitude for you, Mr Sproule.......we do really appreciate your generosity, despite the (mostly) stern faces!

It was also our first opportunity to don the new Canbury football kits, purchased through the money raised by Mr Sproule last year. A huge thanks again to Mr Sproule for his stupendous fundraising efforts.

What a difficult competition to organise.

Mrs Rich took the job of judging the Christmas Doors VERY seriously today. She was ably assisted by Miss Buchanan, but we could see the arty side of Mrs Rich coming out big time as she went around with her clipboard making notes and asking questions. Here she is busy at work, awarding points for teamwork, creative use of materials and Christmas spirit. We can't wait to hear early next week who designed the winning door. Will tutor groups gets penalised for featuring their teachers, or marked up for excellent use of recycled goods? Only Mrs Rich knows the answer.....

Look who dropped by.....from say hello!

We were thrilled to have a visit today from former student Adam, who joined Canbury in September 2018 and stayed with us until the end of Year 11. Lucky Adam has relocated with his family to Cornwall, where he is pursuing his 16+ education. Adam was his usual cheery, lovely self, even arriving early - as he used to - to assist Mr Fairbrass in setting up for the day. What was especially touching was that Adam caught up with Sixth Former Flora, an old friend, and Sixth Former Frankie, who he'd never met. Both extended a warm greeting and were excellent hosts. Just like in the olden days Flora got the giggles - she was so pleased to see Adam!

Old and new - past and present at Canbury on a jolly Friday morning.

A salty old adventure in the Science Laboratory.

Year 8 students had a pretty impressive chemistry practical lesson today. Mrs Anjum says they were separating salt from rock salt using filtration and evaporation techniques.

Jerusha, Olivia and Oliver were busy bees in the Canbury Laboratory.

Just look at those beautiful colours.

Mr Brinkmanis (him again) has been cracking the whip (again) this week, keeping the pressure on his Art and Photography students as they did their mock GCSEs. But of course they all rose to the challenge, and will be heaving a sigh of relief having finished the job off today. As an extra visual treat for you, here's a beautiful piece of artwork by Art GCSE student Kit, following the other GCSE works show cased in last week's Newsletter. Mrs Bate (who took the photos) saw Kit's work standing proud on an easel, but hadn't realised it was theirs. Ooops. Enjoy!

Just look at those beautiful, deep colours. Well done Kit.

It's 'goodbye' and 'hello' time again.

As we approach the end of this term, we want to take a moment to inform you about some changes to our staff team. We bid farewell to Mr Brinkmanis, Mr Temple and Miss Weyman who are all leaving us for pastures new. We wish them all the very best for their future endeavours and extend our heartfelt thanks for their dedication and hard work during their time here.

But we are pleased to welcome some new faces to our Canbury family. Miss McDonnell has recently joined us and is already working with Year 9 as a Learning Support Assistant, while Miss Vatavu is supporting Year 10 in the same capacity.

Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that Miss Boyle will be taking over as Head of Key Stage 4 and Year 11 form tutor.

In addtition, Mrs Tank will be joining us in January as our new Teacher of Art and Photography, along with Mr Mathivannan, who will be our Head of Science. We also have Mrs Hanna-Shaikh who will be joining Year 8 as a Learning Support Assistant. We will share more on our new staff with you in the New Year.

Christmas Tree Discount Code - get yours here.

The Canbury School Christmas tree has arrivied! Don't forget to use the discount code we have been given from Pines and Needles.

Our local pop up store is located in Kingston at: The Hawker Centre, Lower Ham Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 5BH. Further details (including the location of numerous other pop up stores) can be found at Use discount code SCHOOL10.