Weekly Newsletter wEST mEADOWS - 7th june 2024

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

This week we have said a fond farewell to our school cook, Lynn Coleman-Street, who is retiring. Lynn has worked for the school for an incredible 35 years, both at West Meadows and at the old Market Street site and is much loved by all of the children. We hope she will keep in touch with us and wish her every happiness in her retirement! Thank you Lynn for your many years of service. You will be missed by us all. We would like to take the opportunity to also welcome Mr Alan Steads to the West Meadows family as our new Head of Kitchen!


We would like to congratulate Ms Grange on her recent wedding during the half term holidays and wish her every happiness in the future! She looked stunning on the day - and Mr Mitchell didn’t scrub up too badly either as her best man!

Picture News:

Each Thursday in assembly our children have an opportunity to look at and discuss a current event in the news. The topics and questions they consider also link to the British Values we teach in PSHE. Recent topics children have debated include:

Should everyone be allowed a private life? (Linked to recent announcements of both King Charles’ and Princess Catherine’s ill health)

Is it fair to judge others based on first impressions? (Children explored the news story of an all girls football team who won a league dominated by boys teams after an undefeated season)

What is your identity? (Following the story of Cambridge University who returned four spears to the indigenous community to whom they belonged)

Ask your children what they have been discussing in Picture News assembly each week.

Nursery Places:

We still have nursery places available for September. Please help us spread the word for anyone you know with children who are approaching nursery age. We offer morning, afternoon and 30 hour places.

Mental Health Support:

This week we emailed out an information leaflet to parents about ways to support your child with healthy peer relationships and friendships and how to identify an unhealthy relationship. There were lots of helpful tips for parents. Please don’t hesitate to come and see us if you have any questions.

Pets on the Playground:

A polite reminder that dogs or pets of any kind are not allowed on school grounds please due to health and safety. Thank you for your support with this.

Year 5 Music Festival:

A reminder for children in Year 5 to return their slips for this year’s music festival. We would appreciate any help / support with transport to the venue on the day on Thursday 27th June.

Attendance Matters!

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (incl 30 hours): 90.8%

F2: 92.7%

Year 1: 93.1%

Year 2: 95%

Year 3: 92.3%

Year 4: 89.8%

Year 5: 86.7%

Year 6: 98%

Congratulations to this week's winners, Year 6 !

Diary Dates:

Wc 10th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check this week

Wc 10th June - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check this week

14th June - Year 6 Transition Workshop with Compass Be

17th June - Parent Forum 2pm in Community Room

19th June - Year 6 drama workshop

20th June - Drama Festival Performance – The Academy Theatre

21st June - F1 and F2 Teddy Bear’s Picnic (see letter for further information)

27th June - Year 5 to attend Barnsley Music Festival at The Metrodome

28th June - Year 6 Leavers’ Camping Night!

2nd July - F2 Sports Day (1:30pm)

3rd July - Year 1 / 2 Sports Day (9:30am)

3rd July - Year 3 / 4 Sports Day (1:30pm)

4th July - Year 5 / 6 Sports Day (1:30pm)

5th July - F1 (Nursery) Sports Day (9:30am)

5th July - Summer Fair (2:00pm)

10th July - End of Year Reports to Parents

11th and 12th July - Transition Days in school and Year 6 transition to Kirk Balk

17th July - Year Leavers' Show at the Academy Theatre

19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly