Ocean Alchemists A Tampa Bay Technology Incubator at USF CONNECT company

Welcome: Ocean Alchemists

By Jesus Gogo

Tampa, FL – The Tampa Bay Technology Incubator at USF CONNECT is thrilled to welcome Ocean Alchemists, a pioneering team dedicated to applying advanced science to heal the ocean.

Ocean Alchemists is a unique group of scientists who are merging the fields of formulation science and marine biology. Their groundbreaking work focuses on developing innovative treatments for a variety of marine creatures, with a particular emphasis on saving coral reefs from devastating diseases.

Saving Corals, One Reef at a Time

The team has achieved remarkable success with their first product – a topical ointment specifically designed to combat Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD). This disease, with a near 100% mortality rate, posed a dire threat to coral reefs across the Caribbean. Ocean Alchemists’ innovative treatment is currently being used in over 20 Caribbean countries, offering a crucial lifeline to these vital ecosystems.

Beyond Coral: Expanding the Scope of Marine Animal Care

Building on their success with SCTLD, Ocean Alchemists has partnered with MOTE Marine Laboratory to develop a treatment for Black Band Disease, another major threat to global coral reefs. This spirit of collaboration exemplifies their mission: to establish a research network that treats marine creatures with the same level of efficacy and urgency as human medicine.

"We are incredibly honored and excited to be joining the Tampa Bay Technology Incubator and working alongside so many prodigious innovators. The team at USF has already provided us with so much enthusiasm and support, we cannot wait to see how much more momentum our business will gain in combination with their resources and expertise." -Ocean Alchemists

USF CONNECT is excited to support Ocean Alchemists’ groundbreaking work. Their innovative approach and dedication to marine health paves the way for a future where our oceans are teeming with thriving ecosystems.

Meet the Founders

Katie Curtis


Mike Favero


About Ocean Alchemists

Ocean Alchemists is a team of passionate scientists dedicated to the health of our oceans. Through cutting-edge research and collaboration, they develop innovative solutions to combat the threats facing marine creatures.


USF CONNECT fosters innovation and collaboration across all disciplines at the University of South Florida. By connecting researchers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, USF CONNECT accelerates the translation of cutting-edge research into real-world solutions.