
Treasuring Stories nursery, autumn term, week 6

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our 'Hooks into books' morning. We celebrated our love of reading stories with a range of activities based on the book 'Oh Dear' by Rod Campbell.

A range of engaging activities from making characters from the story to a treasure hunt outside.

One day we will be able to write our own stories. But before that we need to learn the skills ready for writing. We have started our dough-disco sessions which are carefully designed to build fine motor strength in our fingers. All this 'hard work' (it's very fun!) will pay off when we have the ability to form letters beautifully.

Doing the 'poke it, pinch it, make a sausage' dance.

We can't talk about writing skills without mentioning gross motor muscle development. Did you know that when you take your child to the park they are building balance, strength and co-ordination in their upper body and core, which is vital to being able to write fluently? Every week we dedicate time to large movements. This week it was rolling the heavy tyres up and down the hill.

A great work out.

We've been excited by some of the digital self portraits the children have created on the iPads this week. It's amazing to see how far the children have come in six short weeks with their ability to draw themselves.

Aren't these good for nursery pupils?

A few more photos to peek at the play opportunities this week...

Finally, if you were not able to stay for the curriculum information meeting and you want to know more about our curriculum expectations, you can find this on the school website under the Early Years tab.