ELA 10 - Haibuns
ELA 10 students in Mrs. Worthington's class began work on their Haibun projects. A haibun is a literary form originating in Japan that combines prose and a haiku. Students wrote a story that was special to them, a haiku that goes with their story, and included a personal photo that connects to the story and haiku. Finally, students made it into a poster in Canva and Mr. Holloway shared his podcast knowledge to help students record their haibun. They turned out great!
AP Physics 1 - Cardboard Boat Regatta
Students in Ms. Prakash's AP Physics 1 class built boats out of cardboard with the goal of crossing the school swimming pool. They needed to calculate the dimensions necessary to carry the weight of both paddlers to the other side and then construct it with only cardboard and duct tape. It has been four years since the boat project last occurred and it was so exciting to have it back!
AP Environmental Science - Upcycled Project Presentations
World Geography - Game Design Final Project
Final Thoughts
This semester flew by and was the first semester in over a year where the library functioned with 2 full-time, certified librarians! With snow days and scheduled days off school, we collaborated with 277 classes and nearly 7,000 students in only 84 school days. While we still strive to have more new collaborative units, we are pleased to bring back some of the previous favorites (boats) with some brand new gems (finstagrams on Canva). We are excited to welcome some new staff members in the Fall and begin collaborating with them as well. Also, now that our new library automation system is established, we can continue to manage our collection and deliver fresh and relevant books to our students. Even in the age of never-ending instagram feeds and TikTok scrolling, kids still like to read about the lives of others and expand their world through reading! Happy Summer!