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Weekly Newsletter wEST mEADOWS - 31st January 2025

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

It has been lovely this week to be able to go into classes and see what the children are learning. I have seen some fantastic examples of collaborative learning and have been impressed with how children have supported each other. I have also been super impressed with the level of vocabulary that children have been using in their lessons. We are still having a big focus on learning number facts and timestables this term so the more children can play games like Numbots, TTRockstars and Hit the Button at home the better!

Safer Internet Day:

Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday, 11 February this year and is a chance to focus on the online safety and wellbeing of children and young people. The theme this year is “Too good to be true? Keeping yourself and others safe from scams online.” We are asking all children to wear something black for the day. The purpose of this is to symbolize anonymity on line and we will be working with the children on the day about not sharing personal details or information online.

Property In School:

We would like to remind children and families that unless there is a specific arrangement in place (eg for show and tell; mobile phones in Y5 and 6 that are handed in) children should not be bringing personal property into school. Children are allowed to wear a watch or stud earrings but no other items of jewelry or makeup should be worn. Items that are brought into school by children without a parent’s knowledge are their responsibility should they be lost or damaged and bringing items in often can cause fall outs between children.

Artist Workshop:

We are excited to be welcoming an artist into school on Tuesday, 11th February to work with our Year 5 children on drawing and shading techniques. Thank you to Mrs Walton, our Art and DT lead in school, for arranging the opportunity.

End of Day Collection:

Moving forward from next week, the gate to the ramp will not open at the end of the day until 3:10pm. This is because children in Foundation stage can still be learning outside up until this time and our older children are sometimes accessing the outdoor areas, for example for PE and the Wild Walk. We would also ask that parents do not arrive early and stand in the car park waiting for the gate to be opened but queue at the ramp as the offices and classrooms next to the carpark are used for meetings and lessons. The gate to the car park will only be opened after the ramp gate. Thank you for your support with this.

Lost Property:

We have lots of school uniform items in lost property. If your child has lost items please come and check the basket by Reception as any items without names left after half term will be washed and placed on the pre-loved rack or donated to charity. Please ensure your child’s name is in all items of clothing. Many thanks.

Attendance Matters!

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (incl 30 hours): 93%

F2: 94.5%

Year 1: 95.2%

Year 2: 98.4%

Year 3: 93.1%

Year 4: 91.5%

Year 5: 88.8%

Year 6: 89%

Congratulations to this week's winners,

Year 2

Diary Dates:

Thur 6th Feb - F2 Hearing tests

Tue 11th Feb - Year 5 Artist Workshop in school

Tue 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day (Children can wear something black with non uniform)

Wed 12th Feb - School Council Wellbeing Ambassador training

Thur 13th Feb - Valentines Crafts Session for children and parents in Year 4 (2pm)

Fri 14th Feb - Break up for February Half Term

Mon 24th Feb- INSET DAY

Tue 25th Feb - Return to school following half term

Thur 27th Feb - Swimming lessons start for Year 5 pupils (information to follow)

Thur 6th March - SEN Coffee Morning (2pm)

Thur 6th March - World Book Day (Dress as Your Favourite Character / Parent Reading Session at 2:30pm)

Thur 6th March - Afternoon Tuck Shop for Children

Fri 7th March - Let Girls’ Play Football Theme Day

Wed 12th March - Science Workshops with parents for British Science Week

Wed 19th March - Parents’ Evening

Wed 2nd April - Easter Craft Session for children and parents in Year 3 (2pm)

Thur 3rd April - Easter bonnet and egg competition

Fri 4th April - Easter disco

Fri 4th April - Break up for Easter holidays

Created By
Kerry Paddon


Created with images by fgnopporn - "Hand using tablet connecting, Social network concept" • Smart Future - "Toys in the hands on white background" • davit85 - "group lesson in drawing." • hedgehog94 - "The parents came to pick up their children at school." • blacksalmon - "Airport Sign With Lost Found Luggage Icon and Arrow" • tatomm - "close up of calendar on the blue table, planning for business meeting or travel planning concept" • ActionGP - "Top view photo of open diary pink pen and flowerpot on isolated pastel pink background with copyspace"
