Personality Portraits documenting your littlest loves just as they are

We all know babies don't keep and our children are always what if we could take a few minutes and just freeze them in time?

Say hello to AHP's Personality Portrait Minis

ages 6 months to 106

We recently added baby number 3 to our mix and I'm getting more and more nostalgic by the day! I realize how quickly they are changing. They facial expressions, their quirks, all the little things that make them who they are.

Allow me to give you the gift of freezing time! We will document your littles (or not so littles-I'm looking at you, teenagers) in a fun and playful way! We will chat, laugh, be goofy and let them express themselves in a way that you love! There is no right or wrong here! Is your kiddo shy? We will capture that. Are they boisterous or the life of the party? We will capture that too!

These portraits will be gorgeous black and whites highlighting your children and their beautiful faces. These are not images meant to live in digital outer space, rather are meant to be printed and displayed in a beautiful way throughout your home! You and your children will delight in seeing their images daily, whether in a large framed print collage or in an album.

Price List



3 Digital Files + 3 Matching 5x7 Prints

Gallery of all your best images to choose from


**Siblings Must Book Separately

$100 Discount for Siblings. And five minutes saved between thesessions for sibling shots, if desired.

$100 Non-Refundable Retainer to secure your slot. Remaining due the week of your session.