Vinelines 20 september 2024

Vinehall is particularly strong at listening to the child's voice.

On Monday's International Day of Democracy a highly important decision went to the polls, as involving children in school decisions through democratic practices fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, helping to make the school a better place.

What would they choose for Good Copy Breaks - ice-cream with all the toppings or pancakes and Chef Rob's famous chocolate sauce?

Breaking news: the ice-cream won it! The ice-cream won it! 70 votes to 64.

Whether delight or disappointment ensued, all children acknowledged that they had fairly contributed and would do their very best to achieve the reward through hard work and commitment.

Liz and I look forward to welcoming them to the Melon Garden as soon as enough House Points have been won.

With best wishes


Nursery - Look at me!

We have started this new term with a focus on ‘All About Me.’ This topic enables children to develop self-awareness, look at themselves and get to know the uniqueness of the whole cohort.

The children looked at the differences from when they were a babies to now and we talked about the amazing learning and development that has taken place already; and some of the children are only two years old! The children had the opportunity to use different media to create faces and learn about their senses, as well as learning about how to look after themselves.

Sarah Wolford, Head of Nursery and Kindergarten

Kindergarten - Super Duper You

This week the Kindergarten children have been exploring what makes them super. We read the book ‘Super Duper You’ and discussed what our ‘super powers’ are. The children suggested many wonderful ideas from “climbing trees”, “ building with bricks”, “being kind” to “making my sister happy”. We then went on to discuss what we would like to get better at. The children offered lots of lovely thoughts from “dancing” to “drawing pictures.” We have had a wonderful week and enjoyed celebrating what makes each of us unique and super!

Catherine Garlick, Kindergarten Teacher

Reception meet Batman!

Reception enjoyed an exciting Superheroes drama workshop this week. They could not believe their eyes when Batman burst onto the stage and were all very keen to step up as superheroes to help their masked visitor save the day! They practised their superhero poses and their villainous expressions, and also learnt how to give an excellent bow at the end of their performance. We were so lucky to benefit from the talent and energy of the wonderful Director of Drama, Mary Alderson.

Claire Sparks, Deputy Head of Pre-Prep

Year 1 - Hastings Adventure

The children took the school bus to Hastings Old Town and found their way to the miniature railway. As part of our topic work we boarded the train and used our five senses to describe what we would see, hear, smell, taste and touch. We arrived at the beach for our snack and a little run around in the sunshine. We were excited to meet a Fisherwoman who told us all about the fish she had caught that morning. We liked the 'dog fish' and went back to school to learn some more interesting facts about them. What an amazing first trip for Year 1! Well done!

Jacklyn Garwood, Year 1 Teacher

Year 2 - Fire Station Exploration

On Thursday we had a great trip to Battle Fire Station. The firefighters told us all about what they do, showed us around the fire engine and even let us squirt one of the firefighters with the hose; this was great fun and resulted in a lot of laughter!

Louise Hawtin, Year 2 Teacher

Year 3 - The Stone Age

In an attempt to understand how long ago the Stone Age was, Year 3 made a human timeline. Each child stood one metre apart representing five hundred years. Max P started us off in the 'present day' and Mrs E ended up eleven thousand years ago.

Carina Everist, Year 3 Teacher

Year 6 - The Observatory in Herstmonceux

At Vinehall, we believe in enriching education beyond the classroom. On Monday, our Year 6 pupils visited The Observatory, Herstmonceux, for an exciting day of hands-on learning. They explored UV light through a Light Workshop and experimented with infrared cameras, tying in perfectly with our current topic, 'Light.' The day also featured outdoor fun in the Discovery Park, interactive exhibits and team challenges involving building the tallest tower and racing to construct a wooden bridge in the fastest time. To top it off, pupils enjoyed a Science show at the end of the afternoon that creatively compared sound and light waves through a series of demonstrations. These experiences ignite curiosity and deepen understanding, fostering a love for science and discovery in our pupils.

Becky Prior, Head of Science

Smiles and Stories - Vinehall visit Dudwell St Mary Care Home

Nine volunteers from Saxton House visited Dudwell St Mary Care Home in Burwash on Thursday afternoon. They made Mary Alderson unbelievably proud, being polite, friendly, interesting and very interested in the lives of the residents. They chatted, played games and showed some of their work. This is Vinehall's second visit and we hope to make it a frequent and important fixture of the school calendar. The children really did 'Do their best for the benefit of others' and the residents and children had a lovely afternoon.

Mary Alderson, Director of Drama

Boarding - Photography Competition

On Saturday morning the boarders went to DT, Art or Carpentry. They also enjoyed time in the sports hall and library. The afternoon was spent relaxing and in the evening we had a camp fire in the forest school where we roasted marshmallows on the fire.

Sunday was a slow start to the day, with plenty of time to relax. The boarders were then allowed their phones with the task of capturing Autumn. The staff then judged their photography skills; Constanza took first place, Artiom was second and Julie and Mahaut were third equal. On Sunday afternoon we went for a drive to get McFlurrys and enjoyed the lovely sunny weather.

Petra Campbell, Gapper