St John Vianney School Newsletter 22.03.2024

Headteacher's Message

Mr A Moloney

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are fast approaching the Easter break; we finish School on Holy Thursday (28th March) at 3.15pm for the Easter break and school will reopen for the summer term for pupils on Monday 15th April at 9.00am. Next week is Holy Week and we will be bringing the school community together next Wednesday for our collective Easter Mass Services, providing the Children and Young People of SJV the opportunity to reflect on their work in Lent, but also their preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. The children have been striving hard to fulfil our Lenten promises in fasting, fundraising and in taking more opportunities to pray independently and in our Classes. Our fundraising activities are to support CAFOD and classes will again have the opportunity to use any monies raised to purchase ‘world aid gifts’ from CAFOD, which will really help so many global communities who live in poverty. We have arranged for some classes to undertake bag packing in Morrisons’ supermarket in Chorlton, hoping to boost the fundraising efforts in the final week of Lent!

The second interim report of this academic year, has now been sent home and I hope you find it informative in giving you updates on the progress your child has made since the first interim report we sent you in November. It is critical for parents and carers to have the knowledge of how their child is progressing in School and on Wednesday evening next week we will have our annual parents evening. Please make sure you do all you can to attend this really important event; you will have an opportunity to meet with teachers and class teams to discuss the progress made by your child and look through the work that they have been undertaking this year. Parents Evening takes place next Wednesday, 27th March from 4:30pm to 6pm in the school hall; we look forward to seeing you there.

The evening will also provide you an opportunity to have a look at the excellent progress we have made on the new build project.

I hope you and your families have a great weekend and for the week ahead.

Mr A Moloney, Headteacher.

Dates For Your Diary

  • Weds 27th March - Afterschool Club Cancelled
  • Weds 27th March @ 4.30pm - 6.00pm - Parents Evening
  • Thursday 28th March @ 3:15pm - School closes for the Easter break
  • Monday 15th April @ 9:00am - School reopens for the Summer term

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week!

  • Class 1 - Jase - For confident singing in dough disco.
  • Class 2 - Harry - For showing great participation and resilience in Bendrigg.
  • Class 3 - Jenna - For trying harder in her lessons.
  • Class 4 - Mikail - For providing us with lots of humour at Bendrigg.
  • Class 5 - Joe - For improved work and attitude.
  • Class 6 - Jackson - For fantastic behaviour and maturity at Bendrigg.
  • Class 7 - Jack - For being a great all-rounder at Bendrigg and in Class 7.
  • Class 8 - Katie - For always being so kind and helpful, and for trying really hard in PE.
  • Class 9 - Leon - For being a great all rounder.
  • Class 10 - Leah - For having an excellent week.
  • Class 11 - Finlay - For being an "always" pupil.
  • Class 12 - Tomasz - For being a great Lead Chaplain and a great role model for Catholicity.
  • Class 13 - Tyler - For a brilliant week and being a great friend to others.

Employees of the Week

Congratulations to Mr Dumville, Mr Whelan and Miss Murgia for their excellent leadership and planning for a very successful KS3 residential at Bendrigg.

We’re proud to be supporting Neurodiversity Celebration Week!

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. Together let’s change the narrative to understand, accept, and celebrate neurodiversity!

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is about celebrating the strengths and talents of people who think and learn differently. ​It is also about recognising hard work and determination and is one way of reminding others of the importance of being kind and accepting of everyone.

Around School this week, our learners have all taken part in lots of neurodiversity activities and games and enjoyed sharing their own neurodivergent stories. They enjoyed discovering neurodivergent celebrities on our Treasure Hunt and comparing their own neurodivergent strengths with them.

There are lots of resources for parents and students on the Neurodiversity Celebration Week Website

Highlights of the Week

Our Catholic School

We are focussing on the following quote from Pope Francis this week. He asks us to follow Jesus and to be self-giving and servants to all;

‘Let us ask for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully, not in words but in deeds’

- Pope Francis

Within our Catholic school this week, as part of the Catholicity training, each class team looked at different responses to the challenges of Lent. Mr Harris led an emotional wellbeing meeting after school to see how we can improve the emotional wellbeing of both staff and students. There were lots of great ideas shared. Class 4 took part in a retreat with Father Nick, at the Just Youth Centre to reflect on friendship and prayer. They had a wonderful time and really enjoyed their activities.

As a school continuing in our Lenten mission, we are continuing with our 40 Acts of Kindness. It has been so lovely to see how many staff are acknowledged for their 'Acts of Kindness', as well as pupils. I send a weekly email to those special staff and I know it has brightened their day.

In RE lessons this week we have been looking at the events leading to Easter and the ways in which Christians' celebrate Easter throughout the world.


This week's Wednesday Word is 'Praise'.

Mrs Garfin

Poetry Corner

The Listening World: Neurodivergent Poets

We have been celebrating Neurodiversity Week at SJV, so it seems fitting to feature a Neurodiverse Poet’s Network in this week’s newsletter. Here is a section of a fantastic article by Poet and Educator Chris Martin on how autistic learners connect with poetry in such a unique way, and a sequence of poems by the amazing Hannah Emmerson, a 27 year old Neurodiverse poet from America.

- Chris Martin, Poet and Educator. Click on the following link for the full article:
Hannah Emmerson
Hannah Emmerson
Hannah Emmerson

Oliver Lomax

Useful Information

Thank you for your support in attending our coffee afternoon which enabled us to raise £146 for Manchester South Central Foodbank.
Swiggle is a friendly search engine for children & young people. With educational search results, Swiggle is fun and simple for them to use when learning to search the internet. There are also tools and information on how to stay safe online. Click on the following link to navigate to the Swiggle page:

Click on the following link to open a directory of useful links and information about facilities, activities and support available to you and your young person: INFORMATION DIRECTORY

Keep up to date with SJV on our website and on social media. Just click on the buttons below:

St John Vianney R.C. School. Rye Bank Rd, Firswood, Stretford. M16 0EX.

Tel: 0161 881 7843