Welcome to this week's newsletter
This week has been a big week at Manor. We have said goodbye to our Year 11 and 13 cohorts in their leavers events - you can read about it further in this newsletter. We look forward to celebrating their time at Manor even more at their proms, but we will miss them around the school.
As my first week as Interim Principal comes to an end, it is good to see that students are still working hard and are enthusiastic in their learning as Term 6 continues. I was privileged to visit Stanwick Primary and meet some of our new Year 7 students and answer their questions. They are as excited to join us for our transition days in a few week as I am to welcome them to Manor.
Next week we are holding a Parent Forum on Wednesday 26 June from 6pm to 7pm. We already have a group of parents/carers who have been invited, but if you would also like to attend please contact the school to register your interest. I look forward to meeting and hearing from parents/carers as we start our relationship together, to develop Manor in the interests of our students.
Wishing a great and well-earned weekend to our students and all who support them.
Adam Crawte, Interim Principal
SEMH sessions
As part of developing our SEND offer for parents/carers, we are providing a further cross-Trust session this term with a focus on Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). This will be co-led by Karen Stevenson (Trust SEND Lead) and Amy Bradshaw (Trust Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead). The session will look at some of the broad needs associated with SEMH, strategies and provisions we can put into place in school and suggestions to support at home. There will also be the opportunity for questions as we go along.
All sessions will be held remotely via Teams. The dates of the sessions are:
- Wednesday 3 July, 7:00pm–8:00pm
- Tuesday 9 July, 9:30am–10:30am
- Wednesday 10 July, 1:30pm–2:30pm
Please note that each session will be the same so you only need to attend the session which is most convenient for you.
If you would like to attend a session, please e-mail hnotley@manor.school so we are able to add you to the register. Please provide:
- Your name
- The e-mail you wish to register with (if different from the e-mail account you are writing from)
- The session you wish to attend
- Your child/ren’s name
Bookings for the sessions will close on Monday 1 July at 5pm.
Teams links for the sessions will be sent out by the school on the day before each session.
We look forward to seeing you.
Attendance matters
Please help us to improve your child's success at school by sharing the following with them:
- ‘You cannot open a book without learning something’ (Confucius). Come to school and enjoy reading.
- Over 80% of pupils with 100% attendance achieve 5+ GCSEs at grade 4 or above.
Sports leaders
On Monday 17 June we held our final Trust cluster competition at Manor, where our Year 7 leaders assisted Ed Reeves in a number of net/wall activities. Schools in attendance were Redwell, Woodford, Newton Road and St Peter’s.
On Tuesday 18 June our Year 7 leaders were out again, assisting with the running of Windmill Primary sports day. A fun day had by all and it didn’t rain!
We have a few more events coming up which include leading the sports days for Newton Road and Park Infants, plus a cycling festival and a final trip to the University of Northampton.
Year 9 WWW lessons
This term during WWW lessons, Year 9 students are on their second rotation of 'Wellness' lessons where the theme is 'healthy behaviours'. One of the topic areas within this is 'healthy relationships & safe sex'.
As with all lessons this topic will be delivered in a professional, educational and sensitive way, but does form an important part of the PSHE curriculum that schools need to cover. If you would prefer your child to not partake in these lessons, please inform the school before Monday 1 July.
IT conference
For teachers of Information Technology, keeping up with the fast pace of change in the industry can be difficult, and this is why we were delighted to be invited to attend the sixth Merged Futures industry event that took place at the University of Northampton last week.
A group of Manor students attended the conference which focused on advances in virtual and mixed reality, AI and technology, and how they can be used for good to enhance and support the lives of people experiencing difficulties or living with disabilities.
They sat in on talks from industry experts on a wide range of topics, with keynote speeches from Rebecca Gill (registered nurse and CEO of VR Therapies) and Nicola Holland (Billingbrook Special School) on how VR is being used to engage and safely manage real-life risks with residents in care homes and students in SEND schools.
Other talks students attended included exploring how Robotpets can be used to enhance the lives of the older generation in care homes, living with dementia, or to soothe young people experiencing anxiety or depression. They learnt how students at UoN were working on improving EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is a psychotherapy that helps processing and recovery from past experiences that are affecting mental health and wellbeing) using virtual reality environments such as swimming with dolphins or simply relaxing in a walled garden, listening to the ambient sounds. Students engaged with exhibitors including the UoN fashion students who use AI to develop cutting edge clothing design, and Builders Brew. Both students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the day and left the conference feeling inspired.
You can watch interviews with some of the experts and exhibitors here.
Year 11 Leavers Day
Our Year 11 students came together one final time on Wednesday 19 June for their Leavers Day celebrations. Starting off in the restaurant, there was the opportunity to sign each other's shirts, take photos and collect leavers hoodies & prom tickets.
Students then headed over to the main hall for their leavers assembly which began with a slideshow of photos that they had sent in of their time at Manor, before moving on to a video of goodbye messages from staff past and present, and then finally the presentation of tutor and pastoral awards (subject awards will be sent to students individually).
The event was rounded off with our legendary 'Manor Tunnel', which saw all staff and students line the route from the main hall to the school gates, giving Year 11 students a massive round of applause as they made their way off site.
We wish them all the best of luck for the future and are looking forward to further celebrating their achievements with those who are attending the prom on Thursday 4 July.
Results days
The final examinations took place for our Year 11 and 13 cohorts this week, and students have celebrated with their leavers events on Wednesday and Friday. We are now looking forward to celebrating student achievements with them on the results days in the summer.
Results for students collecting A Level and Level 3 qualifications will be available for collection on Thursday 15 August.
Results for students collecting GCSE and Level 2 qualifications will be available for collection on Thursday 22 August.
In both cases, students are encouraged to collect their results themselves in person. This is the best way to collect results, celebrate with staff and peers, as well as seek support where necessary from staff on the day. If students are not available to collect their results in person, they have two further options:
- A nominated friend or family member can collect their results for them. Students should email exams@manor.school, from their school email account to inform the team of this option, including the name and relationship of who is going to be collecting results. The person nominated to collect results must then bring photo ID on results day.
- The results can be posted to students by providing a self-addressed, stamped envelope to main reception before Friday 12 July.
A reminder letter containing final details and timings of results days will be sent to parents, carers and students in early August.
Summer Concert
Our Summer Concert is taking place in the main hall on Thursday 27 June at 6pm. It is sure to be a wonderful evening that celebrates the talents of our musicians. If you could like to come and watch, tickets can be purchased here.