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The Golf Book Rules & Regulations at Pelican Lakes & RainDance National

Meet the Leaders of The Water Valley Company's Golf Division

From the left are Chris Williamson, the Director of Golf, Jeff Orr, the Director of Agronomy and Kurt Hinkle, the Director of Memberships & Tournament Sales

Water Valley Golf Division Emails

  • Chris Williamson, PGA -
  • Jeff Orr -
  • Kurt Hinkle -

Meet the Pelican Lakes Team

From the left are, Max Bigford, Head Golf Professional, Henry Raabe, Assistant Golf Professional and Jason Weizenegger, Golf Course Superintendent.

Pelican Lakes Emails

  • Max Bigford -
  • Henry Raabe -
  • Jason Weizenegger -

Meet the RainDance National Team

From the left are, Head Golf Professional Ed Provow, Assistant Golf Professional Ryan Lynch and Golf Course Superintendent Paul Hiller.

RainDance National Emails

  • Ed Provow, PGA -
  • Ryan Lynch -
  • Paul Hiller -

General Golf Policies

The following rules and policies govern play on the golf course for all members and guests. However, since no list of regulations can cover every possible situation, all are expected to observe the traditional customs and courtesies of golf, always considering their fellow players, and the care of the golf course.

  • All play shall be governed by the USGA rules, except when modified by local rules.
  • Golf Professional Staff shall govern all matches, events, and tournaments.
  • All players must register and check in with the Golf Shop. All fees are due before play commences.
  • 5-somes will be allowed to play only with Golf Shop approval and if all players are riding. If a 5-some falls out of position, they may be split into two groups at the Golf Professional’s discretion.
  • All practice is to be confined to the designated practice areas at each facility.
  • Players stopping at the turn will relinquish 10th tee privileges. They must accept the Golf Professional Staff’s discretion and resume play with their approval.
  • Any individual damaging the golf course or carts in any manner shall be assessed the damage. A member may be liable for the actions of their guest(s).

Major Events

  • To play in the Member/Member or Member/Guest, you must be a member in good standing and be the head of household (or spouse) on your account. Only full golf members - Family, Individual & Corporate - are allowed to play in the Member/Member or Member/Guest. Sportsman & Lifestyle members cannot participate. Account dependents are not allowed to play in these two major events.
  • Deposits may be required for certain major events and will be refundable up to one month prior to the event.
  • The Low Handicap Index (LHI) over the last 12 months will be used in addition to the USGA Rules of Handicapping (listed below) for determining handicaps for major events.

Lightning: When lightning is in sight, play at your own risk. Please take serious heed, seek shelter or return immediately to the Clubhouses. Players assume all risks when playing when lightning is present.

Private Property: Please respect homeowners’ private property and do not enter their yard.

Music: Music is allowed on all courses. Our only request is you please keep music to levels where only you and your group can hear it, and it does not disturb your fellow golfers.

Practice Areas: Please practice from designated areas as this will assist in the perpetuation of a quality tee area. Practice balls are for use on the practice facilities and should not be used on the golf course for any reason.

Tipping Policy: We are a tipping facility. Our staff accepts tips if the service you received was personal and appreciated.

Golf Shop

  • Any tee prizes/tournament gifts are final and cannot be returned, exchanged, or traded for other merchandise or products.
  • All special orders will be billed to the member’s account, if applicable, upon receipt of the invoice.
  • Shop Credit: All shop credit, on account or on a gift card, will expire Dec. 1. Shop credit may be used on special orders as long as the order is received and billed by Dec. 1. Shop credit can only be used on merchandise and cannot be applied to account balances, rounds of golf, gift cards, etc.

Dress Code

Proper golf attire is required for all players whether using the golf courses or practice facilities. Proper attire shall mean the following:


  • Tops: Golf mocks or shirts with collars and sleeves.
  • Bottoms: Slacks or golf shorts of mid-thigh length.


  • Tops: Golf shirts with collars or sleeves.
  • Bottoms: Dresses, skirts, skorts, slacks, capri pants, mid-length shorts, and leggings.

Examples of attire NOT PERMITTED: Halter tops, tank tops, tee shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, running shorts, work-out attire, swimwear, cargo shorts, cut-offs, or other athletic shorts.

Golf Shoes: All shoes must be soft spiked or spike-less. Metal spikes, football, soccer, or other large knobby spike shoes are not allowed.

Junior golfers are expected to adhere to the same dress code.

Handicapping Allowances

  • All tournaments and league competitions where Golf Genius is used for scoring, and where the format allows, will be posted by the golf shop that day.
  • All tournament and league scores will be posted as “C” (Competition) Scores. In the latest update of the USGA Rules of Golf, “C” scores are not weighted any differently than “Home” or “Away” scores. It is a way to sort scores by competitive rounds should a handicap adjustment be needed.
  • All indexes for events will be pulled 7 days prior to the event.
  • All handicap percentages will be determined from the USGA Rules of Handicapping Appendix C, listed here:

Golf Cart Policies

  • Excessive water, snow, or dryness may limit or restrict carts.
  • Only 2 riders per cart.
  • Groups of 4 players or less must have a max of 2 carts per group.
  • The driver of any cart must be 16 with a current state license when on club property.
  • All four tires must be kept on the cart path around tees and greens.
  • Handicap flags are not available as EZGO PACE technology regulates all carts.
  • Personal carts are not allowed on RainDance National Golf Course. You must park your personal cart and use a club-owned cart.
  • You are liable for any damage done to a club-owned cart, by you or your guest(s).

Personal Cart Restrictions

To bring your personal cart on Pelican Lakes Golf Course, your cart must adhere to the following items:

  • Body of the cart must be a color of dark green.
  • Cart must be electric and have lithium batteries. Only required for new personal carts after 1/1/25.
  • Cart tire tread must be: Smooth or straight ribbed. Saw tooth tread. Turf tread. Sand, knobby, and all-terrain tires are NOT PERMITTED.

Member Tee Times

  • Pelican Lakes Pro Shop phone number - 970-674-0930
  • RainDance National Pro Shop phone number - 970-833-1720
  • Tee times for members are available starting 14 days prior.
  • Tee times can be made from the member website or The Water Valley Golf mobile app.
  • When booking a tee time on the App, you must enter all names of members and guests in your group.
  • To ensure the accuracy of your charges, please check in with the Golf Shop in person each time you play golf.

Public Tee Times

  • Tee times for the public are available starting 7 days prior. Tee Times can be made via the Pelican Lakes and RainDance websites.

No Shows

  • A member who no-shows for a tee time may be charged up to $5 per slot.
  • A guest who no-shows for a tee time is subject to the full rate per slot.

Hole-In-One Club (Pelican Lakes)

Hole-in-one (HIO) “insurance” is offered for members of Pelican Lakes. When someone in the club makes a HIO, all other members in the HIO club are billed $10 on the day the HIO is made. That member then receives 50% of the money in the Sand Bar and 50% in golf shop credit on their account.

  • Amount paid out based on number of people in the HIO club.
  • Funds cannot be applied to any other account and are only good for the Sand Bar and golf shop credit.
  • Sand Bar funds remain open until used up on a first come first served basis once the HIO maker is in the Sand Bar.

Player Responsibilities

Posting Scores

  • To post scores, please utilize the GHIN mobile app or inform the golf shop of your score after your round. Posting your score the day you play is very beneficial to potentially take advantage of the Playing Conditions Calculator (please see the USGA rule book for more information).
  • Please post every round HOLE-BY-HOLE rather than entering a total score. This helps the club study the hole handicaps so we can make appropriate adjustments and helps with the accuracy of your handicap as it is figured with Stroke Control. The max score any player can take on a hole for posting purposes is Net Double Bogey. Many events (such as stroke play events) you can still record a score higher than Net Double Bogey, but for posting purposes, Net Double Bogey is the highest score the GHIN system will allow.
  • Net Double Bogey is defined as double bogey plus the number of handicap strokes allotted on that hole. If a player gets one (1) stroke on a par 4, net double bogey is seven (7). (Double bogey: 6 + Handicap strokes: 1). If a player gets two (2) strokes on a par 5, net double bogey is nine (9). (Double bogey: 7 + Handicap strokes: 2).


  • Anyone participating in a golf event is required to maintain an accurate and honest handicap. Players are expected to understand how to properly adjust and post scores. If you are unsure of how to adjust or post your score, please ask the golf shop, or visit
  • Players are required to post all scores as soon as possible after their round. The GHIN mobile app is an excellent resource for posting scores which is very quick, easy to use, and always in your pocket. All scores should be posted the same day the round was played.
  • “A Handicap Index is designed to represent your ability when you’re playing well – which is why you should be proud whenever you play to your handicap or better. You can typically expect to score about 2-4 strokes higher.” (USGA Handicapping Reference Guide, pg. 22)
  • An important component of the USGA Handicap System is peer review, which provides the ability to review other member's scoring records. It is incumbent upon all club members to participate in peer review.
  • Participants in all club events must have an established handicap. If no handicap is established, men will play to a +2 and women will play to a 0 handicap.
  • Participants in member events must declare what tee they are playing, if not, the default tee for men and women will be selected.
  • Male White tee policy: Age 60 and older & an index above an 8.5, are allowed to play from the White tees, as well as any male age 70 and older.

Pace of Play

  • Players are responsible for keeping up with the group in front of them.
  • Do not look back when seeing if you are on pace, look forward. Always play ready golf (something the USGA rules now recommend).
  • During team tournaments, balls that do not count for team score should be picked up and the "most likely" score should be recorded.
  • During regular play, slower groups should always allow faster groups to play through if a hole is open ahead.
  • According to USGA rules, the search time for a lost golf ball is 3 minutes.

Local Rules

  • Players are responsible for understanding the rules. Rules/Format sheets will be available before every tournament. Please take the time to read and understand them. See the golf shop if you have any questions.
  • Any ball being recorded on the scorecard must go in the hole. No gimmies in any events unless otherwise noted on the rules sheet.
  • Please turn in legible and accurate scorecards.

Course Rules

RainDance National

  • All native grasses are red penalty areas.
  • Pace of play is 2 hours, 30 minutes per 9 holes.
  • Proper dress code is required.
  • Practice facility is a no play zone marked by red stakes with green caps.
  • Inclement weather policy: play at your own risk.

Pelican Lakes

  • All native grasses are red penalty areas.
  • All rock and flower beds are free relief.
  • Pace of play is 2 hours, 10 minutes per 9 holes.
  • Proper dress code is required.
  • Drop zones are located across the river on #4, #9 and #18 on The Lakes. The drop zone on #18 is only in play if your second or subsequent shot enters the penalty area.
  • Inclement weather policy: play at your own risk.


Not only do we encourage all participants to respect the game of golf, the golf course, cart, equipment and playing partners, but also the Club’s staff. Any members or guests who disrespect an employee of Pelican Lakes or RainDance National are subject to eviction of premises and possible revocation of membership/playing privileges.

The annual Pelican Lakes member tournament calendar is filled with a variety of different formats and some stretched across multiple days.

RainDance National features a mixture of member-only and public events.

Golf Instruction

Lesson Fee Schedule

Chris Williamson, PGA Director of Golf The Water Valley Company

  • 45-min Lesson: $110
  • 4-Lesson Package $400
  • Playing Lesson: Based on time spent on course

Ed Provow, PGA Head Golf Professional, RainDance National

  • 45-min Lesson: $80
  • 5-Lesson Package: $350

Max Bigford, Head Golf Professional, Pelican Lakes

  • 45-min Lesson $80
  • 5-Lesson Package $350

Henry Raabe, Assistant Golf Professional, Pelican Lakes

  • 30-min Lesson $50

Ryan Lynch, Assistant Golf Professional, RainDance National

  • 30-min Lesson $50

Lesson packages are sold at the discretion of the instructor. All lesson packages expire on December 1st each year. To schedule your golf lesson or club fitting with any of our professional golf staff, please email any of the above Professionals.


Have more questions? Please reach out to Director of Golf Chris Williamson at as he can assist with all your questions. |