Our Manor 13-17 November 2023

Welcome to this week's newsletter

Please, if you can, watch or listen (in the car) to the videos which accompany this letter to get the more personable version of the explanations and information below.

Dear families,

This week has been all about individual successes and the huge range of exciting undertakings which are part of the normal experience at a great school like Manor School. We are grateful for all of these opportunities and for the students who actively engage in them.

Amongst these successes we have seen:

  • Rehearsals for Matilda The Musical starting. Break a leg everyone!
  • Music students attending and taking part in a Music For Youth event and performance at the Royal Albert Hall, along with 1500 students from across the country.
  • 42 budding Sports Leaders taking part in their trial event and impressing Ed Reeves from Northamptonshire Sport. All of them have now qualified for the course and will be leading Primary School Athletic events.
  • Students showing empathy to each other as the trial exam season is about to begin, and extending this to sharing a kind word and concern for their peers and staff.
  • Year 13 students receiving a plethora of excellent university offer places. Good luck to those who are currently applying for and practicing for their Oxford and Cambridge interviews.
  • Our top students in Year 12 being invited to an Elephant Group launch event at Loughborough University aimed at the top students getting into the best universities.
  • Sixth Formers delving deep into their studies, some pushing themselves to read 17th century texts.
  • Mr Issacs and other male staff raising money for charity through Mo-vember. The moustaches are something to behold!
  • Students representing us as a school at the Raunds Remembrance events. Thank you to Joshua in Year 12, Poppy in Year 9, Jessica in Year 8 and Mrs Johnson.
  • Lucas and Rose (both Year 13) were also selected to represent their cadet force in Northamptonshire at the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph.
  • Robbie in Year 11 gaining the Cricket Youth Bowler of the Year Award. We are very proud of him.
  • A hundred students and families attending our hugely successful post-16 Open Evening last night. Exciting times ahead!

Things to look forward to include:

  • The Duke of Edinburgh 2023 programme will begin. Onwards to great adventures!
  • Booking Christmas lunch. Booking is available from 4 December - further details will be in next week's newsletter.
  • Careers talks from external speakers to broaden the understanding of potential future pathways, igniting passions and unmasking dreams and ambitions.
  • Nene Education Trust Carol Concert tickets are on sale from today. Please come along and support all of our children across all of our Trust schools. Seeing them perform is a true delight.

I would encourage you join us for Tea with the Principal to share your positive experiences of school, your queries or concerns and help us to reflect and improve on the service we provide for this community. We are always interested in constructive criticism and ideas which will benefit the students and their families. If you would like to book, please contact the school main phone number or emailing enquiries@manor.school. The sessions are Thursday 4-5pm and Fridays 10:30-11:30am. I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a great week.

Dr Newman, Principal

Outdoor PE lessons

It is that time of year again where the weather starts to turn colder and wetter, which means that PE outdoors can become a challenge for some. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that students are still expected to bring their full PE kit and participate in PE regardless of the weather conditions, but should be supplementing their PE kit with items such as navy jumpers, navy tracksuit bottoms, thicker socks, gloves, woolly hats and waterproof rain coats. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they have the correct attire for the conditions. Trial exams start next week so we lose the use of the sports hall for a period of time which means most lessons will take place outdoors.

It is also really important that students have trainers for PE – it is not safe to participate in PE wearing their school shoes, sliders or crocs.

If a student feels unwell but is still in school, they are still expected to change for PE and participate albeit in a different role, being sure to make their teacher aware that they are feeling under the weather. Students can only be excused from PE without a sanction if a medical note is provided. Students that do not change for PE are given a ‘not having equipment for learning’ behaviour point, where 3 times of not having PE kit will result in a lunchtime detention.

Thank you for supporting us.

Miss Hustwait, Curriculum Lead for PE

Cricket award

Congratulations to Robbie K in Year 11 who was awarded Youth Bowler of the Year for Tier 3 (divisions 9-15 in the NCL) at the Northamptonshire Cricket League Dinner on Saturday 11 November. We are extremely proud of this achievement and wish his continued success in the sport.

Flu vaccinations

Flu vaccinations will take place in school on Wednesday 22 November for all students that have been given consent by parents/carers.

Please ensure that where possible students wear a short-sleeved shirt or are able to roll it up on the arm.

Improving school attendance

Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development.

For some children, attending school every day will be harder than for others. This is why schools are committed to working together with families to solve problems and support your child’s school attendance.

Please download the following guide from the Department for Education on what you need to do when your child needs to be absent and how schools and local authorities will work with you to support your child’s attendance.

If you would like to speak to a member of the attendance team regarding any attendance concerns, please email attendance@manor.school.

Elephant Group conference

An online conference for parents/carers of students in the Elephant Group is taking place 6-7pm on Monday 27 November. Please see the flyer below for the Zoom meeting link and passcode.

NET Carol Concert

The Nene Education Trust are proud to present the NET Family Christmas Concert 2023. Our school choirs have been busy rehearsing and practicing Christmas carols and now they are ready to join choirs from schools across the NET family for a celebration of festive fun that we hope will bring the Christmas cheer! Over a hundred young voices will be joining together to make this cold weather disappear and welcome an evening of winter wonder. Please join us on Tuesday 12 December in the Main Hall at Manor School (doors open at 5:30pm for a 6pm start).

To book your free tickets, please click here.

Careers and education advice

15 Year 13 students have now completed their UCAS applications and are currently receiving invitations for interview and/or offers of places to study next year. In addition, another 15 students will be completing their application in the next two weeks. The remaining 20 students are currently at different stages of progress and the appropriate information, advice and guidance will be available from tutors, Miss Collier and Mr Hill to complete their applications well before the 31 January 2024 deadline. Year 13 students not wishing to apply to university have all received advice and guidance on developing their CVs with a view to apply for apprenticeships and employment.

All Year 12 students have completed a “post-18 intentions form” and attended an assembly with Mr Hill on the importance of work experience, volunteering, online courses and other activities and experiences to include in their UCAS personal statements and CVs which they will be starting before Easter 2024. Any Year 12 student wishing to go on work experience towards the end of the summer term needs to register their interest with Miss Smedley by Monday 4 December.

All students in Year 11 have been scheduled a group or 1:1 meeting with Mr Hill to discuss their post-16 intentions. Mr Hill is currently speaking to students who have missed their meetings to provide the appropriate information, advice and guidance they require to secure their preferred destinations for September 2024.

Extra-curricular timetable

Click to enlarge

Northampton Film Expo

The free Northants Creative Industries Expo is taking place at the University of Northampton on Fri 24 and Sat 25 November. The event offers the opportunity for those interested in the industry to explore, network and develop their creative career.

For full details and to book your free ticket, please click here.

Raunds Christmas Market & Lights

Dates for your diary