Reports & Analytics End-of-Life Resources for transitioning your workflow from Reports & Analytics to Analysis Workspace

On January 17, 2024, Adobe officially deprecated Reports & Analytics, as well as the SiteCatalyst point-product. Adobe announced these end-of-life plans over two years ago to allow customers time to migrate projects, to learn new workflows and to ease into the transition. Over the past six years, Reports & Analytics functionality and capabilities have been moved to Analysis Workspace and a threshold of workflow parity has been reached.

This site is dedicated to providing resources to help you transition your analysis workflows from Report & Analytics to Analysis Workspace, including:

  • End-of-Life milestones
  • How to transition to Analysis Workspace
  • Features
  • Analysis Workspace resources
  • FAQs

End-of-Life Milestones

The dates provided herein are subject to change at Adobe's sole discretion.

  • January 4, 2022: Intention to end-of-life announced
  • April 1, 2022: End-of-service-life
  • October 31, 2022: End-of-sale
  • January 17, 2024: End-of-life

How to Transition

Getting to know Analysis Workspace

If you are new to Analysis Workspace, we would highly recommend you taking the time to review documentation and many of our videos on our YouTube channel to familiarize yourself with how to use Analysis Workspace.

This video is a great primer and overview of Analysis Workspace.

Also, we have created a built-in learning section directly in the Analysis Workspace landing page. Simply click on the Learning tab on the left to access the content. We strongly encourage going through each of the tutorials and videos to learn more about the fundamentals of Analysis Workspace.

For more getting started content, this playlist on our YouTube channel has a curated selection of videos designed to help you learn more of the basics of Analysis Workspace in order to help you get started.


Analysis Workspace provides many of the same Reports & Analytics reports out of the box. They can be accessed from the Workspace landing page by clicking on the reports tab. They can then be browsed using the menu or searching for them by title in the search bar at the top.

All of the data used in Reports & Analytics is available in the same report suite within Analysis Workspace. As a result, the majority of the reports and dashboards used in Reports & Analytics can be recreated as a custom project in Analysis Workspace.

To do so, open a blank project from the Workspace landing page. The data in Workspace is categorized as various component types: Dimensions, Metrics and Segments. All your eVars and Props are captured as dimensions and are available within the appropriate report suite.

Once a blank project is open, search for the applicable component in the left rail and drag it onto the blank freeform table canvas. It will begin to auto-build for you but is fully customizable. Dimensions typically go on the left (as rows) and metrics go across the top (as columns). Segments can be applied directly on the columns in the table or in the header of the project and will filter the corresponding data accordingly.

For anyone wanting additional guidance and support, this video walks you through how to build a project from scratch in Analysis Workspace.

If you are new to Analysis Workspace, we highly recommend completing the Training Tutorial which is designed to help users familiarize themselves with the Workspace patterns and structures for analysis and reporting. It can be accessed directly from the Analysis Workspace Landing Page within the purple hero banner across the top.

Additionally, we have created a video that walks you through how to use the Training Tutorial if you get stuck or need additional guidance.

Scheduled Reports & Projects

Effective April 15, 2022, Adobe paused all scheduled reports that have a creation date greater than two years. Any scheduled report maybe rescheduled by logging into Analytics and opening the scheduled reports manager, clicking on the edit icon, and setting a new scheduled time and expiration. Finally, any edits to an existing scheduled report that does not have a set expiration date will require an expiration date.

With these changes, scheduling new Reports and Data Extract options will continue to be supported until January 31, 2023 at which time these settings will be deprecated and only existing scheduled reports can be reactivated and/or sent.

If a report or dashboard is scheduled for delivery from Reports & Analytics, we recommend you take the following steps to re-start the schedule in Analysis Workspace:

  1. Recreate your Reports & Analytics report to Analysis Workspace, following one of the options above
  2. In Reports & Analytics, cancel your scheduled report
  3. In Analysis Workspace, open your project and go to Share > Send File on Schedule to re-start your schedule

Publishing Lists

One of the features in R&A that is slated to reach end-of-life on the Dec 31, 2023 date is Publishing Lists. While features like Calendar Events and Page Summary Report do/will have a parity version in Analysis Workspace, Publishing Lists is not one of them and will be deprecated when R&A reaches its end-of-life; you will not be able to create new or access existing Publishing Lists to send or schedule Analysis Workspace projects.

To mitigate any disruption to your current report-distribution workflows that rely on Publishing Lists, we request that you consider the following alternatives:

If you are using Publishing Lists to distribute the same version of the report to multiple users (without applying report suite overrides):

Once you recreate your reports in Analysis Workspace as projects, you can use a combination of a contact group or distribution list created for your mail client and Workspace’s Scheduled Projects feature to send or schedule the recurring delivery of the project; like Publishing Lists, a PDF/CSV version of the project is then sent to every email ID that is part of the group/list. You can learn more about the Scheduled Projects feature here.

If you are using Publishing Lists to distribute multiple versions of the report or dashboard to multiple users (via the report suite override feature):

Analysis Workspace does not support report-suite overrides or, unlike R&A reportlets and dashboards, the ability to lock report suites when sharing or scheduling projects. To replicate the workflow, you may have to create multiple versions of the same project with a different report suite applied to each version, and then use the scheduled project feature described above.


Features to be Supported

The following features will have a parity version in Analysis Workspace. Details and timelines for the projects for these features will be added as more information becomes available:

  • Calendar Events: Will be called Annotations in Analysis Workspace. Released March 2022
  • Next/Previous Page Reports: Released April 2022
  • Page Summary Report: Released April 2022
  • Combo Charts: Released October 2023
  • Menu Customization: Released January 2023 (Folders)
  • Real-Time Reports: Released direct link support from new landing page January 2023
  • Bot Reports: Released June 2023

Features to be Deprecated

The following features will be discontinued upon end-of-life and will NOT have a parity version in Analysis Workspace:

  • Publishing Lists (Not supported; see Publishing Lists above for more detail)
  • DL Reports (Not supported; see Scheduled Reports & Projects above for more detail)
  • Dashboards (Achievable through curated Workspace Projects)
  • Custom Reports (Achievable through Workspace Projects as Company Reports)
  • Custom Conversion Reports (Achievable through Workspace Projects as Company Reports)
  • Publishing Widgets (Semi-achievable through soon-to-be-released feature no-login-required public links, not embeddable workflows)
  • Current Data (Semi-achievable through the real-time report)
  • Data Extract (Semi-achievable through Data Warehouse or a download a CSV of a Analysis Workspace Project)
  • Pathfinder (Semi-achievable through flow visualization in Analysis Workspace)
  • Full Paths (Semi-achievable through flow visualization in Analysis Workspace)
  • Roll-up & ASI Report Suites (Achievable through Global Report Suites)
  • Marketing Channel Reports (Achievable through Marketing Channel analysis in Analysis Workspace)
  • Targets (Supported through static calculated metrics)
  • Default Metrics (Supported as a freeform table setting through User Preferences)
  • Data Filter Button (Not supported)
  • Smoothing Applied (Not supported)

Analysis Workspace Resources

Below are some additional videos and resources to help you get started in Analysis Workspace.

There are several additional resources available for learning Analysis Workspace. The Adobe Analytics YouTube channel ( offers an organized training guide that enables you to build your Analysis Workspace skillset at your own pace. Additional resources include:


Q: What is Adobe's transition plan? A: Dates will be published to this page as they become available. The dates provided herein are subject to change at Adobe's sole discretion.

  • Intention to end-of-life announced: Jan 4, 2022
  • End-of-service-life: April 1, 2022
  • End-of-sale: Oct 31, 2022
  • End-of-life: Dec 31, 2023

Q: What do end-of-service-life, end-of-sale, and end-of-life actually mean? A: See below for a definition of each term:

  • End-of-service-life (EOSL): Although the product may still be available for use, Adobe will no longer test it, fix associated bugs, or support new versions of Java. Security issues will continue to be addressed. Users may still use the product but their experience may degrade over time.
  • End-of-sale (EOS): The product will no longer be sold
  • End-of-life (EOL): The tool will no longer be available for use within the Analytics product. Any artifacts associated with the product (scheduled, bookmarks, links, etc.) will no longer function.

Q: What if a feature to be deprecated is one I want to be supported? A: Features on the "to be deprecated" list are not currently under consideration for support. But you are more than welcome to add or upvote this idea on if you want to see this improvement made to the product.

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