Hello World Tech & Youth Services

Summer Reading Program Ideas Workshop

Save the dates

  • Children's Virtual Workshop Feb. 25th 9:30am-12:30pm
  • Teen Virtual Workshop Mar. 11th 9:30am-12:30pm

New Library Reference Materials Added to Overdrive

  1. Ask, Listen, Empower: Grounding Your Library Work in Community Engagement
  2. The Big Sourcebook of Free and Low-Cost Library Programming: 300+ Resources, Ideas, and Tools
  3. Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions
  4. Design Thinking
  5. Engaging Babies in the Library: Putting Theory into Practice
  6. Escape Rooms and Other Immersive Experiences in the Library
  7. Foundations of Intellectual Freedom
  8. Intellectual Freedom Manual
  9. Library Management 101: A Practical Guide
  10. Library Programming for Autistic Children and Teens
  11. Serving Patrons with Disabilities: Perspectives and Insights from People with Disabilities

The Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries

The 2025 grant cycle is now open.

The applying person needs to be a member of ALA

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Application Now Open: NYS Grants for Participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a community-based program mailing free, high-quality, age-appropriate books to registered children from birth until their 5th birthday, no matter their income. Local Program Partners enroll children within their selected community and pay, on average, $2.20 per child/per month towards wholesale book and mailing costs.

To encourage participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program, the New York State Legislature has appropriated $500,000 to be awarded through a competitive grant program. Funds will be available to libraries, library systems, non-profits, school districts, charter schools, non-public schools, and BOCES in New York State. Individual grants will be limited to a maximum of $49,000 to pay up to 50% of a Local Program Partner’s costs from the Imagination Library.

Just a couple of things to think about:

  • Families that apply for these books will get the books directly and won't need to visit the library
  • You won't be able to send them any early literacy information as the books are shipped directly from the warehouse to the family address.
  • I don't think there will be any library branding.
  • Is this sustainable?

The United Way offers this program in Saratoga Co. Quoting from the Times Union November 24, As Education Trust sounds alarm on early literacy, Dolly Parton's free book program comes to Capital Region. "To offer the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, sponsors must agree to pay $26 per child per year. So far, with 1,482 children enrolled in Albany County, United Way is on the hook for $74,000. Similar numbers of children have enrolled in the other eight counties covered by the agency."


One More Story is the online library of the best of children's illustrated books set to music and read aloud to you. Follow Benjamin D. Bookworm, Bendy, through your favorite books, or try the I Can Read It mode to read them yourself.

AI in Early Childhood Education

This is an interesting article especially the prompt for creating a new song.

New Databases Added to NOVELNY

  • Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep: Online tool for standardized test prep, college planning, career exploration and resume building.
  • Gale LegalForms — State of New York: Access a wide selection of state-specific legal forms and resources across the most popular legal areas. Includes thousands of Spanish-language forms.
  • Gale Business: Entrepreneurship: Covers all aspects of starting, financing and operating a business. Resources include 1,000 sample business plans, how to guides, articles, websites and more.
  • Gale Health & Wellness: Authoritative source on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices, updated daily.
  • Gale Literature: Books and Authors: A readers’ advisory database for discovery of books by author, genre and topic based on expert reviews and recommendations.
  • Gale OneFile: High School Edition: Multi-source database for middle and high-school students with access to a variety of full-text magazines, newspapers, journals, podcasts and reference books.
  • Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management: Authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning and more. Updated daily.

Content Carousels

Many of you have Content Carousels on your websites, but did you know you can create custom carousels for special events? Say you wanted to create a special collection exploring your Halloween collection or a local history selection.

If you'd like to know more please let me know.


Turning the Page on Period Poverty

A period should end a sentence, not a trip to the library!

The video is now up for this webinar:


Put on by https://knowyourflow.info/

Let’s Talk about New York Animals!

These wonderful and educational coloring books in English and Spanish are available for libraries to order from the NYS Council on Children and Families. They would be a perfect resource to accompany an adventure event or other library program activity. Use the button below to make a request for the coloring books.

StackOverflow Results

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Repair Slip

Saw this repair slip the other day and it gave me a giggle.

Stillwater Repair slip--This gave me a giggle.
Created By
Jack Scott


Created with images by Valentyna - "Winter solstice celebration with bonfires and lanterns, festive atmosphere" • Dee karen - "Online sales concept of digital marketing, ad, product ads, promotion of products or services through digital tools. Online advertising concept Internet advertising digital marketing Social media"