Venerable Edward Morgan Catholic Primary cylchlythyr ysgolion 2023-24, rhifyn 5, 5 Gorffennaf '24 / school newsletter 2023-24, Issue 5, 5 July '24

UP NEXT Message from the Head

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents

As another busy academic year comes to an end, I just wanted to take the opportunity to share some important messages and a few dates for the New Academic Year.

This year has brought new challenges due to the difficult budget restraints, all schools are experiencing, and unfortunately are set to continue. I am proud to say this hasn't prevented us from providing many exciting learning experiences from a Spanish Cooking Day with 'FUN Chef Pat'; to all Year 3 pupils playing violins with 'The Welsh National Orchestra'; having 'Wrexham AFC Community Trust' in delivering weekly Football Sessions; to the 'Diocesan Choral Director' providing weekly singing lessons.

Not to mention weekly clubs from AmaSing, Mr Kelly 's Sports Coaching, Mad Science and Generation Rock. It has been another fun packed year and the children have engaged in so many great experiences. They continue to make us so proud, everyday. Da iawn Pawb!

Lastly, can I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. From attending concerts, assemblies and coffee mornings, to your unfaulting support of our Friends Fundraising and Charity Events. Your Support is greatly appreciated. Thank you and I wish you all a wonderful Summer!

Mwynhewch eich Haf!

Regards Mrs R Langley

UP NEXT Community


Holly Bank Residential

Pupils recently visited Holly Bank Residential one of our local care homes, to sing a range of songs to the residents. This is always well recieved by the Residents and the children enjoy singing their favourite songs.

First Holy Communion

Pupils in Year 3 recently celebrated their First Holy Communion at the Blessed Sacrament Church in Connah's Quay. It was a wonderful special occasion in the parish. The pupils then celebrated in school with a special cake, enjoyed by all their peers as well.

Caring for Shotton Trees at Dee Park

Some of our Junior Pupils have recently been down to Dee Park to remove Tree Protectors from Trees we have previously planted. It was amazing to see the growth of the Trees and see how much they have flourished in their new environment and to have the opportunity to work with the fabulous Dee Park Rangers who maintain the Dee Park Community Woodland. You can find out more of what they do from here.

Visiting the John Summers Clock Tower

On the morning of Wednesday 3rd July, Year 5 and 6 went for a very pleasant walk down to the river to visit the site of The John Summer Clock Tower Building.

They have been looking at John Summer and his relationship with Shotton and the Clock Tower, as part of their Summer Term theme work.

Wilsons Auctions have taken on the restoration of the Clock Tower and site works, and the school had a link with this project through Carl, father of Jack in Year 6, who was able to facilitate a visit.

Although the children were not able to enter the Clock Tower building (due to it being part of an ongoing restoration project), they were able to admire its exterior, visit the community garden and to take in the history of the location through the information boards scattered around the newly developed areas.

They were joined on their walk by some parent volunteers and they would like to say a special thank you to them for coming to help. Diolch!

Looking after our Neighbourhood Bees

Dosbarth Willow and Dosbarth Cherry talked about how important flowers are for bees and thought of ways they could highlight this in the community. They made thank you cards for people who had lots of lovely flowers in their gardens and then delivered them to our neighbours surrounding the school.

A couple of our Infant pupils showing their Neighbourhood Thank You cards.
NEXT UP Uniform


Our Uniform Supplier is:-

  • Address: Monkhouse (Forresters), 14/16 New Street,Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1NZ
  • Tel no: 01352 756636
  • email address:

Many of our parents are already considering uniform ready for September. Please see points below which should help you when ordering uniform:-

  • Uniform is now on display in store
  • Order early - DO NOT leave it too late
  • Click here for a direct link to the Monkhouse website and our uniform page
  • The website can also be accessed by going to:, and clicking on Find my School in the top search bar, the school can be found by choosing the letter V or by keying in Venerable Edward Morgan
  • Click and collect to the school is set up for Wednesday. This service is totally FREE and included with every order are FREE return labels, you will be notified by text /email so you will know when your parcel is ready for collection, parcels will be handed to the children to bring home with them
  • The website will also give all the opening times, address, phone number, email address etc, in the summer they open on Sundays as well, there is loads more information on there to help you

You can also sign up for marketing emails this summer online or instore to be in with a chance to win 1 of 20 £50 Monkhouse vouchers! (T&C's apply) Visit for more information.

We ask that all children wear the uniform and are encouraged to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform is designed to be practical, maintainable and good value for money. Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name. All children are expected to wear black school shoes and not trainers. Children can come to school in PE kit on PE days (for pupils in KS2 this is a Tuesday). Trainers can be worn on these days. For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear jewellery in school and it is important that children are properly dressed for physical activity.

UP NEXT Attendance



We want every child who comes to Venerable Edward Morgan to be happy and feel like they belong to our school family. In order to achieve this pupils need to attend school as often as they can.

Poor attendance can have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem and friendship groups. Poor attendance will also have an impact on your child’s progress through the curriculum. They can’t make achievements against this curriculum if they are not here.

So …Why does every day attendance matter? Well… here is some data to highlight the impact poor attendance can have.

  • Half a day off in a week = 90% attendance
  • 1 day off in a week = 80% attendance
  • One and a half days off in a week = 70% attendance
  • 2 days off in a week = 60% attendance

However, we do understand that there are times when attendance is not possible. We put these into 2 categories. Authorised and unauthorised.

Authorised Absence

If your child is unwell we would expect you to make the judgement as to whether they would be well enough to attend school. Please let school know on the first morning of any absence so school can record the correct attendance mark promptly. If they are unable to attend school then they will have an “I” recorded to signify they are off ill. We can also give a recording of “M” for a medical appointment. However, we kindly ask, where possible, that all medical and dental appointment are made after school hours or during school holidays. We would expect, again where possible, pupils to be able to come to school before and after their appointments.

We do like to help where ever possible and so if your child has more than 10 days (20 sessions) absence the school may contact you to see if there is anything we can do as a school to help you.

Unauthorised Absence

If a child does not attend school and we do not receive notification as to why, from either a phone call or letter, then it shall be recorded as unauthorised. Late after registration is also counted as an unauthorised absence, if no reason is provided. Any incident of 10 sessions missed through unauthorised absence will be investigated by the school and may result in a referral to the education inclusion team.

Request for Leave of Absence

It is possible to request leave for your child for a special occasion or holiday.

The decision as to whether the absence can be authorised lies solely with the head teacher. Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils from school during the school term for a holiday. The head teacher will make the decision and may include the following contributory factors:

  • Time of year
  • Length of time
  • Overall percentage of attendance
  • Impact on the child’s learning

You are able to request up to 10 days absence which must be done where possible at least 28 days before the period of leave. Please use the Application for Leave of Absence During Term Time Form. The head teacher will then assess each case on its own merits and report back to you detailing as to the reasons why the request has been approved, or indeed, unapproved.

There are other circumstances where absence may be approved, some of which will not affect attendance, such as Educational and/or residential visits, educated off site etc…


Being on time for school is another way you can support your child being ‘School Ready’. For some children arriving late when the class routine has started can be very unsettling and can have an impact on the rest of the day. Children really hate being late for school. It can make them anxious and upset, about attending school. If you have problems in getting your child to school on time you must let the head teacher know as soon as possible.

Our school gates open at 8:45am and the bell rings to signal the start of the school day at 8:55am. It is advisable to have your child in school for 8:45am. If you need to drop your child off earlier we have a breakfast club which starts at 8:15am and pupils in Reception to Year 6 are able to attend. Please ask in the office how to book. Lateness can add up to a lot of lost learning.

I hope this helps you understand why attendance and punctuality is so important to us at Venerable Edward Morgan – but more importantly why it is important for your children.

UP NEXT Criw Cymraeg

Criw Cymraeg

Criw Cymraeg have been working with local artist Nikki Pinder to share ideas they have for a Welsh 'Croeso' mural to go near the main entrance. To pay for the mural they have been holding regular toast and crumpet sales. Da iawn!

It is all part of their hard work towards Gwobr Arian, our Silver Award in the Cymraeg Campus Schools Welsh Language Charter.

Thanks for Everything

It is with real sadness that we say goodbye to our School Caretaker, Mr Tony Allen, at the end of term.

Mr Allen has kept the school "spick and span" for the last 5 years. His dedication to ensuring the school is clean and safe for all our learners has been second to none.

It must be mentioned how well he managed the site during the pandemic, ensuring all staff had enough PPE and cleaning equipment and ensuring the million and one rules and regulations that were thrown at us on a daily basis, were followed. Not an easy task!

Mr Allen hasn't just been a 'Caretaker' he has been a valued member of our school family, showing true care and kindness to all the pupils, staff and parents he dealt with.

Thank you Mr Allen, VEM is going to miss you very much.

UP NEXT Dates for your Diary

Important Dates / Events coming up

JULY 2024

  • 8th - New Classes are sent to Parents via Parentmail SMS Text - Please can all Parents ensure they have updated their Mobile and E-Mail addresses on Parentmail, as due to GDPR school do not have the authority to make any changes
  • 10th - Moving Up Day - Pupils visit their New Class
  • 10th - Meet the Teacher Evening - a chance for parents and their children to see the pupils new classroom - 3:30pm to 4:30pm
  • 11th - End of Term Celebration Coffee Morning in the School Hall from 9:20am - FREE drink and cake - Also, there will be an Adults and Child Activity Session with Wrexham AFC on the School Field - ALL WELCOME!
  • 11th - Year 6 Leavers Pizza Party - 6pm to 8pm
  • 17th - Year Leavers Assembly - 10am
  • 18th - "Generation Rock" Concert for parents of Band Members - 10am
  • 19th - School Closes for the Summer Break


2024 / 2025

Autumn Term 2024

  • 2nd September - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils
  • 3rd September - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils
  • 4th September - School Opens for Pupils in Reception to Year 6
  • 9th September - School Opens for Pupils in Nursery
  • 25th October - School Closes for October Half Term
  • 4th November - School Opens after October Half Term
  • 20th December - School Closes for Christmas Break

Spring Term 2025

  • 6th January - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils
  • 7th January - School Opens after Christmas Break
  • 21st February - School Closes for February Half Term
  • 3rd March - School Opens after February Half Term
  • 11th April - School Closes for Easter Break

Summer Term 2025

  • 28th April - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils
  • 29th April - School Opens after Easter Break
  • 5th May - MAY Day Bank Holiday - School Closed
  • 23rd May - School Closes for May Half Term
  • 2nd June - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils
  • 3rd June - School Opens after May Half Term
  • 18th July - School Closes for Summer Break
  • 21st July - Staff Training - School Closed to Pupils