Annwyl bawb,
Welcome back! We have had an excellent start to our Spring term with the children hitting the ground running. I have received an incredible amount of children showing tme their work which has been lovely. These children have received awards to reward them for showing effort and pride in their work.
Good to be Green. From this term we have introduced a brand new behaviour system in the school. Good to be Green works off the principle of correcting behaviour and and showing consistency when following our school rules - BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE. There will be more information on this in next weeks update.
Adverse weather conditions. Please be aware of the extreme weather that may occur over the next few weeks. Children will need warm clothes for break times and accessing the outdoor areas in class. Any potential school closure will be on the Flintshire website and parents will be informed via Class dojo. We will of course endeavour to keep school open as long as we can ensure the safety of all stakeholders.
Swimming - Swimming for Dosbath Gwynant will begin on Monday 15th January. It will be a fixed cost of £3 per week for 6 weeks. We will finish the swimming sessions on the 26th February. Please pay via School Gateway.
Glan Llyn - Can I remind parents of children in Dosbath Brnig and Dosbath Tegid who are going to Glan Llyn, that payment needs to be completed by Friday 26th January.
Stars of the week
Dosbath Alwyn - Malique Dosbath Padarn -Hayden Dosbath Tegid - Myliee Dosbath Brenig - Sophie Dosbath Gwynant - Mia
Have a lovely week. Dioch, Mr Martin.
This week in maths, Dosbarth Tegid have been collecting data and making bar charts. We are learning the 4 times tables. Please can the children practice this at home. We are designing a mythical creature called Tegid who lives in a lake. We are learning skills in writing to be able to write a fact file about him. We want to create a huge art installation of Tegid for our outside classroom, so if anyone has any old cds that we can use please bring them in.
We had our first Ysgol Goedwig session on Tuesday; it was freezing but everyone was wrapped warm.
This week, Dosbarth Brenig have been practising their mental addition skills. Any practice of this at home would be fantastic, perhaps adding up the cost of items if you're at a shop. In our language lessons, we have been working together to edit and improve the instructions we wrote before Christmas and to ensure we are using the correct layout for our work. We look forward to seeing the end result!
This week, Dosbarth Gwynant have been tackling factors, prime numbers and square numbers. They have shown great perseverance when things have become tricky and taken lots of pride in how they've set out their maths work. We have also been continuing with our autobiographies about Malala and working together to edit and improve before moving on to writing cinquain poems about a Welsh mythical creature!
After school clubs Year 1 - Year 6. Please book with the adult leading the session as spaces are limited. Diolch.
Dates for the diary:
Swimming - 15th January
Glan Llyn 30th/31st January
End of Half Term - 9th February
Back in school - 19th February