Growth Nursery, Summer term, week 3

Following on from last week, the children have been 'furious' (one of our new words!) about the rubbish left on their imaginary island. It has caused devastation to the plants and wildlife.

A map of our island and all of the animals.
The children studied pictures of trampled grass where piles of litter once were.
We heard from Greta Thunburg on her opinions about looking after Planet Earth.
The children took matters into their own hands and did some litter picking outside.
We studied what we would need to grow new plants for our island. (I LOVE that no-one knew the word 'pot' so it was described as a 'seed bucket', very inventive).
Planting the seeds.
Scooping in the soil and placing the seeds in.

Back inside we have been looking at books about animals, plants and growth. They love to listen to stories and choose books for themselves in the school library.

Enjoying books and stories.

Our phonics is coming on at a quick pace. This week your child has been bringing home sheets for letter formation practice. Please support your child to have a go at writing the letters. We will reward sheets that come back to school with stickers and praise.

Lovely pen grip that is leading to lovely handwriting!
Having a go with a 'can-do' attitude.
Well done everyone!

Maths this week has been looking at 2D shapes, recalling names and beginning to talk about shape properties. We have used the words 'corners' and 'sides'.

In our last bit of news, our visits to Kittiwake Multicultural library have started. The children will be going in small groups. The first group got to go on Tuesday this week and it was an absolute joy to take them.

Exploring new books.
Playing with the toys.
Completing a puzzle.
Drawing ourselves and writing our names.
Looking at books in different languages. The Chinese books were fascinating as the text does not move from left to right like English.