
Fáilte ar Ais Beginning of the school year Newsletter

Welcome Back!

A special welcome to our new Junior Infant students and to their families! Welcome to the St Brigid's GNS community- we hope starting school is a wonderful experience for you! Welcome also to our many new students entering different year groups throughout the school- go n-éirí libh i bhur ranganna nua!

Congratulations & Well Wishes

Congratulations to Ms Nagle who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this week. Best wishes to Ms Reilly on commencing her maternity leave!


Welcome back to Ms Farrell, Ms Flynn and Ms Kenny who have returned from maternity leave (yes there is something in the water!) Welcome also our to our new staff members, Ms Dempsey (senior infants), Mr Kierans (5th class) and Ms Dooley (second class).

Parents' Evening

Wednesday 13th September

We would like to invite you to our beginning of the year information meeting (20-30mins). Parents are invited to the school hall where our principal, Ms Wickham and deputy principal, Ms Howard will briefly welcome you and share some whole school information for the new academic year. Parents will then be invited to visit their daughter's classroom and meet their teacher. Teachers will go through expectations for their class for the year. This is an opportunity to visit the school and learn about the day to day on goings in school. Please note this will not be an opportunity for individual meetings. Individual parent teacher meetings will take place in November. We look forward to seeing you on the 13th September.



Our shared parents school calendar (Aladdin Connect) is a super way to keep informed of upcoming events. It is frequently updated and contains dates for holidays, Sacraments, thematic weeks e.g. maths week, wellbeing week etc, school tours, inservice planning days and all other relevant information.

Sacrament Dates

  • Service of Light- 7th March 2024
  • First Confession- 12th March 2024
  • Confirmation- 16th May 2024
  • Communion- 18th May 2024

Milk & Fruit

Milk & fruit will be offered to students for those who wish to take it at lunchtimes. Please note that unfinished milk cartons will be brought home at the end of the day.

After-schools Activities

Roll up, roll up!! Our afterschools activities will be commencing in the coming weeks. You will receive notification on Aladdin regarding activities available for your daughter(s) year groups.

Upcoming Events

Wake Up Shake Up

Wake Up Shake Up commences next Friday 8th September, weather permitting. All parents and family members welcome to attend- and join in!

Flu Vaccine

This year our school will take part in the Flu Vaccinations Season 2023 in partnership with McCabes pharmacy. Preparations are underway to provide free flu vaccination service in school on 10th October for any student who wants it. Details on parental consent and management will be shared in coming weeks.

New Obstacle Course

Our new obstacle course has been installed and is awaiting final safety checks. This is a fabulous new addition to our senior yard made possible by our Parents Association- thank you!

Website & Instagram

Keep an eye on our school website and instagram account for school news and events.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you will go"

Dr. Seuss