Closet Couture Stay organized in style

The Problem

Deciding what to wear can be difficult, especially if you get stuck wearing the same few pieces. I have a problem remembering what I own since I can't see everything spread out all the time. I wanted to make an app that allows users to store their closets digitally for easier access and plan outfits for future wear.

My Role

As this was an independent project, I took on multiple roles. I conducted research and created a competitive analysis, user persona, and site map. I also created wireframes and mockups in order to create the final product.

The Solution

The solution was to create a closet app that allows users to catalog their closet to create outfits and organize their clothing. For users with a lot of clothes this would prevent them from forgetting about an item they owned.

The Process

After conducting research and consulting users of this type of app, I compiled my findings into a competitive analysis and a user persona.

User Persona
Competitive Analysis

Design Process

After I noted the pain points others have with the current skin ranking apps, I began to build my product. Starting with a site map, I decided what elements I wanted in the app and in what order.

Site Maps

These initial wireframes were based off of my site map, which allowed me to understand how many screens I needed for my product. I would later add more designs, but these acted as a base design moving forward.

Next Steps

After sharing my wireframes with others, I concluded that the main improvements I needed were to ensure the different rectangles and squares had similar sizes and ratios when necessary.

Final Mockups

For my final design I went with a pink color scheme that reminds me of a boutique. My biggest struggle when creating this was organizing the different functions. I especially struggled to include the AI tool I added that would help answer fashion questions. I didn't know if I wanted it to have its own tab, be on another tab, or all over. I decided to include it as a slide screen so that users can access and exit the AI from anywhere in the app. This project uses a lot of screens that slide and animate, so I enjoyed prototyping and learning how to make it look smooth. You can find my Figma prototype below.