Dying Embers By Mason Brown

In a dreadful vigil here lies

The last breaths of a great ember

Nigh on midnight, we'll have to go

Longer and we’ll hear the voices

The going will be tough, I know

But we have no other choices

You linger here, what woes, my friend

Befall you on this final night?

There is more beauty in the end

Than in all the former twilight.

Can we not stay, march tomorrow?

When the sun knocks, and all have slept

Come dawn you'll see only sorrow

That through this night you will have wept.

Better now while still we wonder

What there is yet to come about

Wish it was not night we’re under

Turning the bitter-sweet to doubt.

These faces burn so brightly here

To think come dawn it will be them

Gone darkening to some frontier

That in ignorance we condemn.

Perhaps we could save just a few

And see them in the morning still;

To reminisce on our adieu?

Or let this be a slower kill?

Let’s call this what it truly is

The day has made its subtle fade

Beautiful as the dwindle is

This is not the promise we have made.

Though I wish there was another

We had agreed this was the way

One would die when did the other

So that we both could meet midway

Know what lived was truly living

Let die before it knows it’s dead

So there need be no forgiving

So that we might forget instead

If ever you forget this night

We may as well have never come

If I remember, I will spite

The man you have made me become.

I thought we were of the same mind

That we would slip into the veil

A dream gone dreamt, the pristine kind

Not the desolation we hail

You asked me that and I agreed

Elsewise this never would have been

But now we are to do the deed

And I wish I’d said no back then

Take this, it's been a sure tether

Do you not see the issue there?

Let's suffer this last together

Fine, we’ll join them in darkling fair

Of all the fleeting fireflies

They saved a few to remember