November Newsletter

Dear parents and carers,

What an incredible half term we are having here at AFJS, filled with lots of great learning and fabulous FARMERS FOREVER moments, which is why this newsletter is a little later coming to you than I had hoped, so my apologies. Remember, you can keep up with everything your child has been learning in class through the weekly learning newsletters that the House Captains and House Ambassadors write each week and upload onto Seesaw. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with what's been happening.

We have continued the great charity work across this term, supporting Children in Need, the Poppy Appeal and the Rugby Foodbank, who are coming to collect all the generous reverse advent donations this week.

Miss Neel organised a super AFJS Online Safety Day this month, focusing on the pillars of safety from the Google online safety programme 'Be Internet Legends' and in particular the 'Be Kind' pillar. Children engaged in different activities to show their understanding of this important topic and to help them think about what they do and say online.

Parents evenings and open afternoons were really well attended as always and it was great to see you all in school. The Hunts book fair was a real success and not only did lots of children get a new book to enjoy reading, but we also now have £135 to spend on new books for our library.

Don't forget it is the PTFA's fabulous Christmas Fair this Friday straight after school - please come along and bring family and friends with you too. Children can come in non-uniform on Friday in return for a donation for the tombola and the PTFA are also still accepting donations of raffle prizes and teddy bears too. I look forward to seeing lots of you there! Money raised is being used to fund the children's coach travel to their Christmas performance at Macready theatre.

Thanks for all being part of our amazing AFJS community! Mrs Webb :)

Feedback from our School Improvement Officer, Mr Watts

Every term, Mr Watts comes to visit our school to monitor the work of staff and leaders in school and support the governors in ensuring the school is providing an excellent education for its pupils. Here are some of the comments Mr Watts made in his report - we are very proud of the children for impressing him with their excellent behaviour.

  • Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. In the visits to English lessons, pupils in all classes were attentive and fully focused on their learning. They responded with enthusiasm to their teachers’ clear explanations, instructions and questioning. Pupils were keen to answer questions and to participate in discussion.
  • Staff establish very positive relationships with pupils. In the lessons seen, pupils behaviour and their relationships with others were exemplary.
  • Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are very strong areas of the school. Leaders and staff convey high expectations of pupils’ behaviour, conduct and learning. Pupils respond extremely well to these expectations.
  • Senior leaders and subject leaders have developed an ambitious, broad and rich curriculum.
  • Planning for pupils with SEND is given a strong emphasis.
  • The subjects of the wider curriculum are well planned and sequenced towards the development of the expected knowledge and skills.
  • Visits to lessons and the study of pupils’ work indicates that the teaching of English is good or better across the school. Teachers convey high expectations which challenge and motivate the pupils.
  • Lessons are well planned and structured. Learning intentions are effectively shared with the class at the beginning of the lesson so pupils know and understand what they are to learn.
  • Teachers’ exposition is very effective. Explanations and instructions are clear and informative. Questioning is used skilfully to challenge pupils’ thinking and to check they have understood new learning.
  • Teaching assistants are well deployed and they make a valuable contribution to pupils’ learning, especially for pupils with SEND.

Farmers Forever Moments

We started this half term with our Diwali celebration day, to learn about this important festival. Year 3 and year 6 created diya lamps from clay and all year groups created Rangoli patterns using different forms of media. Year 6 also created some amazing double page spreads to celebrate their learning. Years 3-5 took part in Drama workshops learning about the story of Rama and Sita to help with creating stop motion animations, pic collages comic strips and Kahoot quizzes. We also had a yummy lunch to celebrate too and Menhdi was offered to all students by one of our amazing parents. Two of our Year 4 students also created an assembly that they presented to each class to teach us all about festivals in their religion and especially the festival of Diwali.

Our school choir have been particularly busy this term learning not only their Young Voices songs but also some Christmas songs. They put all their hard work to the test this weekend when they performed at the Rugby Baptist Church as part of their Christmas Fair. We were very proud of how well they all sang and many members of the church community also came to pass on their congratulations afterwards. Now they are preparing for some performances in local care homes over the coming weeks and then for Young Voices after Christmas.

It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome so many parents and other family members to our open afternoons this month. The hall has been packed out for every single year group and it is always wonderful to see children sharing their learning and getting involved in an activity with their families. Thank you for taking the time to join us if you could and keep an eye out for dates for next term too.

The Adventures of Chase

After a bargain purchase on Facebook, we now have a super-comfy sofa in our library, which is the beginning of Chase's reading corner! As you can see, he has tested it out and is very happy with it.

We have also launched a new reward for pupils that are always doing the right thing to have the opportunity to come out to walk Chase just before lunchtime. Last week, it was the chance for children from both year 3 classes and here are some photos from when Shivya and Amber got the chance to join Chase and I for a walk and a great game of fetch! Please make sure your child always has wellies or some other outside footwear in school.

Chase was also invited by Miss Wood's group to come and see the Christmas tree they decorated for the school hall and to see the important placing of the star at the very top. Chase was covered in glitter afterwards, as were all the children!


This month, we had our first ever 'Switch Off Friday' - an initiative put in place by the eco-committee. For just over an hour, the whole school stopped using as much electricity as possible to see how much energy we could save and to raise awareness of the importance of turning lights, computers etc off when we are not using them.

The eco-committe are still collecting crisp packets and any other soft packaging that is recyclable, to take to a designated recycling point.

Healthy body and mind

Sport and physical activity is an integral part of every school day here at AFJS! That is why HEALTHY BODY AND MIND is one of our school values. We provide as many different opportunities as possible for children to get active throughout the school day and it is our aim this year to try and get the School Games GOLD award. Here are a few of the HEALTHY BODY AND MIND opportunities that have been happening this half term

  • We had a cross-curricular orienteering day led by the company that installed our AFJS orienteering course
  • The y5/6 football team have played several tournaments and represented the school brilliantly
  • The cross country group are busy practising at lunchtimes for the upcoming local competitions

We have finally taken delivery of our new welly racks for each year group, so please make sure that your child has a pair of wellies as part of their school uniform that they can keep in school and a raincoat that they either keep in their bag or their locker. This will help us keep the momentum for outdoor learning and activitiy going through the winter months, as it will mean that children can use the field in any weather. There is also now a 'welly swap station' located at the bottom of the playground underneath the shelter next to the bike sheds. You can drop your child's wellies off here when they grow out of them to be passed on to another family and take a new pair in a different size if you would like to. If you would like staff to take your child to the welly swap to find some new wellies, just let us know and we can sort that for you.

Diary Dates

UPCOMING EVENTS - more information will be shared closer to the time but keep these dates in your diary

  • Wednesday 4th December - Y4 sportshall athletics
  • Friday 6th December - PTA Christmas Fair after school
  • Monday 9th December - Y6 sportshall athletics
  • Tuesday 10th December - Year 6 magistrates workshops
  • Wednesday 11th December - year 3/4 Christmas Play performances (2pm and 6pm)
  • Friday 13th December - choir performing at Butlers Mews Care Home
  • Monday 16th December - choir performing at Rugby Care Home
  • Tuesday 17th December - Y4 trip to Tamworth Castle
  • Wednesday 18th December - AFJS Christmas jumper and lunch day
  • Wednesday 18th December - year 5/6 Christmas Carol evening (6pm)
  • Thursday 19th December - all pupils to visit Macready theatre - A Festive Twist on the 3 Little Pigs
  • Friday 20th December - break up for Christmas
  • Monday 6th January - training day - SCHOOL CLOSED TO ALL PUPILS
  • Tuesday 7th January - all pupils back to school

Term dates for this academic year

Class assembly and open afternoon dates

All class assemblies and open afternoons have taken place for this term and the focus now turns to Christmas. Next term's class assemblies will be at 2:55 and I will send out specific class' dates as soon as possible to help you plan out your diary for the new year.

Messages from the PTFA

As we all know, lost property is a problem in all schools and I am sure we are all familiar with our child, at some point, coming home from school with a missing item. As parents, we are aware that time is precious, which is why we think Stikin labels are such a great idea; they simply stick onto the wash-care label of clothing. They can even be used in shoes! Naming of clothing is essential and we are hoping that with this opportunity we can start to eliminate some of parents’ frustrations around lost property whilst also raising some money for our school.

How it works:

Each order placed quoting the school reference number 61 will provide the school with 30% commission.

Here are details of some local activities we have had shared with us recently that may be of interest to you.

Please remember that we cannot vouch for any of these providers, we are just sharing information that might be of use or interest to our families that has been sent to us.


Created with images by anatolir - "Colorful fireworks bursting in a clear night sky, celebrating a festive occasion" • obpia30 - "clock time alarm clock"