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Dear RBHS Community,

I would like to extend our congratulations to Year 12 students, who have successfully completed their HSC examinations this week. After years of hard work and dedication, they now embark on the next exciting chapter of their lives. The sense of achievement in the air is palpable, and we are incredibly proud of the resilience and commitment shown by our graduating class. Next Tuesday night, we look forward to celebrating their accomplishments at the Year 12 Formal, an evening that will surely be a memorable conclusion to their school journey.

We also congratulate Year 8 students, who wrapped up their examinations this week. This marks the conclusion of our formal examination period for 2024, and we commend our students for their focused approach and effort throughout this period. As always, examinations serve as an important learning experience, helping our students build skills in time management, study discipline, and self-reflection, and provide teachers with valuable insight and opportunity for feedback.

On Monday, we will come together for our Remembrance Day Assembly, where we will pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have served in conflicts, both past and present. It is an important occasion for our school, as we honour their bravery and commitment to peace. We encourage all members of our community to take a moment of reflection during this time.

Looking ahead, we are excited to begin the transition events for our Year 6 students, who will be moving into high school next year. These events will help our incoming students get to know the high school environment, meet their new teachers, and begin the exciting journey of transitioning into the next phase of their education. It is an exciting time for these students, and we look forward to supporting them every step of the way.

Finally, I would like to thank our entire school community for their support and cooperation with the lockdown procedure yesterday. The quick response and adherence to safety protocols ensured that the process ran smoothly and with minimal disruption. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are always our top priority. Thank you for your understanding. Please see below the email sent to all parents yesterday to confirm what occurred.

As we head into the final weeks of term, I encourage all students to continue giving their best, maintaining their focus, and making the most of the opportunities ahead. We wish everyone a restful and enjoyable weekend, and we look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students in the weeks to come.

Letter to parents

Dear parents and carers,

This afternoon, near the end of lunch, the school received some information concerning a potential risk to safety. As a precaution and to allow us to assess the situation, we called a lockdown. Whilst students were moving to their lockdown areas, we quickly established that there was no danger or risk to students, but completed the lockdown procedure as a timely drill.

Students assembled in the gym with the teachers as per protocol for further instructions and a debriefing meeting. No examinations were interrupted and all students remain safe and well. All schools hold practice drills each term to ensure that we are well rehearsed in case of a real incident. Staff reflect on these drills and we then update health and safety procedures in consultation with the Department of Education.

Please do not hesitate to contact the relevant year advisor or request counselling if for any reason you feel your son was impacted in any way. I take this opportunity to also thank staff for the calm way they reassure students and follow well practiced routines in any drill or incident.

Thank you for your understanding,

This is my first column as the Vice-Captain.

As the spooky spirit of Halloween subsides, Movember emerges. This month we encourage all young men to open up to each other. No matter who we are, we have moments where we struggle with our mental health, and talking about it can be especially difficult. You might be going through a breakup, grieving the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, a bad mark on an exam, or you might just be having a bad week. You never know what someone might be going through; have a chat with a mate, and ask “Is everything ok?” or “How have you been tracking?”.

Growing up, many of us have heard “Men are meant to be strong, stoic and self-sufficient” - this makes it hard for us to talk about our feelings, contributing to males accounting for 69% of all suicides. To challenge this statistic, the SRC is planning fun activities throughout Movember while raising money for the cause, including a gym pass for the strength and conditioning gym and voting for your favourite teacher’s facial hair style.

If you would like to directly donate to this cause, please do so.

This Movember, let’s encourage each other to open up and talk about mental health

Year 10 Science Bicentennial Park excursion

On Friday 01 November, ten Year 10 students, accompanied by Mr Tran, went to Bicentennial Park for a mathematics excursion, exploring careers in Surveying and Geospatial Engineering. We learnt about the importance of surveyors in many industries, including engineering and architecture, as well as the importance of mathematics in our lives. We learnt about the history of surveying, and it was fascinating. After that we applied our mathematical knowledge in a game of mini-Olympics, using real life surveying equipment, like a theodolite, to measure how far we were all able to throw an object. Huge thanks to Mr Tran for organising the event, and I speak for all of us when I say we can't wait for more excursions in the future.

Student Leadership Breakfast

On 01 November four of our newly elected prefects - Kai Todd, Adam Qureshi, Alper Cetin, and Gabriel Conechado - attended an annual leadership breakfast held by our current Member for Coogee, Dr Marjorie O’Neill, at the Coogee Bay Hotel. This event invites students from across the suburb to meet with each other whilst we discuss the problems we face as a student representative body. Throughout the morning, we made new friends and gained significant insight into the world of leadership, whilst also enjoying a delicious breakfast!

Another takeaway from this special breakfast was realising our connections with the traditional owners of this land. Did you know that the name ‘Coogee’ is taken from a local Aboriginal word, ‘koojah,’ which means “smelly place,” due to the amount of seaweed that builds up on the beach? - Neither did we…

Overall, this breakfast was a truly exciting and legendary experience that we thoroughly enjoyed. We owe it to Dr Marjorie O’Neill for hosting the event and to Liesl Tesch for presenting the keynote address. Thank you!

It’s official!

We are pleased to announce that Randwick High School P&C was officially incorporated on 11 October 2024 by NSW Government Gazette 401. You are invited to attend our next P&C meeting on Wednesday, 13 November at 7pm via Teams (see details below).

RHS P&C Meeting - Wednesday, 13th November, 7.00pm - Online via Teams

Our new combined RHS P&C will be meeting online next Wednesday at 7.00pm and there are some exciting news to share. We will also get updates on the school merge from our Principal, Ms Conway, and discuss the upcoming end of year events as well as our plans for 2025. Please come and join us - everyone is welcome! For updates and meeting links please sign up to the mailing list.

Final RBHS General P&C Meeting - Tuesday, 19th November, 7pm, Staff Common Room

Please join us for our final general meeting on Tuesday, 18 November. We will serve light refreshments in the Staff Common Room from 6.45pm.

World Teachers’ Day - you can still send your Thank You message!

The Randwick Boys' High School P&C would like to give everyone in our school community (students and family members!) the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the amazing efforts of our hard-working staff this World Teachers' Day, Friday 25 October 2024. Please add your message to say thank you, whether to the whole team at RBHS or to a particular member of staff, and let them know how they've made a difference to you, your student, or your family in this big final year of Randwick Boys' High School. If you have a picture of a special school moment with a staff member, you can upload it with your message. As a token of our appreciation of all their efforts on behalf of our families, the P&C will be making a donation to the end-of-year staff function. If you would like to add a contribution, donations of $1 or more are very welcome!

Thank you from the RBHS P&C.

Second-Hand Uniform Sale - uniform items wanted!

The end of the HSC is fast approaching, so we're getting ready for the last P&C pre-loved Uniform Sale of 2024. Now's the perfect time to get your unwanted school uniform items that are still in good condition together so that another family can benefit from them. Please drop your washed items to the School Office - summer and winter uniforms are welcome!

Farewell to our Principal, Mr Lance Raskall

If you would like to send a farewell message to our former Principal, Mr Lance Raskall, you can still do so. Please follow the link below to our farewell card.

Everyone is also welcome to add a contribution to a gift to Mr Raskall from our families.

School Absence Notification System

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. At Randwick Boys' High School, we must ensure our school has effective measures in place to monitor and follow up students absences. We are required under Section 22 of the Education Act (1990) to undertake all reasonable measures to contact parents promptly and within two school days of absence. We have implemented additional measures to ensure we are upholding the NSW Department of Education standards here at Randwick Boys' High School. Our school absence notification system consists of a text message, follow up email and Sentral notification in the parent portal, to minimise unexplained absences. An absence is unexplained if parents have failed to provide an explanation to the school within 7 days. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.
