Cam Cynnydd 1
Cam Cynnydd 2
Wythnos Ysbrydoli / Inspiration Week
Roedd yn ddiwrnod cyffrous i CC2 ar y 9fed o Ebrill. Ymwelodd Chris ac Andy o Dinomania a rhannu eu hangerdd a'u gwybodaeth am ddeinosoriaid a ffosiliau. Cawsom hefyd ymweliad gan rai deinosoriaid hefyd!
It was an exciting day for PS2 on the 9th April. Chris and Andy from Dinomania visited and shared their passion and knowledge for dinosaurs and fossils. We also had a visit form some dinosaurs too!
Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy
Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology
Fel rhan o’u gwersi TGCh y tymor hwn, mae Blwyddyn 3 wedi bod yn ymchwilio i ddeinosoriaid a ffosilau ac wedi creu ffeil ffeithiau a chronfa ddata yn seiliedig ar eu canfyddiadau.
As part of their ICT lessons this term, Year 3 have been researching dinosaurs and fossils and have created a fact file and data base based on their findings.
Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts
Dyniaethau / Humanities
Cam Cynnydd 3
Wythnos Ysbrydoli / Inspiration Week
Awr Anturus / Genius Hour
Diwrnod i ddathlu diwedd ein prosiect Awr Anturus. Cafodd disgyblion cam cynnydd 3 y cyfle i gyflwyno eu prosiectau neu gwerthu eu cynnyrch gwreiddiol.
A successful day celebrating the completion of the Genius Hour. The children have created some wonderful businesses and presented some lovely presentations.
Astro Cymru / Astro Wales
Dawns Brenin Arthur / King Arthur Dance
Mae blynyddoedd 5 a 6 wedi bod yn brysur yn dysgu am agweddau dawns. Yna cynllunio eu dawnsfeydd drwy gyd-weithio a chyfathrebu. Cafodd pob grŵp y cyfle i berfformio eu dawnsfeydd i weddill y dosbarthiadau.
Years 5 and 6 have had a busy week learning about different aspects of dance. They planned their dances through communication and teamwork. Each group then had the opportunity to perform their dances to the rest of the classes.
Treiathlon / Triathlon
Ffair haf / Summer Fete
Gwaith Celf Peter Thorpe / Peter Thorpe Art work
Arbrofi gyda Microbits / Experimenting with Microbits
Mae disgyblion Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi mwynhau arbrofi gyda micro:bits yr wythnos hon. Mae’r micro:bit yn gyfrifiadur maint poced sydd wedi’i gynllunio i ysbrydoli meddwl creadigol mewn plant. Gellir ei raglennu mewn llawer o wahanol ffyrdd ac mae ganddo sawl defnydd. Trwy’r micro:bit, mae plant yn cael eu hannog i archwilio syniadau gan ddefnyddio cod go iawn.
The pupils in Progression Step 3 have enjoyed experimenting with micro:bits this week. The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer designed to inspire creative thinking in children. It can be programmed in many different ways and has multiple uses. Through the micro:bit, children are encouraged to explore ideas using real code.
Dathliadau D-Day / D-Day Celebrations
Roedd Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi cymryd rhan mewn gwahanol weithgareddau i gofio D-day. Dysgon nhw ychydig am hanes D-day a phwysigrwydd y diwrnod yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel byd, roedd y gweithgareddau yn amrywio fel dylunio medal i’r milwyr , creu silhouette filwr ar y diwrnod a thasgau darllen a deall.
Progression step 3 took part in a variety of activities to remember on D-day. They learnt about the history of D-day and how important the day was in relation to the Second World War. The activities varied from designing a medal for the soldiers to creating a silhouette of the solider during D-day and reading comprehension tasks.
Mabolgampau / Sports Day
Roedd plant Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi mwynhau cymryd rhan yn y mabolgampau eleni, braf oedd hi i weld cymaint o plant yn cymryd rhan ac yn gystadlu dros eu llys.
Progression step 3 children enjoyed participating in their sports day this year, it was a pleasure to see so many children competing over their team.
Cafodd disgyblion Blwyddyn 4 ddiwrnod gwych yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ar Fferm Parc Newydd gydag Adventures Wales. Cawsant gyfle i ddringo wal, dringo’r rhaffau uchel, rhoi cynnig ar saethyddiaeth a’r hoff weithgaredd o bell ffordd oedd y cwrs mwdlyd. Pleser pur oedd treulio’r diwrnod gyda’n disgyblion anturus wrth iddynt ddatblygu eu sgiliau personol eu hunain a’u sgiliau adeiladu tîm. Ffordd wych o orffen eu hamser ym mlwyddyn 4!
Year 4 pupils had a fantastic day taking part in activities at Parc Newydd Farm with Adventures Wales. They had the opportunity to climb a wall, scale the high ropes, try their hand at archery and the favourite acitivity by far was the muddy assault course. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with our adventurous pupils whist they developed their own personal skills and their team building skills. A fantastic way to end their time in year 4!
Cwis Llyfrau y sir / County book quiz
Ffair llyfrau / Book fair
Cafodd Blwyddyn 6 y cyfle i redeg ffair lyfrau eleni, cafodd disgyblion yr ysgol cyfleoedd i brynu llyfrau o'r ffair, roedd plant blwyddyn 6 yn rheoli'r ffair ac yn casglu arian a dosbarthu'r llyfrau allan i'r plant ar ôl cael ei brynu.
Year 6 had the opportunity to run a book fair in the school were the pupils had the opportunity to buy books. The year 6 pupils were in charge on collecting money and distributing the books that were bought.
Y tymor yma rydym wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu’r tu allan ac ar ben ein rhestr roedd ein hardal heddychlon. Roedd gennym gynfas gwag i weithio gydag ef a'r peth cyntaf yr oeddem am ei brynu oedd 'cadair cyfeillio'.
This term we have been concentrating on developing the outside and on the top of our list was our peaceful area. We had a blank canvas to work with and the first thing we wanted to purchase was a 'buddy bench'.
Mae'r cyngor ysgol wedi bod ati yn trafod a chynnal gwasanaethau sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw, cynhalion wasanaeth am ddiwrnod y llyfr, roedd y plant wedi sôn am hanes a phwrpas y diwrnod!
The school council have been busy discussing and holding assemblies on events important to them. They held an assembly discussing world book day and the reasons and history of celebrating the day!
Mae'r Cyngor Eco wedi penderfynnu casglu plastic caled o bob dosbarth yn yr ysgol gan ddefnyddio'r bag pinc mawr. Mae'r plant yn casglu'r plastic caled ar ddiwedd pob prynhawn ac yn edrych ar ôl ein hamgylchedd.
The Eco Council have decided to collect hard plastics from every class in the school by using the big pink bag. The pupils collect the hard plastics at the end of each afternoon and by doing so, look after our environment!