
Parkside Primary News Week ending: Friday 24th November 2023


The Year 3 children really enjoyed their trip to the National Railway Museum in York.



The children and staff had lots of fun coming to school in their pyjamas on Friday! A huge thank you to the School Council for organising a fantastic first event. A big thank you too to everyone who donated and came along to the Bring & Buy sale. The amount raised so far is £231.50. Please note that the donation page will remain open until the end of the month if you still wish to make a contribution.

Click to view full images



From Monday 4th December there will be a slight change to times that the children have their dinners - Reception to Year 3 will have lunch between 11.30 and 12.30 and Years 4 to 6 will be 12.30-1.30. This change will enable us to arrange our staffing more effectively.



If you have any Christmas jumpers that no longer fit your children, we would welcome them in school for other children to make use of. It also helps the environment by preventing waste. Thank you for your help.



Communication went our earlier this week regarding Christmas performances and carols. If you need a reminder, please see below.



Please can we remind parents and carers that if paracetamol is required in school, a form must be completed and the medicine must be brought in liquid form in single sachets only. Please do not bring in bottles. Thank you.



Our Online Safety Policy has been reviewed. Please click here to read the updated policy. As part of this review there is an acceptable use policy (AUP) which is to be agreed and signed by all - staff, parents and children. Please click the links below to read through the relevant policy with your child and complete the digital form.



Well done to the following children who received superstar awards in the last two weeks. We are very proud of all of you!

Week commencing 13th November

  • Year 1 - Ashden & Harvey Lee
  • Year 2 - Casey & Charlie
  • Year 3 - Hattie & Lincoln
  • Year 4 - Archie, Krisjanis & Joey
  • Year 5 - William, Marcel & Sasha
  • Year 6 - Kayla, Leticia & Lily K

Week commencing 20th November

  • Year 1 - Peyton & Spencer
  • Year 2 - Eliza & Jaxon
  • Year 3 - Daisy & Ted
  • Year 4 - Natalia, Aleeza & Lewis
  • Year 5 - Sienna, Kerem & Alfie-Jay
  • Year 6 - Seth, Harley & Rubyanne
KS1 Stars this week
Year 3 & 4 stars this week



Congratulations to 4P and 1HO who had 100% attendance in the first week back after half term!

School Attendance is ‘everyone’s business’.

What an absence means for your child?

At primary school level, where pupils missing up to 14 days of school in key stage two are a quarter less likely to achieve level five or above in reading, writing or maths tests than those with no absence.

If you have any concerns regarding attendance please do not hesitate to contact Miss Curley, our Safeguarding and Attendance officer here at Parkside Primary School.



This year we have introduced 'Wilderness Learning' as an opportunity for the children at Parkside to have new, creative experiences in our outdoor environment in a safe way. Children will have opportunities to learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. So far Year 3 have had an excellent time learning about identifying native trees and plants, building their own miniature shelters and creating temporary art inspired by our local wildlife using colourful autumn leaves.



We have received an exciting delivery! Our Micro:bit kits have arrived from the BBC. We are looking forward to using them this academic year. The BBC micro:bit is an award-winning programmable device that allows pupils to get hands-on with coding and digital making. Click here to find out more about what it is and what it can do.



Does the thought of needing to do maths at work or at home make you anxious?

Multiply is a new programme offering you free and easy to access courses and initiatives to help you brush up your numeracy skills, including at the Adult Learning Centre, Pasture Road, Goole. Take your next step today and find courses and support you need. Click the button below to find out more.



The Two Rivers Community Pantry is a project is aimed at providing support to those who are in need of some assistance through these challenging times.

To find out more visit www.tworiverscommunitypantry.org.uk or speak to school about making a referral.



Daily actions from Action for Happiness encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness. Have a look at the calendar below or click here to download the pdf. 'New Ways November' suggests daily actions to help you find new ways to move forward.



Please can we remind you that any concerns outside of school hours, or are concerns a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm should be shared immediately with Children’s Safeguarding Hub on (01482) 395500 or ring 999 (asking for the Police).

Please see helpful contacts below:

Children's Safeguarding Hub

  • Mon to Thu 8:30am – 5:00pm Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm 01482-395500 safeguardingchildrenshub@eastriding.gov.uk
  • Out of hours: 01482 393939


The summer holidays can be a great chance to do things with your friends and have some time off. The holidays aren’t great for everyone though, and Childline are here to help you cope.






This free online safety guide has tips on navigating Black Friday and Cyber Monday: two of the year’s busiest days for online shopping – and, regrettably, for cybercrime. Click here to view as a pdf.



Please click the button below for the latest SEND bulletin from East Riding Local Offer, including an update about free Christmas Holiday Activities across the East Riding.



Please click the button below for the Autumn/Winter lunch menu.



(Please note that all dates are subject to change. We will of course update you of any changes as soon as possible.)

Dates are also available on our website by clicking here.

Dates for Academic Year 2023/2024

Autumn Term

  • Mon 27th Nov - Year 3 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Tues 28th Nov - Year 3 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Mon 4th Dec - Preloved Clothing Event
  • Fri 8th Dec - Year 2 Carols at Collection (3.10pm)
  • Mon 11th Dec - Year 3 Carols at Collection (3.10pm)
  • Tues 12th Dec - Reception Christmas Performance (2.45pm)
  • Tues 12th Dec - Year 4 Carols at Collection (3.10pm)
  • Wed 13th Dec - Nursery & Reception Christmas Performance (9.30am)
  • Thurs 14th Dec - Year 1 Christmas Performance (2.45pm)
  • Thurs 14th Dec - Year 6 Carols at Collection (3.10pm)
  • Fri 15th Dec - Year 1 Performance (9.30am)
  • Mon 18th Dec - Year 5 Christmas through the ages (2.45pm)
  • Tues 19th Dec - Year 5 Christmas through the ages (9.30am)
  • Wed 20th Dec - Christmas Dinner
  • Wed 20th Dec - Year 3 & 4 Christmas Disco
  • Thurs 21st Dec - Year 1 & 2 and Year 5 & 6 Christmas Discos
  • Fri 22nd Dec - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Fri 22nd Dec - Governor Awards Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Dec - School closes for Christmas (3.30pm)

Spring Term

  • Tues 9th Jan - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 12th Jan - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Fri 12th Jan - 4CS Class Assembly
  • Tues 16th Jan - Year 1 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 17th Jan - Year 1 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Fri 19th Jan - 4M Class Assembly
  • Fri 26th Jan - 4P Class Assembly
  • Mon 29th Jan - Clubs start
  • Tues 6th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 7th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Fri 9th Feb - 1HO Class Assembly
  • Fri 9th Feb - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 19th Feb - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Thurs 22nd Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 23rd Feb - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Fri 23rd Feb - 1HU Class Assembly
  • Wed 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 1st Mar - 3O Class Assembly
  • Thurs 7th Mar - World Book Day
  • Mon 11th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Mon 11th Mar - Last week of clubs this term
  • Tues 12th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon (2.30pm)
  • Wed 13th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Thurs 14th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Fri 15th Mar - 3C Class Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Mar - Governors Awards Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Mar - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term

  • Mon 8th April - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 12th April - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • w/c Mon 15th April - Grow It Week
  • Tues 16th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Wed 17th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Fri 19th April - 5A Class Assembly
  • Fri 26th April - 5GB Class Assembly
  • Fri 3rd May - 5H Class Assembly
  • Mon 6th May - School closed for Bank Holiday (All day)
  • Tues 7th May - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • w/c Mon 13th May - First week of clubs
  • w/c Mon 13th May - Year 6 SATs
  • Tues 21st May - Year 1 & 2 Sports Day
  • Wed 22nd May - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day
  • Thurs 23th May - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - Reception & Nursery Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 3rd June - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Wed 5th June - French Day
  • Fri 7th June - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Mon 10th June - Class Photos
  • Fri 14th June - RB Class Assembly
  • Fri 21st June - RWR Class Assembly
  • w/c Mon 24th June - Last week of clubs
  • Tues 25th June - Year 6 Performance (9.15am)
  • Wed 26th June - Year 6 Performance (2.15pm)
  • Tues 9th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Wed 10th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Thurs 11th July - Moving Up morning
  • Fri 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (pm)
  • Fri 19th July - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)

Dates for Academic Year 2024/2025

Autumn Term 2024

  • Tues 3rd Sept 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 25th Oct 2024 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Tues 5th Nov 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 20th Dec 2024 - School closes for Christmas (3.30pm)

Spring Term 2025

  • Tues 7th Jan 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 14th Feb 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 24th Feb 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 4th April 2025 - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term 2025

  • Tues 22nd April 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Mon 5th May 2025 - School closed for Bank Holiday
  • Tues 6th May 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 23rd May 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 2nd June 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 18th July 2025 - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)



Telephone: 01405 763634

Email: parkside.primary@eastriding.gov.uk

Please note that we send you our fortnightly newsletters as part of our remit of providing and supporting your child's education. In these newsletters we may include items from third parties that we believe will be may be in your child's interest. If you do not wish to receive our electronic newsletter, please email us on the address above.

(Additional newsletter graphics sourced from My Cute Graphics and Philip Martin clipart)