Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus
Happy St David's Day
Celebration Friday
Stars of the Week/ Ser yr Wythnos
Welsh Speaker of the Week/ Siaradwr ym Cymraeg a Wythnos
Hot Chocolate Friday with Mr Williams/Siocled Poeth am Mr Williams
At the end of every week, one child from each class will meet with Mr Williams for a chat and a yummy drink of hot chocolate. They get to show him their workbooks or a piece of work that they are very proud of.
Whose turn will it be next week?
Happy Birthday/Penblwydd Hapus
We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays during the month of March.
Happy birthday to:
- Matilda D
- Alex
- Freddie
- Emrys
- Dylan
- Jacobe
- Elsie
- Ruben
- Llewellyn
Class attendance this week:
- Nursery - 99.1%
- Reception - 96.2%
- Year 1/2 - 93.5%
- Year 3/4 - 92.7%
- Year 5/6 - 99.2%
Total attendance is week is 94.2%
Being late in the morning impacts on your child's learning - please be in school by 9:00am, thanks you.
First Experiences Music
Year 3/4 enjoyed learning to play the ukulele during their First Experiences Music session this week. They were learning to play harmonies.
News and Events/Newyddion a Digwyddiadau
Tempest Class Photographs
On Thursday 7th March, Tempest Photography will be visiting school to take class pictures. Please can children come to school in their full school uniform so that they look smart for the photographs.
World Book Day
We will be celebrating World Book day on Friday 8th March. Children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character. However, they must also bring to school a copy of the book with their character in!
Please don’t feel any pressure to wear a costume, just wear some something comfortable to read.
At 2pm, parents/grandparents are invited to come into school to read with their children. If you would like to attend, please click on the following link:
Parents Evening
I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March. This will allow parents and teachers the opportunity to discuss pupils progress so far and to indicate future targets for individual pupils to work towards. The meetings will be on an interview basis of no longer than 10 minutes in order to see as many parents as possible. If you are unable to attend please contact your class teacher to arrange a meeting at a conveniently arranged time at a later date.
Please complete the following form by following the links below and return to school stating your preferred appointment slot by Monday 4th March.
- Nursery and Reception https://forms.office.com/e/MXZWhV2X8d
- Year 1 and 2 https://forms.office.com/e/F5U4tViYZ7
- Year 3 and 4 https://forms.office.com/e/es6jRj0q1P
- Year 5 and 6 https://forms.office.com/e/Jx6uWkQVAH
You will receive your appointment time by Thursday 7th March. Please note that children in Year 3 to 6 will be finishing school at 3:00pm on these two dates. Many Thanks Mr Williams
Friends of Minera
Easter Bingo
Silver Smarties Fundraiser
The children have all been given a tube of Smarties. We are hoping that they will use the empty tube to collect 20p coins which they earn for doing jobs at home.
If you are happy for your child to take part in this fundraiser, please send the tube and money back to school as soon as possible. Please return in the plastic bag with the child’s name and class on the label.
Here is a selection of some very busy children earning their money! Da iawn pawb!
Easy Fundraising
Sign up to easyfundraising and see your favourite brands donate to Minera VA School about whenever you shop with them. Click on the button below to find out more:
News from St Mary's Church
Diary Dates/Dyddiadau Dyddiadur
- 1st - St David's Day - Children can wear red for Wales
- 7th - Class Photographs
- 8th - World Book Day - Children can dress up as book characters
- 12th - Parents Evening (Juniors finish at 3pm)
- 13th - Parents Evening (Juniors finish at 3pm)
- 15th - Comic Relief Day/Non Uniform Day for Bingo Prizes and School Eisteddfod
- 19th - Friends of Minera Bingo
- 20th to 22nd - Residential Visit to Cardiff
- 22nd - School Closes for Easter Holidays
- 9th - School re-opens
- 6th - May Bank Holiday
- 24th - School Closes for Half Term
- 3rd - School re-opens
- 19th - School Closes for Summer Holidays