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Ice Fishing and Winter Watershed Ecology How can we effectively catch fish through the ice, both for sport and as a source of food, while still being mindful of the impact we have on their ecosystem?

Throughout the week, students will learn about fish behavior and habitat, principles of wildlife conservation, as well as the best techniques for catching fish. We will travel to several different local fishing areas with guides from the Squam Lakes Science Center, and we will pursue a variety of local fish species. Near the end of the week, the guides will prepare and cook some of the fish we catch and provide lunch for the group out on the ice. Students will have the opportunity to win prizes in our daily competitions, as well as learn from local guides with years of ice fishing experience.

Day 1

By Noah Stevens & Jerry Jiang "Today was a blast! We got to try some new skills and learn more about ice fishing. First, we learned how to use sonar equipment to locate fish in the water. This made it way easier to increase our chances of catching something! I (Noah) also got the chance to drill my first hole in the ice, something I’d never done before. It was cool to see how much technique goes into it. I (Jerry) caught my very first fish by myself—such an awesome moment! Me and Bruce worked together to dig a hole in the ice. We picked up some good tips on how to do it more efficiently! Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I definitely had a great time on the ice".

Day 2

White Oak Pond!

Jackson Chadwick "Tuesday, I learned that days can be very long and catching a lot of fish isn’t common on some days. I was engaged with my group and stayed very active. It was a cool to realize how that fish move throughout the day. Where they start closer to shore and move out to the center. I enjoyed the warmer weather as well. I want to remember be positive through the less active days".

Bruce Fa "Chang and I worked together and catch a big bass using a fishing trap. That was definitely the highlight of the fishing part of the day".

Quinn Churchill "Today I learned how to properly use a trap and how you must have a level of attention in order to properly use a trap and catch a fish. Not only this but I learned how bad fishing is in the afternoon and how you need to find ways to occupy yourself in order to not get too bored. I felt that today I was very engaged and stayed committed until then end trying to catch a fish. I loved being outside today especially in the morning, the clouds mixed with eh mountains paired for great photos and beautiful views. One major takeaway is how much a chair will help. The buckets are rough and not made to keep you comfortable".

Day 3

Supply & Recovery Day!

Get ready to hit the ice as we venture out to some of the best bait and tackle shops around! It’s the perfect opportunity to expand your gear collection and dive deeper into the world of ice fishing. While the Squam Lakes Science Center will provide all the essentials, this trip lets you upgrade your kit with the latest gear if you're feeling adventurous. We’ll also chat with the locals about which waters are hot right now and make plans for where to fish Thursday and Friday. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, it’s going to be a fun and informative day on the hunt for the perfect catch!

Day 4

Chang Qian "I learned that somtimes you have to accept the fact that if you are not being patient, you cannot catch any fish. I helped Josh to carry some stuff back to the car. Today, catch a single fish becomes very hard, and I'm not being very patient, after holding the rod for an hour, I start losing hope and just playing cards with my friends, and then I start fishing for another hour. After lunch, I fished for another 40 minutes but I got nothing, I think I have to be more patient next time. One takeaway is that Crappie is delicious, I never thought I would like to eat a fish taco before, but it is actually very tasty".

Day 5

Eastman Cove on Squam Lake. Target Species: Perch, Crappie, Bass

Jerry Jiang "On the last day, the result showed my improvement through out these five days for fishing. The first day I only caught 3-4 small fish, but I caught 7 fish today which makes me really happy. Overall it is an impressive experience on the ice, I learned some knowledge related to biology and ecology. We have some good time on the ice. Bagels, hotdogs, and hot coco are my favorite. I am really engaged in fishing today and hope I have some chances to do it again. I really appreciate Mr. Saunders, Mr.Bozzi, and the people who teach me how to fish".


Created with images by dkHDvideo - " Winter fishing on the lake, a man makes a hole with a drill" • 周平 小金澤 - "ワカサギ" • FedBul - "Winer ice fishing. Pike in ice-hole" • divedog - "Drift ice diving" • Nomad_Soul - "Fisherman tries on rubber jumpsuit in fishing shop"
