Introduction to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education A Guide for Postgraduate Research Students at Coventry University

Introduction to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

Introduction to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (7010CRB), or as we call it 7010, was originally offered to teaching staff new to Coventry University.

We are now offering the course to Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs) enabling them to gain a valuable teaching accreditation, Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), to support their academic careers.

Short Course Leader, Ian Upton, introduces our course and the requirements you need to apply.

7010 is a practical course. It is designed to expose you to contemporary teaching and learning theory which we then ask you to reflect on in the context of your own teaching practice.

Our course is not about teaching and learning theory. Our course is about the impact teaching and learning theory has on your teaching practice!

Eleanor talks about her experience with 7010CRB.

Roxi talks about her experience with 7010CRB.

Required Teaching Hours

Your first requirement, as a PGR student, will be to secure a minimum of ten hours of teaching at Coventry University. This must be undertaken during the run of our short course. If you are able to secure more hours, even better!

You will need to evidence you are teaching as part of your short course application. We require the Module Leader or Course Leader, responsible for the teaching you undertake, to sign your application form evidencing the Coventry University Course or Module you are supporting and the hours you will teach.

How to secure your teaching hours?

In the first instance, we recommend visiting the Doctoral and Researcher College portal pages where paid PGR teaching opportunities are advertised.

If you can’t secure your teaching hours through a paid opportunity, then you may try and secure an unpaid opportunity. Your supervisors or PGR Lead, or the Doctoral and Researcher College (, may be able to point you in the right direction. Please note, unpaid teaching is allowed for the purposes of completing 7010CRB only and should not exceed 20 hours.

Unfortunately, the course team are not in a position to support you in securing teaching hours. You will need to work through your PGR Lead, or the Doctoral and Researcher College.

Required Teaching Observation

Your next requirement is to arrange a Coventry University Management-led Teaching Observation. This is a formal observation of you taken of your teaching as you undertake the course.

Successful completion of our course will accredit you with Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). It is a condition of AdvanceHE (the accreditors) that you evidence a successful teaching practice and a formal Coventry University Management-led Observation is our agreed way of doing this.

Accessing the scheme and undertaking an observation is your responsibility and you will not be able to successfully complete our short course without it.

How to Find a Qualified Observer

We suggest you undertake the following steps to identify a qualified observer:

Ask the person responsible for your teaching, your Module or Course Leader for example, for the names of people who can formally observe you. Send them a link to this resource so they can understand the context in which this observation is being made.

If the person responsible for your teaching does not know who can formally observe you, ask them to contact their Associate Head (Student Experience) on your behalf. Associate Heads are responsible for the management-led observation scheme and will have a list of trained observers they can nominate to observe you.

You will need to evidence you have agreed on a teaching observation as part of your course application. We require you to name your observer evidencing an observation has been agreed.

Application Form

Finally, complete our short course application. Please complete all of the sections required. We can only accept fully completed forms, including signatures confirming your teaching hours and observation agreement.

We run this course in the Autumn, Winter and Summer Semesters..

Good luck!

And I hope to see you on our course!

Ian Upton.